Showing posts with label Shakur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shakur. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

TMZ Live: Tupac Shakur: X-Rated Photo For Sale

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kim Kardashian: Perfume Disaster  Linkin Park Singer Autopsy L.A. Wildfire Threatens Celeb Homes Naya Rivera Files For Divorce Again


Monday, September 25, 2017

Tupac Shakur Killer: Finally Identified In New Documentary?

It’s been 21 years since Tupac Shakur was gunned down in Las Vegas.

The hip hop icon was just 25 years old when he was killed.

Tupac’s death remains a subject of fascination for many, not only because such a tremendous talent was struck down in his prime, but also because of the mysterious circumstances surrounding his murder.

On Sunday night, Fox aired a two-hour documentary entitled Who Shot Biggie & Tupac? and despite the lurid title, the special featured real insights and evidence from those familiar with the cases.

In fact, two police officers with intimate knowledge of the details of the murder offered what they say is the decisive answer to the question of who shot Shakur.

Officers Tim Bennan and Robert Ladd were both employed by the Compton Police Department at the time of Shakur’s murder.

Since the shooting took place in Las Vegas, they were not directly involved with the investigation, but the officers did coordinate with detectives who worked on the case.

Bennan and Ladd say they pointed the investigation in the direction of a man who they still believe is the culprit.

“We believe Orlando Anderson was the one who did it,” Ladd told journalist Soledad O’Brien on last night’s show.

Anderson had been on the LAPD’s radar from the time he attempted to shoot someone as part of a Crips gang initiation when he was just 15.

At the time of Shakur’s death, Anderson was already under investigation for his alleged involvement in a different murder.

Ladd and Bennan say that despite all the theories about elaborate conspiracies surrounding Tupac’s death (many believe jailed former music mogul Suge Knight ordered Shakur’s murder), the motive was no more complex than an old beef amongst gang members.

“They had all these other theories going on, but it was a really simple gang one-on-one to Tim and I,” Ladd says of the investigating officers.

Anderson certainly had motive–he was a member of a rival gang and had once suffered a savage beating at the hands of Shakur’s security team–and Bennan and Ladd say they were able to trace the murder weapon back to him.

Bennan says he found the .40 calibre handgun that was used to murder Shakur in a Compton evidence locker.

A tag stated that it was found at a gang member’s girlfriend’s house.

Officers later learned that that gang member had also been murdered in Las Vegas around the time of Shakur’s death.

Vegas police chose not to pursue the lead, and as a result, Bennan and Ladd say, they allowed a killer to go free.

Anderson was murdered in a dispute over drug money in 1998, which means Bennan and Ladd’s theory will likely remain unproven.

And hopeful fans will continue to theorize that Tupac is still alive somewhere.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Tupac Shakur Knew Who Killed Him According to New "Snapped" Documentary

Tupac Shakur knew who killed him but his murder remains unsolved because the Las Vegas PD never wanted to solve it … according to a new 2Pac special, and TMZ has the exclusive first clip. Pac’s getting his own ‘Snapped: Notorious’…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Madonna Files Emergency Order to Stop Tupac Shakur Letter Auction

Madonna isn’t gonna sit back and watch her jailhouse letter from Tupac get sold in an auction … because she says it was jacked from her home. Madge filed an emergency court order Tuesday in NYC to block the website…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tupac Shakur Letter to Madonna: I Broke Up With You Because ...

We’ve heard Tupac’s last words, but a jailhouse letter that Tupac wrote to Madonna is shedding new light on the one-time power couple’s former relationship and their breakup.

Tupac lost his life after he was gunned down in a drive-by shooting in 1996, but his music and his legend have endured in a very powerful way.

Included in the letter is Tupac plainly stating the exact reason for which he broke up with Madonna.

This is hardly the first time that Tupac’s memory has been “celebrated” in a controversial manner.

We all remember the Tupac hologram that played at Coachella back in 2012.

Auctioning the very personal letters of a dead man is a complicated thing.

On the one hand, it doesn’t get much more private than a “this is why I can’t be with you” letter, right?

On the other hand, though, Tupac had zero legal expectation of privacy.

