Showing posts with label Kept. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kept. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2018

George Lopez Rips U.S. Soccer: How Do You Like Being Kept Out?!

George Lopez just went off on Team USA soccer — blasting the team for not qualifying for the World Cup.  But it’s clear, George’s beef is less about soccer … and more about the way he feels Latinos are being mistreated in America. …


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Drake: I"m Sorry I Kept My Son a Secret!

If you’ve spent any time on social media this week, then you’ve probably caught wind of the ongoing feud between Pusha T and Drake.

Things were a bit lopsided from the start, as the beef pitted a drug kingpin-turned-rap legend against a soap star-turned-Canadian crooner, but despite his clear advantage, King Push has not gone easy on Aubrey.

It all started when Push lobbed some light jabs at Drake on “Infrared,” the final track of his latest studio album, Daytona.

In response, Drizzy dropped one of the most baffling response disses in history (At one point, he admitted that his verses are largely penned by ghostwriters.), and we’re guessing he immediately regretted it.

Push swiftly clapped back with “The Story of Adidon” a blistering takedown that quickly earned a place alongside Tupac’s “Hit ‘Em Up” and Jay Z’s “The Takeover” as one of the most scathing diss tracks in the history of hip-hop.

Line-by-line Push surgically dismantled his opponent’s career and public persona, attacking everything from his street cred to his character to his shocking use of blackface in an abandoned creative project.

But the lines that really caught the attention of hip-hop hop Twitter and the gossip blogs had to do with rumors that Drake has a secret son whom he refuses to acknowledge.

Allegations that Drake impregnated adult film actress Sophie Brussaux and pressured her into getting an abortion have been circulating for over a year.

But Push successfully changed the punctuation on that lingering question and made it a declarative statement.

Now, many believe the fact that Drake has been mum on the issue in the days since “Adidon” was released is basically a tacit confirmation that Drizzy’s a father.

However, those closest to Drake insist that while he may have gone to great lengths to keep baby Adonis hidden from the world, he is not — as Push claims — a deadbeat dad.

According to TMZ, insiders claim that Drake supported Sophie in the final weeks of her pregnancy and has continued to write her monthly checks ever since.

They offered no explanation as to why Drake doesn’t seem to have any interest in being a part of his son’s life.

Push was his usual blunt self in firing allegations of negligent parenting at Drake on “Adidon”:

“A baby’s involved, it’s deeper than rap. We talking character, let me keep with the facts,” he raps at one point.

“You are hiding a child let that boy come home. Deadbeat mother f–ker playing border patrol.”

It’s been nearly 48 hours since the track dropped, and while Drake has issued a statement about the blackface photo, he has not spoken a word about Adonis.

Obviously, there’s no clear way to score these things, but we think it’s safe to say that when you’re issuing statements instead recording response tracks, you have officially lost the battle.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Derick Dillard: Jim Bob Duggar Kept All Our TV Money!

Folks, it looks like the inevitable unraveling of the Duggar clan might finally be underway.

And like so many major events of the modern age, it started not with a bang … but with a deleted tweet.

As you may already know, Derick Dillard was fired by TLC back in November after launching a bigoted twitter tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

You would think that after all that, Derick would have learned a valuable lesson about running his mouth on social media, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.

Last week, Derick went on yet another tirade, and this time it appeared he was hell-bent on biting the hand that used to feed him.

In a series of tweets (some of which were quickly deleted), Derick attacked TLC for refusing to pay his son’s medical bills after baby Samuel spent two weeks in the NICU.

Derick’s reasoning was that since the birth was featured on Counting On, the network should have helped cover expenses.

“We even requested that they help with some of the medical expenses from the birth that they made a pretty penny on, but they refused to help cover any of those costs,” Derick tweeted.

“We could pay for it fine; I had a great job,” he continued.

“The point is, I thought that at least since they were making money off the birth special episode, they could help soften the burden a little.”

When fans pointed out that Derick and wife Jill Duggar were paid for their appearances on the show and thus were entitled to no further compensation, the former reality star dropped a bombshell that left fans stunned:

“As far as we could tell we were volunteers and hadn’t been paid anything for the show,” he wrote.

“Like I said, for the year we were paying off our son’s birth expenses, both Jill and I thought we had been volunteering our time to help out [the show].”

