Showing posts with label SlutShamed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SlutShamed. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Ariel Winter: Slut-Shamed by Estranged Mother for Instagram Photos!

Ariel Winter is one of the stars of Modern Family, but she"s also known for her provocative photos in bikinis and other outfits that showcase her curvy body to its full effect.

A lot of people who have no business trying to control her body try to shame her over that, but no one seems more opinionated or less justified in trying to talk about Ariel"s choices than her estranged and allegedly abusive mother, Crystal Workman.

Crystal Workman sat down for an interview where she spends as much time trying to shame her daughter from afar as she does trying to make people feel sorry for her.

Whether Ariel Winter is floating on a bikini as the world"s yummiest pizza topping or giving Levi Meaden a huge butt-shaped birthday cake, Ariel Winter is celebrating her body and making her own choices.

And she also takes the time to continue her one-woman crusade against body-shaming.

(She"s such a treasure, honestly)

Sure, some people give her a hard time for flaunting her curves.

But she"s an adult, at 19. She could post topless photos if she wanted (on Twitter, not on Instagram) and it would be fine and completely her choice.

As it is, the photos that she shares are sometimes salacious but never involve actual nudity.

And sometimes her "racy" pics are just her wearing normal clothes that become more revealing thanks to her body"s natural curves.

Regardless, this is what happens when a young woman who grew up having no choices is suddenly able to control her own image on her own terms.

A lot of the wank about "the selfie generation" and social media is just about women getting to tell their own stories, honestly.

Ariel"s story wasn"t always one of being a free adult who got to make her own choices.

Ariel was emancipated as a minor — an option that is sadly not available to everyone who grows up under those circumstances.

Ariel accuses her mother of physically abusing her, including slapping and pushing her, as well as of making a lot of cruel and controlling choices.

Recently, we"ve learned more details about Ariel Winter"s escape from her abusive childhood.

Crystal Workman thrust Ariel into the entertainment business when she was only four years old.

Ariel"s food was carefully restricted (to the point where Ariel had a tutor who would order extra food so that Ariel could sneak some).

Ariel has also described the way that her mother would have her dressed in almost absurdly skimpy outfits, even as a preteen, and attend late-night parties to mingle when she had early call times the next day.

Though Ariel is now taking classes at UCLA, her education was often neglected during her childhood, because she says that her mother put her career first.

It was, however, through one of her teachers that Ariel first reached out for help in escaping from her mother.

Ariel was successfully emancipated at 14, and her older sister was awarded custody.

Countless millions of abused children don"t have the resources or good fortune to escape.

All of this add up to why it is so absurd that Crystal Workman has the gall to try to shame Ariel over how she dresses now.

Firstly, because Crystal Workman is said to have dressed Ariel like this as a child — where now Ariel is an adult and it"s not inappropriate for her to wear short skirts or whatever else she likes.

Secondly, because Ariel accuses her mother of abuse, and abusers have no right to complain about anything.

But none of that gives Crystal Workman pause in going on Inside Edition and talking about how she hates the way that Ariel dresses, whether it"s on the red carpet or on Instagram.

"I just want to see her have respect for herself and have some class."

Self-respect doesn"t equal modesty. Modesty is a choice.

"I feel that Ariel is starving for attention. I feel this is a cry help from my child."

If Ariel Winter were "crying for help" (by having fun with her friends and taking photos), she still wouldn"t be seeking help from Crystal Workman.

"That one in particular where her leg is raised and she is holding a martini glass, all I could do was cry and feel sorry for her."

Crystal claims that she feels sorry for Ariel, but it seems clear that Crystal is trying to milk audiences for undeserved sympathy.

Inside Edition then gives you a peak at the storage unit where Crystal lived after selling her house.

"I lived in a storage space. There was no heat, no air for over a year-and-a-half."

That"s better than a prison cell, which is where a society that actually cares about child welfare would put abusers for the rest of their days.

She whines that Ariel and Ariel"s sister didn"t rush to her rescue.

"What was difficult was that my daughters knew I was living there."

There"s nothing like an awful person"s misery to put you in a good mood, you know?

But we wonder at Crystal Workman"s motives.

Clearly, this nonsense isn"t going to endear her to Ariel. Is she hoping that Ariel will get tired of getting badmouthed in the press and offer her mom some hush money?

Watch the video below and decide for yourself!








Ariel winter slut shamed by estranged mother for instagram photo

Monday, August 1, 2016

Cameron Dallas Just Slut-Shamed Jessca Alba at the Teen Choice Awards

Someone named Cameron Dallas owes Jessica Alba a major apology.

The quasi celebrity tried to make a name for himself at the 2016 Teen Choice Awards on Sunday night, accepting the surfboard for Social Media King and then trying to be all witty afterward.

Playing a quick (and random) game of “Would You Rather” backstage, Dallas was asked whose toothbrush he would prefer to use, that of Justin Timberlake or that of Jessica Alba.

He chose Justin Timberlake.

