Showing posts with label Passport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passport. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Boris Becker Busted with Fake Diplomatic Passport, Officials Say

Boris Becker — the broke ass former tennis star — claims to have a diplomatic passport from the Central African Republic that gives him immunity in his bankruptcy case in the UK. There’s just one problem — IT’S FAKE … at least, according to the…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

We"ve Found the Ugliest Passport Photo Ever Taken

Almost no one likes his or her passport photo.

Almost everyone thinks this image is especially ugly or, at the very least, unflattering.

But we can"t really say anything negative ever again about our portraits, not after Chelsey Ramos applied for a passport because she was planning a trip to Germany with her boyfriend….

… and, as you"re about to discover below, she was then sent the most skewed picture in the history of these important documents.

1. She’s Cute, Right?

Shes cute right

We’re not trying to be judgmental in any way, shape or form. We’re just saying: This isn’t the face of someone you’d expect to go viral for having an ugly photo.

2. This Was Chelsey’s Original Passport Photo

This was chelseys original passport photo

Again… pretty, right? Normal? Nothing to get passed around the Internet or anything.

3. And This Was the Version She Got Send in the Mail

And this was the version she got send in the mail

It looks a bit different, doesn’t it? Also: YIKES!!!!!!

4. A Side-By-Side Comparison

A side by side comparison

Shared by Chelsey’s boyfriend on Reddit for all to enjoy.

5. Reddit Reacts

Reddit reacts

Because how could it not, right?

6. And Reacts Some More

And reacts some more

It was all in good fun. Chelsey says she gave her boyfriend permission to share the snapshot.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tupac Shakur Lawsuits Over Passport, Handwritten Song Lyrics

Tupac Shakur is about to get posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which makes his personal stuff more valuable than ever … and all that attention has triggered several new lawsuits. The estate of Afeni Shakur, Tupac’s mom, is…


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Prince Rocks Winged Eyeliner Better Than You in Passport Photo

Most women who have attempted winged eyeliner know that no matter how steady your hand, nine times out of 10 you wind up looking like Alice Cooper in a windstorm.

But Prince rocks the look like a friggin’ boss – in his passport photo, no less.

The Purple Rain singer posted this shot of himself to Twitter, also writing “PRINCE ROGERS NELSON::PASSPORT PICTURE 2/11/16.”

It’s so perfect you’d think the man has been taking lessons from the queen of winged eyeliner herself, Adele.

The artist also sports a perfectly coiffed afro, finely-groomed eyebrows and flawless skin.

You gotta hand it to the guy for bringing the glam, even in his passport pic.

We’re also happy to report that Prince seems to have really gotten the hang of Twitter.

When he first joined a couple years ago, he posted his first “selfie,”  although the photo featured nothing but some smoke.

Prince is currently on tour in Australia performing with nothing but a piano and a microphone.

During his first show in Melbourne, Prince dedicated a performance of his hit song “Little Red Corvette” to Vanity, his former girlfriend who died earlier this week

“Her and I used to love each other deeply,” he said of his former flame, whose real name was Denise Matthews. “She loved me for the artist I was, I loved her for the artist she was trying to be. She and I would fight. She was very headstrong cos she knew she was the finest woman in the world. She never missed an opportunity to tell you that.”

He continued to sharing more memories of her and added, “I probably shouldn’t be telling this story, but she’d want us to celebrate her life and not mourn her.”

Vanity was 57.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Mos Def: ARRESTED in South Africa for Using a "World Passport"

The rapper formerly known as Mos Def was arrested in South Africa after trying to leave the country on a “world passport.”

Unfortunately for Mos, who now goes by Yasiin Bey, this world passport thing was not recognized by authorities.

As a result of these actions, Bey is now banned from South Africa for five years and has two weeks to leave the country.

However, a spokesman for Bey told OkayAfrica that the world passport is a legitimate document and that the allegations lodged against him are bogus.

He issued a statement that read:

“From what I’ve read their allegations are wrong. He attempted to leave the country for a professional commitment and was denied the ability to board an airplane after providing his World Passport.

“It’s issued by the World Service —in support of the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

“His understanding is that the South African government has previously accepted the World Passport to enter the country and to provide visas as recently as August.”

Although Bey has a U.S. passport, he chose not to use it for social and political reasons.

“He considers himself a world citizen and wanted to to use his World Passport in support of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.”

Bey was trying to board a plane to travel to Ethiopia to perform in the Selam Music Festival.

The entertainer, who was popular in the 90s and appeared in films like The Italian Job and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, entered the country on an American passport in 2013 and overstayed his visitor’s permit in 2014.