Volunteering?! Is Derick seriously suggesting that he and Jill weren’t compensated by producers?

And if that’s the case, was anyone in th family paid a salary?

The answers, according to Derick, are yes and yes:

“TLC should approach all adults if they expect any obligation from them, so they can evaluate their own situation,” Dillard tweeted.

“Like I said, until recently, I assumed we were just volunteering to help out in filming where it would help out.

“I knew they didn’t owe anything but I didn’t think it was unreasonable to request some expense reimbursement under the impression we volunteered all the time.”

There’s that “volunteer” word again.

Derick chose not to answer direct questions about who did receive money from the network, but he made no effort to correct fans who speculated that Jim Bob was the only one getting rich.

“[The producers] were always asking for our time, so it seemed like a lucrative trade on their part, to make all the money they did and only be requested to help cover some expense,” he reiterated at one point.

“We paid it, but it seemed like a reasonable trade to request, considering what they asked of us.”

Asked why in the hell he would agree to put his life on television for free, Derick replied:

“There is too little space and time on Twitter to explain my whole thought process over the course of the past 4+ years, but the point is, TLC should have handled all of it much differently,” he tweeted.

“Doing the right thing should be more important than taking the path of least resistance.”

In other words, “Jim Bob made me do it.”

Watch Counting On online to relive Derick’s many years of unpaid labor.


Friday, December 22, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar Due Date Is Being "Kept Private" By Family, Source Confirms

Back in August, Joy-Anna Duggar announced that she’s pregnant and ever since, fans have been regarding her claims about her conception date with serious skepticism.

According to Joy, she got pregnant just days after marrying Austin Forsyth.

When she made her announcement, the 20-year-old newlywed stated that she was roughly three months along. 

Fans cried foul and began speculating that Joy had gotten pregnant out of wedlock and was misleading the public in hopes of concealing that fact.

To the theorists’ credit, there’s an awful lot of evidence to support that claim.

Before their wedding, Joy-Anna and Austin admitted to breaking her family’s “courtship rules,” but did not go into detail with regard to the extent of their violation.

(Joy’s family is so strict that they may have broken the rules simply by holding hands for too long.)

So from the start, fans suspected Joy and Austin of defying her parents by engaging in premarital sex.

The fact that Joy sported a sizable baby bump in her announcement photo only added fuel to the fire.

In the months since, speculation has only grown, with several tabloid outlets speaking with doctors who examined photos and confirmed that Joy is further along than she claims.

Now, we’re being presented with perhaps the most compelling evidence to date that the Duggars have something to hide, thanks to  a family insider who’s confirmed to Radar Online that Joy’s due date is being kept under wraps.

“They don’t really want the due date shared,” the insider says. 

“They prefer to keep it private.”

Joy’s mother and several of her sisters and sisters-in-law have gotten pregnant in the public eye, and this is the first time that any of them has made any effort to keep their due date a secret.

Earlier this week, we learned that Joy will not reveal the gender of her baby, and many fans believe the reason is that Duggar gender reveals are typically accompanied by dated sonogram photos.

Obviously, if Joy is misleading fans about her date of conception, it would be difficult for her to post any such medical information without giving herself away.

It’s impossible to say with absolute certainty that the Duggars are being less than truthful with regard to when Joy’s pregnancy began.

But each new day seems to bring new evidence to that effect.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, November 17, 2017

Arrow Season 6 Episode 6 Recap: Promises Kept

A new villain emerged on Arrow Season 6 Episode 6 and made it clear he was intent on making some changes to the criminal underworld of Star City. 

The new addition was Kirk Acevedo who was playing DC comics villain Richard Dragon. On the CW hit, his character goes by the name of Ricardo Diaz. 

The new character had an ominous link to Diggle who was still keeping up the charade as the latest iteration of the Green Arrow. Diggle was still struggling with drugs, and it turned out his drug supplier was Ricardo. 

Diggle realized that Ricardo posed a threat to team Arrow, so he turned to his wife Lyla and told her all the details about his drug taking. 

Diggle supplied the team with Ricardo’s whereabouts and was forced to watch the drugs go up in flames. Diggle later confessed all to his team and apologized for keeping them in the dark. 

Meanwhile, Slade continued to reconnect with his son after being reunited with each other. Slade decided to join his son on a risky mission, one that Oliver opposed to. 