(Prison letters aren’t private, folks)

And glimpses into the life of a man taken before his time can be profoundly meaningful to fans.

The letter itself would have to be amazingly valuable to a collector, since the bidding is starting at $ 100,000.

(Tupac’s last letter sold for more than $ 170,000)

But its value to fans and collectors might be very different from what it meant to Madonna.

Because Tupac broke up with Madonna because she was white, and he explains his exact reasoning:

“For you to be seen with a black man wouldn’t in any way jeopardize your career, if anything it would make you seem that much more open and exciting.”

He is, perhaps, showing a more optimistic view of the world than the world deserves.

Racists exist even in the most ostensibly accepting groups, and that includes among the fans of musicians.

(Remember that some white porn actresses are hesitant to film scenes with black men because some studios will use that as an excuse to pay them less. The world is gross.)

And while there are for sure some people who’d really give bonus points (especially back then) to a white woman who’s dating a black man, there’d be others who are “fine in theory” with black men but don’t like interracial dating.

(Because they’re racist)

“But for me at least in my previous perception I felt due to my ‘image’ I would be letting down half of the people who made me what I thought I was.”

That is so complicated, but it’s kind of true.

You know how racism and sexism are both terrible? Well, those two issues intersect for black women, who are impacted by both, which causes society to devalue them in the grossest ways.

In response to some black men who sing the praises of dating white women (these days, it’s guys who “want to find themselves a Kylie Jenner”), there are some black women who are resentful when famous black men have white wives.

People in real life just fall in and out of love and either do or do not date, but it’s easy to see how a pattern like that could look like men like Tupac think that they’re “trading up.”

Like we said … it’s all very complicated.

Tupac must have worried that many of his fans who were black women would see his dating Madonna as a betrayal.

But clearly Tupac was aware of the effect of choosing his fans over Madonna.

“I never meant to hurt you.”

Madonna has spoken about Tupac before, so some would see this letter as another opportunity for Tupac’s own voice to be heard.

The rest of the letter is all directed at Madonna, though we can’t see all of it.

We guess that blurring some parts of it makes sense.

It’s going to be auctioned — seeing the full text would lower its value for prospective buyers, you know?

But we do see Tupac talk about how Madonna had hurt his feelings after their breakup.

He also cautions her that not everyone is as nice as they seem, which is pretty good advice for anyone.

And it is a prison letter, so he invites her to visit him so that they can talk face-to-face.

The auction starts in a couple of weeks.

Most people, obviously, can’t spend a small house to buy a letter, no matter who wrote it.

Those of us who hope to know the letter’s full contents will just hope that Martin Shkreli doesn’t buy it to keep it all for himself.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Tupac Shakur: New Details Emerge About Suge Knight"s Involvement in Rapper"s Murder

It’s been almost 21 years since Tupac Shakur was gunned down in front of hundreds of witnesses following a Mike Tyson fight in Las Vegas.

Astonishingly, to this day, no arrests have been made, and fans are forced to rely on increasingly bizarre Internet conspiracy theories    to get an idea of who might have pulled the trigger that fateful day in 1996.

This weekend, a very poorly received biopic about the legendary rapper will hit theaters, and it seems the studio responsible for the film is participating in one of the most cynical marketing campaigns of all time.

This morning, several media outlets are claiming to have new information regarding Tupac’s murder, all of it coming from an “LAPD insider” who chose to remain silent for two decades for reasons that remain unclear.

We’re not questioning the accuracy of the source’s information, but the timing of its release seems more than a little suspicious.

In interviews, the insider confirms a key piece of information that was already widely assumed by fans:

Tupac was heavily indebted to Death Row Records mogul Suge Knight for reasons that went well beyond the music world:

“[Shakur] wanted to get out of jail and he basically signed his life away to Suge [Knight]. He didn’t want to do it, but when he does that they own him,” the source explains,

He adds that Tupac “immediately [became] enemies with the Crips” due to Suge’s association with LA gang Mob Piru, which was “built off of Death Row.”

Rumors about Suge’s involvement in the rapper’s death have been circulating for decades, with some going so far as to accuse Suge’s wife, Sharitha Golden, of murdering Tupac personally.

