Showing posts with label Frenemies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frenemies. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Vicki Gunvalson Mocked for Illness by Frenemies: She"s Just Dramatic!

Why are they like this?

A number of the cast members on The Real Housewives of Orange County can be real pieces of work, and Vicki Gunvalson is no exception. But nobody deserves to be mocked for being sick.

In trying to poke fun at their frenemy for her malady, Tamra Judge, Shannon Beador, and Meghan Edmonds mostly just revealed their ignorance and insensitivity for the whole world to see. Again.

If you read our latest The Real Housewives of Orange County recap, you know that in addition to talk of forgiving Kelly and some of the usual factional talk, there was a lot of talk about health.

Well … a lot of that was about plastic surgery, but not all of it.

One small portion of the episode involved Vicki Gunvalson informing her frenemies that she was sick.

Specifically, she announced that she had Influenza B.

This announcement triggered a flurry of insults as Tamra, Shannon, and Meghan jumped at the chance to ridicule Vicki.

Tamra, of course, resents Vicki for spreading gay rumors about her husband.

Shannon Beador blamed Vicki Gunvalson for making her fat, and Vicki’s shared some nasty rumors about her marriage, as well.

Meghan Edmonds asked: “How does she know what letter it is? … She got tested because she thought it was C or A? “

A lot of rich people, particularly those who are older, have great insurance and don’t mind copays and would rather know what’s wrong with them than just suffer through it.

And, oh by the way, Vicki — like the rest of her castmates — isn’t as young as she used to be.

Illnesses can get more serious as you age.

But Meghan continued. “Like why do you get it tested? All you do is you deal with it and you get better.”

Look, that’s how most of us deal with getting sick.

(Honestly, even if I had the resources of a Real Housewife, I would still probably just stay in bed with blankets and broth)

But it’s usually considered the smart thing to:

-go to the doctor

-get tested

-get official medical advice and get medication either recommended or prescribed to suit your precise needs

Tamra Judge, who hasn’t been anything close to a friend of Vicki’s for a long, long time, keeps the criticism going.

“She’s very dramatic.”

Yes … literally all of them are, or they wouldn’t be on a Real Housewives show.

But unless there was some off-camera lamenting on Vicki’s part that this flu was going to be the end of her, her dramatic tendencies aren’t relevant.

But Meghan Edmonds continued:

“The text is going to say ‘I’m dramatic as f–k and I have to make it as bad as it can possibly sound, so I’m going to put a letter next to influenza."”

Shannon Beador does her best to “burn” Vicki under the circumstances:

“She’s not Vicki anymore. Her name is ‘victim."”

Uh … nice try, Shannon.

Look, we’re not the sort to rush to Vicki’s defense, but these three were making total asses of themselves and we’re not going to pretend that they weren’t.

Unlike Influenza A, which tends to strike during the winter months, Influenza B can infect people and cause them to develop flu symptoms throughout the year.

Most of us think of the flu as an inconvenience, but Influenza B specifically is acknowledges as a potentially fatal disease that claims lives all around the globe every single year.

And that’s despite a slower mutation rate than Influenza A (which means that Influenza B has a harder time adapting)

If you’re still wondering why, aside from idle curiosity or even just being specific, it matters that Vicki Gunvalson got Influenza B …

… Influenza B can have a particularly harsh impact on children and adolescents.

Knowing that she has Influenza B might cause her to avoid contact with children even more carefully.

And, again, knowing exactly what makes you sick shouldn’t be mocked.

It’s just useful information.

Sometimes when you reach too hard for a way to put down someone else, you just look like a fool.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Season 6 Episode 6 Recap: Frenemies

Joseline Hernandez is putting the past behind her. 

That appeared to be one of the biggest takeaways from Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Season 6 Episode 6.

We picked things up with Joseline as she made her way to the video shoot for “Baby Daddy.” Things quickly descended into chaos as Joseline realized Jessica Dime was the only one who showed up. 

This seemed like the perfect time to bury the hatchet, and both women seemed to think so. 

“We need to talk about some things,” Jessica reveals. 

Joseline was happy to open up to her former friend about the state of her relationship with Stevie J and boy, is she done with him. 

“Stevie is my baby daddy, but we’re done.”