Slade’s son then wanted his father to attack Oliver and finally take him out of the equation, but then Slade turned the tables and sided with his former enemy. 

The newly formed duo went after Kane before he and his band of misfits could attack the water supply. Slade and Kane had to head-to-head in an emotional battle. 

Slade tried to tell his son that he was only killing because he was high on mirakuru, but the kid revealed that he witnessed Slade kill during a camping trip. 

Slade said goodbye to Oliver once again as he noted it was time for him to get some results with his children. He wanted to be a good father for once in his life. 

We also got to see some flashbacks of Slade being picked up from Lian Yu seven years before the current events. 

Slade trained with ASIS but struggled to move on from what happened to Shado. Slade then murdered the whole ASIS crew after the ghost of Shado told him to avenge her death. 

Something tells us Slade is going to find himself in some more trouble with the principal characters before long. His sons are wild. 

What did you think of all the action?

Sound off below!


Monday, July 17, 2017

Tinder Couple Who Kept a Running Joke Going for Three Years Will Finally Meet on a Dream Date!

Tinder isn"t just an app for hooking up (or finding a genuine romance, if you"re into that); people can and do make lasting friendships without ever meeting.

But this is the story of a couple of attractive young people, Josh Avsec and Michelle Arendas, whose running joke of delayed replies to each other via Tinder ended up going viral on Twitter in a big way.

You know how sometimes you"ll miss a message and reply to it a little late? Well, after one missed connection, Michelle and Josh started replying to each other, taking weeks or even months between replies in the messages that you"ll see below.

Each time, they"d make an endearing fake excuse — the sort that would explain a delay of a few hours or a day, not of a few months.

A sense of humor is a great relationship builder.

After Josh posted screencaps, the internet collectively delighted in their messages, and folks started retweeting them. That"s when the story started to blow up.

In fact, so many people passed around screencaps of their exchanges around that Tinder took notice, and opted to send the couple on a dream date — wherever they wanted. So now they"re planning a date in Hawaii.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Josh and Michelle were tweeting about sportsball and regular stuff. They had no idea that their story would have people rooting for them from all over the world.

So, you know, no pressure. …

1. This Is Josh

This is josh

He’s a good-looking guy, trying his luck on Tinder.

2. This is Michelle

This is michelle

She’s as lovely as her sense of humor.

3. These two matched on Tinder three years ago

These two matched on tinder three years ago

A Tinder match doesn’t tell you everything, but it’s a start.

4. It started with "Hey Michelle" and one very delayed reply

It started with hey michelle and one very delayed reply

We’re guessing that she saw the message later and thought that it was new.

5. Then they started running with the joke

Then they started running with the joke

It’s really heartwarming to see how the two started playing off of each other with this joke.

6. The joke became more elaborate over time

The joke became more elaborate over time

They’re such goofballs.

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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Ariel Winter: Levi Meaden"s My Boyfriend, NOT My Kept Boy!

Celebrities are sometimes going to see stories about them that just aren’t true. It goes with the territory.

But every now and then, they see a headline so outrageous or insulting that they can’t keep quiet. Ariel Winter saw one recently about boyfriend Levi Meaden and she absolutely had to speak out.

Levi is less well-known as an actor than his girlfriend, but he’s not, like, a kept boy. And Ariel is making sure that everybody knows it.

“I have a BOYFRIEND and a PERSONAL ASSISTANT who are NOT the same person. I would NEVER pay my boyfriend ANY sort of allowance, nor would he EVER accept if I offered.”

The vehement statement that Ariel Winter doesn’t pay Levi Meaden came on Instagram, in response to a Star Magazine headline.

“He BUYS his own stuff whether it’s for me for himself, and he more than pulls his weight for our life.”

Honestly, we wouldn’t be judgy about things if she were the one who always paid for dinner or whatever.

Everybody buys food for the ones they love when they can.

“I HATE fake news, but I guess that’s what our world has come to. Get your s–t straight. I don’t support anyone, and I don’t need anyone to support me. He’s got a full career (including something huge that’s new) and works hard for it.”

Fake news is bad, but not as bad as the trend since November of certain people yelling “fake news” at news stories that they don’t like instead of at total fabrications.

But Ariel’s using the term appropriately.

She finishes it off with a he’s-a-real-person-with-real-feelings line.