These days Suge is locked up in connection with a different violent death, and while he may spend the rest of his life behind bars, he’ll almost certainly never be forced to answer for his possible involvement in Shakur’s death.

But the LAPD source tells In Touch that while he believes it was Tupac’s involvement with Suge that got him killed, he does not believe Knight was personally responsible.

Instead, the source says, Tupac’s murder stemmed from a confrontation earlier in the day between Suge’s people and a prominent member of the LA Crips named Orlando Anderson.

“It was simple retaliation: you mess with one of ours, we will mess with one of yours. If Orlando had never been jumped in the hotel, they never would have killed Tupac that night.”

So it’s possible that for all the conspiracy theories, Shakur’s death was simply the result of retaliation by a humiliated gang member.

In a way, the randomness of it all makes the loss of such a beautiful soul and tremendous talent even more tragic.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tupac Shakur Arrested LAST MONTH in L.A. and That"s NOT a Typo (PHOTO)

Tupac Shakur was arrested for felony assault with a deadly weapon just last month in a case that’s downright bizarre … for obvious reasons. Conspiracy theorists should probably sit down, but yes … cops booked a 45-year-old man named Tupac…


Tupac Shakur Arrested LAST MONTH in L.A. and That"s NOT a Typo (PHOTO)

Tupac Shakur was arrested for felony assault with a deadly weapon just last month in a case that’s downright bizarre … for obvious reasons. Conspiracy theorists should probably sit down, but yes … cops booked a 45-year-old man named Tupac…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tupac Shakur to Be Immortalized As 1,000 lb. Bronze Statue (PHOTOS)

Tupac fans will have a brand new place to pay their respects when a bigger than life, $ 500,000 statue of him is erected in Georgia.  Jim Burnett owns the amphitheater formerly known as the Tupac Amaru Shakur Center for the Arts, and tells…


Monday, April 3, 2017

Tupac Shakur Memorabilia Auction Still A Go Despite Lawsuit Threats by Estate (PHOTO GALLERY)

A Brooklyn auction house isn’t backing down from selling Tupac Shakur’s most prized possessions, despite a couple of aggressive lawsuits from the estate of his late mother, Afeni. Black Heritage Auction is selling 2Pac’s handwritten lyrics…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tupac Shakur Lawsuits Over Passport, Handwritten Song Lyrics

Tupac Shakur is about to get posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which makes his personal stuff more valuable than ever … and all that attention has triggered several new lawsuits. The estate of Afeni Shakur, Tupac’s mom, is…


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Tupac Shakur Hall of Fame Induction Locks In Snoop Dogg, Likely Dr. Dre

Tupac Shakur’s induction into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame next month will be a mini Death Row Records reunion because Snoop Dogg’s leading the tribute, and Dr. Dre’s in talks to join him. We’re told Snoop jumped at the chance to lead a group…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Tupac Shakur Was Crazy for ... (VIDEO)

Tupac had a habit he just couldn’t kick, and we can’t blame him! Young Noble – a member of ‘Pac’s group Outlawz, and we asked him to drop one secret about Makaveli people don’t know yet. We don’t know if this tasty factoid will be in “All…


Monday, August 29, 2016

Tupac Shakur: Alive!? New Selfie Sparks Rumors

Rumors that the late (or not!) Tupac Shakur may actually be alive have surfaced once again thanks to a new image purportedly of the rapper.

A YouTube video claiming that the music legend is among the living – and citing a selfie for proof – has taken the Internet by storm, again.

Yes … a Tupac selfie.

“Did you saw (sic) this – it is Tupac guys 100 per cent same eyebrows and lips,” says the video sleuth, who is not a native English speaker.

Is it, though?

We"re approaching the 20-year anniversary of Tupac"s (alleged!) death, officially an unsolved murder on the night of September 7, 1996.

Shrouded in mystery and buoyed by controversy, many fans have long maintained that he did not actually pass away at 25 years of age.

An unsolved case does not mean Tupac is alive, however, no matter how much people want to believe he didn"t perish in Vegas that night.

