Friday, April 1, 2016

Kylie Jenner Explains Why She Snapped at Young Fans: "It"s SCARY!"

Earlier today, a video showing Kylie Jenner snapping at adoring young fans outside a restaurant went viral, and the internet went HAM.

Critics pegged the lip kit maven as a entitled, ungrateful princess who handled the situation too aggressively.

To explain her side of the story, Kylie did a little impromptu Q&A on Twitter to address fan concerns.

This is how the Twitversations went:

@kyliesgoddess: “That kid was annoying. I don’t blame you for saying what you did.”

Kylie: “She wasn’t annoying. She came in the restaurant after and I had a talk with her and we took photos.”

@_eemilyyy_: “What she say?”

Kylie: “She just apologized for grabbing on to me so hard… & said she was a big fan and we embraced & took pics”

@agbkam: “What did you say to her?”

Kylie: “I just said u can’t be doing that. It’s scary when I can’t see & have no Secuirty [sic] already.”

See what she did there? She was able to retweet a fan who called the kid annoying without actually having to say it herself. Nice little Jedi-PR mind trick.

This wasn’t the first time Kylie was accused of being rude to fans.

Earlier this month, she reportedly arrived an hour late to a scheduled appearance at the Sugar Factory in Orlando, then stayed just five minutes, disappointing more than 3,000 fans – many of whom paid $ 150 for a reservation.

Nevertheless, it’s nice to know the tween girls Kylie reprimanded (who probably did go too far) were able to get their selfies and a hug from the reality show star.

We just hope Kylie remembers to be grateful for her fans, without whom she wouldn’t enjoy all the privileges most folks only dream of.