“He’s not just someone’s boyfriend. So if you don’t know us, don’t comment. Xoxo.”

Honestly, we feel like those sorts of rumors come from two places.

The first is just people trying to read more into a situation than there really is.

And we can all fall into that trap.

They look at Ariel Winter and Levi Meaden moving in together, they do some math, and they jump to the conclusion that Ariel is treating Levi to whatever he wants.

The other place of origin is personal fantasy.

Plenty of people would enjoy being young, beautiful, rich, and famous … and having some hot young thing at their beck and call.

It’s a thing that really happens, but usually terms like “sugar daddy” or “sugar momma” get thrown around.

So it might be easy for them to look at this couple and project their own fantasy dynamic onto the two of them.

Hell, some people would prefer to be the kept boy in that scenario, you know?

Especially with a benefactor as gorgeous as Ariel Winter.

But people need to separate fantasy from reality, or they’re going to have skewed perceptions of the world.

Another factor behind this particular rumor about Ariel and Levi?


Because, though they’re not married, of the two of them, Ariel’s definitely the one who reads as the “breadwinner.”

Some people can’t imagine a healthy relationship where the woman’s in the lead.

All that they can imagine is some sort of woman-dominated household where Levi brings Ariel her slippers or whatever.

What’s that quote about how men fear women’s equality because they fear that women in positions of power will do to them what they’ve done to women?

The news that Levi is the one who does the cooking must have sent these people through the roof, you know?

(In fairness, that caught me off guard, not because of gender roles but because they’re Millennials and I’m a Millennial and I thought “wait, our generation has time to cook?” But maybe they just have that much free time)

Most relationships are all about balance.

Levi Meaden is 10 years older than Ariel Winter.

But Ariel’s an adult, so this isn’t like when Kylie started dating Tyga by any stretch of the imagination.

Ariel’s more successful.

It looks like it all works out, because these two are clearly in love.

Honestly, our biggest takeaway from this is surprise that this particular story got under Ariel’s skin more than all of the others.

But sometimes it’s easier to brush off stories about yourself.

Water off a duck’s back and all that.

It’s another thing to listen to people insult someone you love.

Not for nothing, but we’re excited to hear that Levi Meaden’s working on something big and new.

Unlike The Expanse and The Magicians and Dark Matter, etc, Aftermath (on which Levi was a star) wasn’t one of Syfy’s success stories in their big de-rebranding.

The issue wasn’t the casting — they had a great cast, actually, including an actress from Deadpool, Wayne Brady, and Levi himself — but probably had more to do with storytelling choices and the general “feel” of the show.

So we’ll be eagerly looking forward to news of that.

And hopefully Ariel will find a way to grin and bear it when misinformation about her boyfriend and their relationship circulates.

Because that’s the kind of thing that just happens, unfortunately.


Friday, May 19, 2017

LeBron James told Ric Flair, "You Kept Me Off the Streets" (VIDEO)

LeBron James told Ric Flair his jet-flying, Rolex-wearing lifestyle inspired him as a kid to stay off the streets and become a world famous superstar. WOOOOO!!! TMZ Sports spoke with The Nature Boy about his relationship with James — he says he’s…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Charlie Murphy Kept Illness Secret from "Power" Cast and Crew

Charlie Murphy kept his battle with leukemia so private, most people who worked with him on “Power” had no idea he was sick. Production sources on the show — which stars 50 Cent — tell us they had no idea Charlie was dealing with cancer. We’re…


Charlie Murphy Kept Illness Secret from "Power" Cast and Crew

Charlie Murphy kept his battle with leukemia so private, most people who worked with him on “Power” had no idea he was sick. Production sources on the show — which stars 50 Cent — tell us they had no idea Charlie was dealing with cancer. We’re…


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Katherine Jackson Kept Under Wraps, Away from Grandkids

Katherine Jackson has been stashed away from her grandchildren since returning to Los Angeles … out of fear they’ll reprogram grandma and derail her legal battle with Trent Jackson.    Sources connected to the family tell us Michael’s…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Von Miller Sex Tape Co-Star -- I Didn"t Extort Him ... I Kept Footage for Masturbation (VIDEO)

Von Miller’s sex tape partner says the NFL star is full of crap — claiming she NEVER set him up or shook him down … and says she only kept the X-rated footage as a self-pleasuring aid. 


