Showing posts with label Aghdam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aghdam. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2018

YouTube Shooter Nasim Aghdam Body Cam Footage, Cops Ask If She Wants to Hurt Anyone

The YouTube shooter told cops she wasn’t planning to hurt anyone hours before she continued her trip to carry out the attack … according to new police body cam footage. Nasim Aghdam’s seen calmly talking to Mountain View, CA cops in the early…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

YouTube Shooter Nasim Aghdam Made Contact with Police Hours Before Shooting

The YouTube shooter had a run-in with cops just hours before she opened fire at the media company’s headquarters — but they apparently thought nothing was amiss. Nasim Aghdam’s father, Ismail Aghdam, says he and his family had reported his…


Nasim Aghdam: YouTube Shooter Identified as Disgruntled Vlogger

On Tuesday afternoon a shooting at the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, California left four employees badly injured.

The shooter has now been identified as 39-year-old Nasim Aghdam, a YouTube user who felt she had been unfairly discriminated aganst by the company.

Aghdam is believed to have taken her own life after the shooting.

A self-described “vegan activist” whose videos often contained radical views about the treatment of animals by the meat industry, Aghdam felt she was being silenced by the company due to her political views.

“I’m being discriminated against on YouTube, and I’m not the only one,” Aghdam says in a video discovered by TMZ today.

“If you got and check my videos, you’ll see that my new videos hardly get viewed. And my old videos that used to get views have stopped getting views.”

“This is what they are doing to vegan activists, and many other people who try to promote healthy human and smart living,” Aghdam alleged.

“People like me are not good for big businesses, like for animal business, for medicine business and for many other businesses. That’s why they are censoring us.”

Aghdam captioned one of her most recent videos with a written tirade condemning the company’s practices:

“There is no free speech in real world & you will be suppressed for telling the truth that is not supported by the system,” she wrote.

“Videos of targeted users are filtered [and] merely relegated, so that people can hardly see their videos!”

She added:

“There is no equal growth opportunity on YOUTUBE or any other video sharing site, your channel will grow if they want to!!!!!”

Aghdam was particularly irritated by the revelation that an exercise video of hers had been flagged for age-inappropriate content.

She likened the clip to music videos by Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus that had not been flagged despite what she claimed was far more risqué content.

As for reports that Aghdam knew one of the victims, police say they are still gathering information.

“We know very, very little right now, and we probably won’t know more until tomorrow morning,” says a police spokesperson.

One witness claims that Aghdam could be heard shouting “‘Come at me, or come get me!"” during the rampage.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


YouTube Shooter Nasim Aghdam Claimed Platform Discriminated Against Her

The woman who shot 3 people at YouTube and took her own life was a disgruntled user of the social platform who claimed the company censored and discriminated against her. Nasim Aghdam was identified as Tuesday’s shooter. Aghdam was an avid YouTube…