That couple is never really done. They always claim they are, but they always wind up back together, so it would be somewhat surprising if their latest argument signaled the end of their relationship. 

Elsewhere, Stevie J finally paid off all of the child support he owed for his brood and bought a new home with what was left. Well, the first part is definitely a lie. 

He does have a new home, but we don’t know whether he’s coughed up for all the children he has created. Sade and Savannah were shocked to learn about the DNA test. 

“I have to take a DNA test and if this new baby is mine Joseline may be living here as well,” he revealed.

Stevie tells them “Ya’ll are going to have to respect any female that I bring into the crib.” 

The girls have never really liked Joseline because of the way she acts. It was explored on Leave It To Stevie that she said hurtful comments to them. 

Savannah then pushed Stevie to make things right with Dorian, who was still on the outs with his father. The father-son finally put their feud aside. 

“I can’t believe so much time passed since I’ve chilled with my dad,” Dorian reveals in a heartfelt tone. “It’s time to be a family again,” he continued. 

While all of that was going down, Moriah Lee continued her opportunistic ways to get her club off the ground. She presented Shooter Gates with a shocking ultimatum. 

“I need you to break me off some real money so that I can get my business off the ground. If you don’t, I am going to tell Sierra about our little arrangement.”

Shooter was not impressed with being put on the spot and blackmailed. 

“You need to go to the bank because I don’t have any. You can tell the secret if you want to.” What will she do after learning about Shooter’s dire financial situation?

We need to know!

Joc hired Treasure Price as his new intern at the radio station, but she wanted to speak about personal things. 

“I was at the strip club the other day, and Tommie [Lee] tells me that you and her are dating,” she reveals.

Joc did not seem to give a damn about Karlie Redd when he was put on the spot and had the best reply. 

“Whatever I’m doing is what I’m doing. My personal business is my business, and I am not married to nobody.”

“I think I need to tell Sina Bina about Karlie and Tommie because she is my girl,” Treasure barked back. 

Finally, Joc met up with Sina and confirmed that he could be the father to Jasmine’s baby because he hooked up with someone who looked just like her. 

Sina, however, revealed that she was dating Rodney Bullock. This did not sit well with Joc, who felt liked he had been used. 

Wait… there was one last shocking scene: Lovely Mimi dropped the bomb that Moriah was sleeping with Sierra’s husband. 


That’s a wrap. 

What will happen next week?


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 3 Recap: Making Frenemies

Last night on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 3, Brandi must handle the fallout from her strip-club antics.

Meanwhile, a startling revelation is made about Mark …

The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 3 kicked off with a “girls night out” featuring Stephanie Hollman and Brandi Redmond.

Quoth Brandi of her best female friend, giving her the ultimate compliment: “If Stephanie was a lesbian, I would definitely marry her.”

Oh so very sweet. Of the thrice-married Cary Deuber, Brandi added, “The thought of three husbands makes me want to be a lesbian.”

If you watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online, you know that such comments are par for the course for this Cowboys cheerleader.

Naturally, Stephanie suggested they head to a male strip club, where Brandi got onstage to show one of the male dancers how it’s done.

The strip club announcer was impressed, giving props to Brandi over the mic, “If you’re on stage any longer, we’re gonna give you a job.”

Meanwhile, Tiffany Hendra went to LeeAnne Locken’s house for some day drinking, where they discussed Brandi’s poop hat and more.

“I feel sorry for her daughters ‘cause I don’t know how those girls are gonna grow up. Won’t be with class,” Tiffany opined, incredulously.

Later on, Brandi revealed to Stephanie that her husband was not too pleased with her conduct during the strip-club night. Big surprise.

Brandi said, “We used to party all the time, and now he gets upset when I do.” Some guys just can’t handle having a wild child for a wife!

Stephanie insisted that her BFF didn’t do anything wrong, adding, “Guys don’t understand that girls’ versus guys’ strip clubs are so different.”

“It’s like ‘NSync taking their clothes off and dancing.”

If only. After a particularly intense argument with her husband, Brandi said, fighting back tears, “I don’t know what happened to us.” 

“We were high school sweethearts, and now I feel like I don’t even know him. It hurts to feel like you are giving someone all of you.”

“Then you don’t feel it in return.”

We can only imagine.