Von Miller Sex Tape Co-Star -- I Didn"t Extort Him ... I Kept Footage for Masturbation (VIDEO)

Von Miller’s sex tape partner says the NFL star is full of crap — claiming she NEVER set him up or shook him down … and says she only kept the X-rated footage as a self-pleasuring aid. 


Monday, October 24, 2016

Victoria"s Secret Fashion Show -- Terrorism Fears Kept Secret Secret

The 2016 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is more under wraps than the models, because show execs are extremely worried about a possible terrorist attack. Officials for the show announced Monday the event will be held next month in Paris.…


Thursday, June 23, 2016

22 Times Demi Lovato Has Kept It Real

Demi Lovato poses with no makeup.

She talks about her past drug use.

She calls out celebrities who she thinks are sending negative messages to the public.

Is there any star out there who keeps it more real? Who is more open and raw in interview and on social media?

Just consider the following examples that back up this point…

1. Demi Lovato Flips Off Heckler, Slams Bullying Paparazzi

Demi lovato gives heckler the finger

In response to a confrontation in June 2014, Lovato wondered on Twitter: “When are paparazzi gonna learn? If you’re respectful to me, I’ll be respectful back. Why does it have to be a war of celebs against paps?”

2. Demi Lovato on Selena Gomez: She Changed, We Grew Apart

Demi lovato speaks on selena gomez

Why did Demi Lovato unfollow Selena Gomez? She actually answers that question here, instead of skirting around the topic.

3. She’s Come so Far

Demi lovato facebook photos

In August of 2014. Lovato shared this collage online as a way of depicting how far she has come and how great she now feels about herself.

4. Demi Lovato Selects Motivational Speaker as Opening Tour Act

Demi lovato introduces fans to spencer west

In September 2014, Lovato did something no other artist would ever think of doing: she chose a motivational speaker as her opening act, not a singer.

5. Demi Lovato Calls Out Meghan Trainor Over Eating Disorder Joke

Demi lovato at the prudential center

It was nothing personal against Trainor, but Lovato felt like something had to be said about the singer made a joke back in November of 2014.

6. Always Honest About Rehab

Demi lovato rocks out

Click above to see what Demi had to say about a near-relapse. She has never kept her time in rehab a secret or been anything but up front over it.

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22 Times Demi Lovato Has Kept It Real

Demi Lovato poses with no makeup.

She talks about her past drug use.

She calls out celebrities who she thinks are sending negative messages to the public.

Is there any star out there who keeps it more real? Who is more open and raw in interview and on social media?

Just consider the following examples that back up this point…

1. Demi Lovato Flips Off Heckler, Slams Bullying Paparazzi

Demi lovato gives heckler the finger

In response to a confrontation in June 2014, Lovato wondered on Twitter: “When are paparazzi gonna learn? If you’re respectful to me, I’ll be respectful back. Why does it have to be a war of celebs against paps?”

2. Demi Lovato on Selena Gomez: She Changed, We Grew Apart

Demi lovato speaks on selena gomez

Why did Demi Lovato unfollow Selena Gomez? She actually answers that question here, instead of skirting around the topic.

3. She’s Come so Far

Demi lovato facebook photos

In August of 2014. Lovato shared this collage online as a way of depicting how far she has come and how great she now feels about herself.

4. Demi Lovato Selects Motivational Speaker as Opening Tour Act

Demi lovato introduces fans to spencer west

In September 2014, Lovato did something no other artist would ever think of doing: she chose a motivational speaker as her opening act, not a singer.

5. Demi Lovato Calls Out Meghan Trainor Over Eating Disorder Joke

Demi lovato at the prudential center

It was nothing personal against Trainor, but Lovato felt like something had to be said about the singer made a joke back in November of 2014.

6. Always Honest About Rehab

Demi lovato rocks out

Click above to see what Demi had to say about a near-relapse. She has never kept her time in rehab a secret or been anything but up front over it.

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

17 Celebrity Moms Who Kept Their Babies a Secret

It"s nearly impossible to keep a secret when you"re in the public eye. 

Still, these celebrity moms were able to pull it off. In fact, they"re so good at keeping a secret, they were actually able to keep the news of their own babies under wraps. For a little while, at least.

Take a look below to find out which moms were able to keep the ultimate secret from the media!

