Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Blac Chyna Wants Full Custody of Dream; Kris Jenner Laughs

Remember back when Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna were really going strong, and we all thought for sure that they’d make it?

… Oh, wait, that never happened?

Their relationship was always dramatic and unhealthy and ridiculous, and it was a miracle it lasted as long as it did?

Oh yeah, that’s right.

But while no one ever thought that Rob and Chyna would stand the test of time, we didn’t want to imagine that they’d get into some big, nasty custody battle over their three-month old baby, Dream.

Unfortunately, it looks like that’s how things are going to go down.

We heard last month that “If Rob and Chyna can’t come to an understanding on a fair custody arrangement for Dream,” then Kris Jenner would “fight tooth and nail for Rob to get full custody.”

And, well, the fight is coming.

According to a source close to Chyna who spoke with Radar, Chyna is definitely planning on going for full custody.

“Dream is her child,” the source says, “and she wants to have her all of the time. She can have supervised visits with Rob but Chyna is the main parent.”

The issue is that “She doesn’t think Rob can ever get his sh-t together,” which on one hand, is definitely fair.

But on the other hand, Rob is still her father, and it’s undeniable that he’s been pretty much living for her since she was born.

While Chyna seems to be certain that Dream belongs with her and only her, “She’s afraid of fighting Kris in court. Kris has money and power, and Chyna doesn’t think she could win against all of that.”

Also, “She really wants to do more of their show so she’s afraid that if she does too much to fight the family that she will have her money from that cut off.”

it sounds like Chyna has good reason to be afraid — a Kardashian insider is also speaking out, and if Chyna wants a custody battle, then that’s what she’s going to get.

“Kris thinks that the fact that Blac Chyna wants to go after full custody of Dream is just hilarious,” the source claims.

“She would obviously never allow that to happen. Kris’ lawyers are way too powerful!”

We’re sure that Kris has some mighty powerful lawyers, but Chyna also shouldn’t underestimate Rob, who’s made it exceedingly clear that being a father is his number one dream job these days.

He seems to enjoy being a dad even more than he enjoys making designer socks.

What we’re saying is that he won’t give up custody easily, and with Kris and his huge, famous family on his side, Chyna may not be ready for the fight that’s coming her way.

It would be some delicious drama, if it wasn’t for that sweet, innocent baby in the middle of it all.
