Monday, July 17, 2017

Tinder Couple Who Kept a Running Joke Going for Three Years Will Finally Meet on a Dream Date!

Tinder isn"t just an app for hooking up (or finding a genuine romance, if you"re into that); people can and do make lasting friendships without ever meeting.

But this is the story of a couple of attractive young people, Josh Avsec and Michelle Arendas, whose running joke of delayed replies to each other via Tinder ended up going viral on Twitter in a big way.

You know how sometimes you"ll miss a message and reply to it a little late? Well, after one missed connection, Michelle and Josh started replying to each other, taking weeks or even months between replies in the messages that you"ll see below.

Each time, they"d make an endearing fake excuse — the sort that would explain a delay of a few hours or a day, not of a few months.

A sense of humor is a great relationship builder.

After Josh posted screencaps, the internet collectively delighted in their messages, and folks started retweeting them. That"s when the story started to blow up.

In fact, so many people passed around screencaps of their exchanges around that Tinder took notice, and opted to send the couple on a dream date — wherever they wanted. So now they"re planning a date in Hawaii.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Josh and Michelle were tweeting about sportsball and regular stuff. They had no idea that their story would have people rooting for them from all over the world.

So, you know, no pressure. …

1. This Is Josh

This is josh

He’s a good-looking guy, trying his luck on Tinder.

2. This is Michelle

This is michelle

She’s as lovely as her sense of humor.

3. These two matched on Tinder three years ago

These two matched on tinder three years ago

A Tinder match doesn’t tell you everything, but it’s a start.

4. It started with "Hey Michelle" and one very delayed reply

It started with hey michelle and one very delayed reply

We’re guessing that she saw the message later and thought that it was new.

5. Then they started running with the joke

Then they started running with the joke

It’s really heartwarming to see how the two started playing off of each other with this joke.

6. The joke became more elaborate over time

The joke became more elaborate over time

They’re such goofballs.

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