1. Alexis Bledel

Alexis bledel and vincent kartheiser

We only recently learned of the baby Alexis Bledel and Vincent Kartheiser had last fall. The couple has been pretty fantastic about keeping secrets, as they also kept their wedding ceremony under wraps in 2014.

2. Kerry Washington

Kerry washington baby bump photo

Kerry Washington was able to keep the news of giving birth to her daughter Isabelle for two weeks, mainly because everyone was so distracted by the season finale of Scandal.

3. Hilarie Burton

Hilarie burton and jeffrey dean morgan photo

Hilarie Burton and Jeffrey Dean Morgan were pros at keeping their son’s arrival a secret. Only two weeks after they even announced their relationship, they welcomed their baby boy, Gus.

4. Sandra Bullock

Sandra bullock women in film pic

Sandra Bullock finalized two separate adoptions without the media finding out right away. The first was a process she’d begun with husband Jesse James, and following their divorce, she decided to continue the process as a single mother. She adopted son Louis in 2010 and daughter Leila in 2015.

5. Adele

Adele at the grammys

Even though she attended plenty of awards shows, Adele was able to keep her pregnancy a secret for seven months. Then, after giving birth to her son, she refused to share photos or even tell his name for almost six months.

6. Ellen Pompeo

Ellen pompeo red carpet photo

Ellen Pompeo and Chris Ivery’s second daughter, Sienna May Ivery, was born with the help of a surrogate mother. They didn’t announce her arrival until two months after she was born.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

JoJo Fletcher Explains WHY THE HELL She Kept Drunken Weirdo Daniel

After watching Monday"s season premiere of The Bachelorette, fans undoubtedly engaged in some deep intellectual discourse over JoJo Fletcher"s choices.


If you watched, you know that he first awkwardly tried to recreate the popular "Damn, Daniel" meme by exclaiming, "Damn, JoJo" during their one-on-one, then made her feel dumb when she wasn"t familiar with the trend.

Then he got sloppy drunk in the house and took off all his clothes, save for a pair of barely-there bikini briefs.

And then this happened:

Okay, JoJo admits she didn"t see that part. 

But she did see him strip out of his formal wear and dive into the pool, even though it wasn"t a pool party.

He was definitely the standout freak of the evening, and that"s saying a lot given a different dude came and stayed the entire duration dressed as Santa Claus.

JoJo explained to E! News why she extended a rose to Daniel over five other suitors who didn"t make complete asses of themselves.

"Everyone"s like, "Why did you keep Daniel?!"" she started.

Yeah. Why??

"He was some comedic relief for me that night," she said. Okay, we"ll give him that.

"I was like, this guy has to be different when he"s not just hammered right now," she added. "So I just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt."

Um, alright. But here"s our guess. ABC is the party that really wanted to keep him around, because people tune in for the crazies, and maybe he"ll get naked again or play the harmonica with his butt.

With Daniel around, anything can happen.

Check out The Bachelorette spoilers to see if Daniel sticks around till the end.



Jojo fletcher on why she kept drunk canadian daniel

Friday, February 26, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Wears Waist Trainer 6 Hours a Day, Should Have Probably Kept That to Herself

As Teen Mom stars go, Kailyn Lowry is pretty sane and stable.

But sadly, it seems even otherwise level-headed humans are capable of getting caught up in the insanity of waist-training.

If you’re not familiar with waist-training, it’s an idiotic fitness trend endorsed by the Kardashians that doesn’t actually sculpt your waist into a more slender shape, but might cause damage to vital organs.

Now, Kailyn is shilling for a waist-trainer manufacturer (for an undisclosed fee, of course), and she’s either lying to her fans, or she actually buys the company’s BS claims.

“Summer body almost ready,” Lowry captioned the above photo. “Losing more inches off my waist by eating healthy & waist training w/@Colombianwaist. I wear it 4-6 hrs & it’s very comfortable.”

“I recommend it to all Moms that [are] trying to get that pre baby body back or for anyone who wants a smaller waist.”

There’s no denying that she’s is in great shape these days, but we’re guessing that has more to do with Kailyn’s extensive plastic surgery than with some torturous-looking contraption that would make Scarlett O’Hara wince. 

Something tells us not many of her fans can afford that quick-fix.

Oh, well. At least she’s bringing in some extra cash and keeping herself occupied while Javi Marroquin is overseas.