Showing posts with label Snapped. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snapped. Show all posts

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Tupac Shakur Knew Who Killed Him According to New "Snapped" Documentary

Tupac Shakur knew who killed him but his murder remains unsolved because the Las Vegas PD never wanted to solve it … according to a new 2Pac special, and TMZ has the exclusive first clip. Pac’s getting his own ‘Snapped: Notorious’…


Monday, June 19, 2017

"Wife Swap" Son Accused of Killing Mom and Brother Snapped from Strict Home Life, Claims "Other Mom"

The Stockdales, the “Wife Swap” family now at the center of a double murder investigation, were headed for trouble years ago due to their parenting style … according to the woman who swapped with them. Laurie Tonkovic recalled a specific…


Friday, April 1, 2016

Kylie Jenner Explains Why She Snapped at Young Fans: "It"s SCARY!"

Earlier today, a video showing Kylie Jenner snapping at adoring young fans outside a restaurant went viral, and the internet went HAM.

Critics pegged the lip kit maven as a entitled, ungrateful princess who handled the situation too aggressively.

To explain her side of the story, Kylie did a little impromptu Q&A on Twitter to address fan concerns.

This is how the Twitversations went:

@kyliesgoddess: “That kid was annoying. I don’t blame you for saying what you did.”

Kylie: “She wasn’t annoying. She came in the restaurant after and I had a talk with her and we took photos.”

@_eemilyyy_: “What she say?”

Kylie: “She just apologized for grabbing on to me so hard… & said she was a big fan and we embraced & took pics”

@agbkam: “What did you say to her?”

Kylie: “I just said u can’t be doing that. It’s scary when I can’t see & have no Secuirty [sic] already.”

See what she did there? She was able to retweet a fan who called the kid annoying without actually having to say it herself. Nice little Jedi-PR mind trick.

This wasn’t the first time Kylie was accused of being rude to fans.

Earlier this month, she reportedly arrived an hour late to a scheduled appearance at the Sugar Factory in Orlando, then stayed just five minutes, disappointing more than 3,000 fans – many of whom paid $ 150 for a reservation.

Nevertheless, it’s nice to know the tween girls Kylie reprimanded (who probably did go too far) were able to get their selfies and a hug from the reality show star.

We just hope Kylie remembers to be grateful for her fans, without whom she wouldn’t enjoy all the privileges most folks only dream of.