Showing posts with label Tampon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tampon. Show all posts

Friday, June 29, 2018

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney Slams Republicans for Banning Tampon Purchases

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney is furious the powers that be notified him his office was NOT allowed to buy tampons for his staffers … and he’s blaming a bunch of Republican geezers he says are out of touch with reality.  We got the…


Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney Slams Republicans for Banning Tampon Purchases

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney is furious the powers that be notified him his office was NOT allowed to buy tampons for his staffers … and he’s blaming a bunch of Republican geezers he says are out of touch with reality.  We got the…


Monday, June 20, 2016

The Real Housewives of Dallas Reunion Recap: You Need a Tampon?

On The Real Housewives of Dallas reunion, the gang got back together for a special episode full of insults, gossip and fecal references.

Sunday’s reunion, technically The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 1 Episode 11, beban with a reveal that was nothing short of shocking:

Brandi Redmond’s daughters were kicked out of their Catholic school after the season, and the former NFL cheerleader is the reason.

“They did not think my behavior… was a good representation of the school,” the cast member told Andy Cohen, who hosted as always.

Her nickname for wine, Jesus Juice, maybe have been a factor.

An even bigger moment you’ll see when you watch The Real Housewives of Dallas online is when Cary Deuber’s husband, Mark, appeared.

Addressing LeeAnne Locken’s allegation that the duo’s relationship began as an affair, Cary immediately started crying as she explained:

“I would never go after a married man, and for someone to say that about me is so hurtful … I have children and he has children.”

“I don’t like them hearing negative things like that.”

LeeAnne insisted she was simply repeating what she had been hearing for years, a classic tactic/defense from Housewives nationwide.

Mark’s obvious response: “Why did you say it?”

She scoffed and asked if he needed a tampon.

Oh yes, this really happened. Kind of unreal.

Eventually, LeeAnne had no choice but to say, “I apologize for going on camera and repeating something that I didn’t have the facts on.”

As for Brandi Redmond’s marital problems, she admitted to Andy that being on the Bravo show caused a rift in their marriage and said:

“It wasn’t something that he signed up for. It hurt him. He just said that he was disappointed. He said that he wanted a divorce.”

Fortunately, the couple is now in a much better place, having turned things around in a big, big way: “We renewed our vows in September.”

When LeeAnne’s ex-friend Marie Reyes showed up, however, things went south, as Tiffany Hendra refused to make eye contact with her.

“We are not friends anymore,” Marie said, adding that she’s even gone so far as to take out a freaking restraining order against LeeAnne.

Tiffany then fired back, hilariously alleging regarding Marie, “She’s paying thousands of dollars to have a social media team destroy us.”

Marie unapologetically confirmed it, too. Wow.

As for the million-dollar question of this season – whether LeeAnne really s–t in a bag? “Actually, no. I’m not that talented,” she laughed.

“I pooped in a basket.” 