Which, you know, sure, whatever, cool, fine.

But then he gave his reasoning for this selection.

“I would honestly choose Justin Timberlake just because I don’t know where Jessica’s been,” Dallas says, just trying to make a joke, we guess.

But what kind of joke is that?!? The kind where Jessica Alba is all gross and promiscuous?!?

Not that she needs our defense in any way, shape or form, but for the record:

Alba has been married to Cash Warren since 2008. She has two kids with her husband. There has not been a single rumor of infidelity in their eight-plus years of marriage.

But whatever.

Who is Cameron Dallas to make any sort of disparaging remark about any woman’s sexual past no matter what?!?

Making this matter even worse?

Alba led a tribute at the Teen Choice Awards to the victims of gun violence across America.

So while Cameron Dallas was being a sexist fool, Jessica Alba was being an inspiring activist, as you can see below.

@camerondallas what gives you the idea that it’s okay to slut shame Jessica Alba on live tv. Your publicist will have fun with this one. – @dacissej

And the Internet took notice.

Here are a handful of reactions to Dallas’ unfunny joke:

I’m offended on behalf of Jessica Alba after hearing Cameron Dallas at the #TeenChoiceAwards #TeenChoice – @kelseyncastro

@camerondallas what gives you the idea that it’s okay to slut shame Jessica Alba on live tv. Your publicist will have fun with this one. – @dacissej

Where has @jessicaalba been, @camerondallas? Running a multi-million dollar company and raising a family. Punk. – @lindsayraedenn

Clearly aware of all the backlash he was receiving, Dallas jumped on Twitter last night and wrote the following: 

Yo it was literally a joke, I love @jessicaalba and would share a toothbrush with her till I die lol. Really thankful for the message @jessicaalba spoke tonight, that’s what we should focus on.

Yes, we know it was a joke.

And we don’t doubt you are sorry, dude.

But it was a joke rooted in sexism. That’s the entire point.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Chats With Male Friend, Gets Slut-Shamed on Instagram

Teen Mom 2 Season 7 may have officially come to an end, but that doesn’t mean fans are through scrutinizing Kailyn Lowry’s every move.

In fact, ever since she confirmed her separation from Javi Marroquin, TM2 obsessives have been combing through Lowry’s social media accounts like freakin’ Sherlock Holmes in desperate search of signs of a new relationship. 

First, the theory was that Kailyn was dating Becky Hayter, a longtime mutual friend of her and Javi’s.

Earlier today, however, sources close to Kailyn denied that she’s dating Hayter, but that hasn’t stopped the army of amateur Insta-sleuths from trying to figure out exactly is going on with Lowry’s love life.

Their latest clue popped up yesterday in the form of this seemingly innocuous photo:

Kailyn captioned the above pic:

“He can put a smile on my face no matter what! My friend since the 7th grade! I love you! @mjuneallen”

So Kailyn was FaceTiming with her friend “@mjuneallen” (His IG is private, so we don’t know his real name.), and she decided to post a screen shot on Instagram?

Seems harmless enough.

But this is the Internet, and Kailyn is a reality TV celebrity and a mom, which means every person on the planet feels qualified to criticize her every move.

If you want to ruin your day and think a little bit less of humanity, go read the comments on that photo.

We don’t recommend it.

“The only one who should put a smile on your face is ur husband,” wrote one angry fan.

Another simply called her a “slut monster.”

One would think that those commenting on Kailyn’s IG page would be huge TM2 fans, but apparently not, as shockingly few were aware that this dude has been on the show before, and he’s a longtime (platonic) friend of hers.

Not that that should really matter.

How about we just stop attacking people for what they choose to do with their love lives, even if they happen to be public figures?

Ah, we kid Internet trolls. Sadly, we know you’ll never change.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of the ups and downs of Kailyn’s relationships.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Amber Rose Opens Up About Being Slut-Shamed By Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa

Over the weekend, Amber Rose hosted a “slut walk” event in Los Angeles designed to call attention to the growing problem of women being shamed and degraded for their clothing or sexual activities.

Taking the stage to discuss the issue, Amber got personal and opened up about her own experiences with being publicly demeaned by the men in her life.

Specifically, Rose talked about comments made by Kanye West, whom she dated for several years and Wiz Khalifa – her ex-husband and the father of her child.

Kanye slammed Amber in an interview, claiming that he needed to take “30 showers” after they were through dating.

For his part, Wiz blasted Amber as a stripper and “hoe” in one of his songs shortly after they separated.

“All I ever did was love him,” Amber said about Wiz. I just loved him so much. And gave him a beautiful son, and to be told that I was nothing but a stripper — it hurt.”

Rose went on to reveal that Wiz has personally apologized for his comments, while she still hasn’t heard from Kanye.

Remarkably, Rose says that she forgives Wiz and Kanye and encourages her fans to adopt a similar attitude toward their own bullies.

That’s nice and all, but the fact that Kanye hasn’t offered an apology remains super messed up.