Showing posts with label Winged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winged. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2016

Little Women ATL Preview: Juicy Gets Chicken Winged By Tammie!

Well, that escalated quickly.

In a clip teasing an upcoming episode of Lifetime’s Little Women: ATL, Juicy pushed her co-star to the point where she flipped a plate of chicken wings on her.

This is like the time Teresa Giudice flipped a table!

TMZ has footage of the altercation, which took place inside a restaurant back in May.

Juicy sat across from Minnie and her mother, Tammie as the trio argued about Juicy’s disbelief that Minnie was pregnant at one point, but then miscarried.

“We all was asking you questions because we were concerned,” Juicy said calmly to Minnie.

Tammie, whom TMZ confirms is not a little person, interrupted.

“You not concerned.  No you ain’t,” she snapped at Juicy.

“You’re questioning me, ‘what did the doctor say?’ That was some shady-ass sh**,” Minnie said.

“You the devil.  You the devil,” Tammie told Juicy.

“Some people might think so,” Juicy responded.

Oh, hell.  Now you’ve made her mad.

“Let me tell you this. I’m from Chattanooga [Tennessee].  I will kick yo ass.  You understand me?  Let me find out you don’t question her again,” Tammy told Juicy about bothering her daughter.

“I can question her any time I want,” Juicy spat back.

And then, the throwing of the chicken wing plate.

“Are you for real?” Juicy, who was covered in flakes and grease, said.

“Yes I am.  Yes, we for real. 365 24/7,” Tammy declared as she got up to leave.

“And?” Juicy asked.

“And my ass.  Do it again and see what happens.  You gonna have more than chicken wings on you.”

Juicy may have seemed calm, cool and collected inside the restaurant, but during her one-on-one interview, she was pissed.

“This sh** ain’t over,” Juicy said.  “You done mess with the queen now.”

Juicy reportedly got a temporary restraining order against Tammie, but a judge dismissed the case (chicken wing assault probably doesn’t hold up in court).

Little Women: ATL airs Wednesdays at 10pm on Lifetime

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Prince Rocks Winged Eyeliner Better Than You in Passport Photo

Most women who have attempted winged eyeliner know that no matter how steady your hand, nine times out of 10 you wind up looking like Alice Cooper in a windstorm.

But Prince rocks the look like a friggin’ boss – in his passport photo, no less.

The Purple Rain singer posted this shot of himself to Twitter, also writing “PRINCE ROGERS NELSON::PASSPORT PICTURE 2/11/16.”

It’s so perfect you’d think the man has been taking lessons from the queen of winged eyeliner herself, Adele.

The artist also sports a perfectly coiffed afro, finely-groomed eyebrows and flawless skin.

You gotta hand it to the guy for bringing the glam, even in his passport pic.

We’re also happy to report that Prince seems to have really gotten the hang of Twitter.

When he first joined a couple years ago, he posted his first “selfie,”  although the photo featured nothing but some smoke.

Prince is currently on tour in Australia performing with nothing but a piano and a microphone.

During his first show in Melbourne, Prince dedicated a performance of his hit song “Little Red Corvette” to Vanity, his former girlfriend who died earlier this week

“Her and I used to love each other deeply,” he said of his former flame, whose real name was Denise Matthews. “She loved me for the artist I was, I loved her for the artist she was trying to be. She and I would fight. She was very headstrong cos she knew she was the finest woman in the world. She never missed an opportunity to tell you that.”

He continued to sharing more memories of her and added, “I probably shouldn’t be telling this story, but she’d want us to celebrate her life and not mourn her.”

Vanity was 57.