Yes, we realize Suge Knight has said he lives on numerous occasions … as did the police officer who said Shakur faked his own death

But still.

People really love a good conspiracy theory, and the deaths of both "Pac and Biggie (a.k.a. Notorious B.I.G.) are prime fodder for that.

Trying to get your head around the idea that they could survive two decades in secret in this technology-driven age is tough, though.

“I know everyone wants him to come back but he is dead,” one person wrote. “Anybody who claims this guy is still alive is a …idiot."

“You can’t hide in todays electronic day and age," said another 2Pac skeptic, so "stop drinking the conspiracy kool-aid you half-wits (sic).”

Fair points, but let"s be honest, the "evidence" is at least somewhat compelling. Right? Check out the video below and tell us in the comments:

What do you think? Is Tupac alive?

Tupac shakur alive new photo sparks rumors

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Afeni Shakur Dies; Mother of Rapper Tupac Was 69

Afeni Shakur, the mother of the late rapper Tupac Shakur has passed away at the age of 69.

According to TMZ the Marin County Sheriff’s Department responded to a cardiac arrest call at Shakur’s Sausalito, California home late last night.

She was transported to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced dead less than an hour later.

No official cause of death has been reported, but it is believed that Shakur died from a heart attack.

Though best known as the mother of one of the hip hop world’s most iconic rappers and the subject of his most touching song, Shakur was a noted activist and philanthropist who worked tirelessly to improve the conditions of the urban poor until her final days.

After a troubled childhood, during which she witnessed her father abusing her mother and fell into hard drug use, Shakur joined the emerging Black Panther movement in 1964 after meeting an associate of Malcolm X.

“They took my rage and channeled it,” she later said about her time with the Panthers. 

“They educated my mind and gave me direction.”

Shakur and several other Panthers were arrested in 1969 on charges of conspiracy to bomb several police stations and department stores.

She was released on bail – during which time she conceived Tupac – but was shortly thereafter returned to jail to await trial.

Despite the objections of her codefendants, Shakur chose to represent herself in the now-famous Panther 21 trial.

To the surprise of many who watched the proceedings closely, Shakur conducted herself like a seasoned defense attorney, and her fierce intellect helped her to win her freedom in 1971.

Though she fell into the grips of crack cocaine addiction in the early 1980s, Afeni said she always put her children’s needs ahead of her own.

In 1984, she relocated her family to Baltimore.

There, she enrolled Tupac in the performing arts school where he would discover his love for music and acting.

Following Tupac’s tragic death in 1996 she set up the Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation, which continues to provide art education for at-risk young people.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tupac Shakur Faked Death, is Still Alive, Cop Claims in Deathbed Confession!

Tupac Shakur faked his death and is quite possibly alive to this day … says a retired police officer who claims he helped facilitate this ruse!

And got paid handsomely for it, no less!

Fan-spun conspiracy theories about the unsolved murder (or was it?!) of the rapper have been an Internet staple for nearly two decades.

Some claim that he was slain by the LAPD, or that the LAPD knows who took out the rapper in Las Vegas but is covering up the truth.

Others insist that he is not dead at all.

Count retired police officer David Meyers among those in that camp, but unlike ‘Pac fans, he cites first-hand knowledge (or so he claims):

He helped Shakur fake his death!

In his own deathbed confession, Meyers revealed that he was paid $ 1.5 million for his part in the coverup of what happened that night.

“The world needs to know what I did. I’m ashamed that I let a price be put on my word and I cannot die without letting the world know.”

He was far from alone, however.

In all, Meyers claims that over 30 people were involved in the coverup, including Suge Knight … who also has said that Tupac is alive.

Among the details the former officer provides is that Shakur, allegedly, paid $ 50,000 for a Tupac look-alike to be taken to the morgue.

This is certainly to have fans frothing, given the number of Tupac sightings over the years (and we don’t mean the Tupac hologram).

Well? What do you think of all this?

Do you believe it, or is it just more fuel to the fire? All we can say for sure is that this may be our favorite piece of 2Pac lore so far.

That’s saying something, too, because we’ve also heard about Tupac’s last words … or maybe they were the body double’s?