Tuesday, August 15, 2017

We"ve Found the Ugliest Passport Photo Ever Taken

Almost no one likes his or her passport photo.

Almost everyone thinks this image is especially ugly or, at the very least, unflattering.

But we can"t really say anything negative ever again about our portraits, not after Chelsey Ramos applied for a passport because she was planning a trip to Germany with her boyfriend….

… and, as you"re about to discover below, she was then sent the most skewed picture in the history of these important documents.

1. She’s Cute, Right?

Shes cute right

We’re not trying to be judgmental in any way, shape or form. We’re just saying: This isn’t the face of someone you’d expect to go viral for having an ugly photo.

2. This Was Chelsey’s Original Passport Photo

This was chelseys original passport photo

Again… pretty, right? Normal? Nothing to get passed around the Internet or anything.

3. And This Was the Version She Got Send in the Mail

And this was the version she got send in the mail

It looks a bit different, doesn’t it? Also: YIKES!!!!!!

4. A Side-By-Side Comparison

A side by side comparison

Shared by Chelsey’s boyfriend on Reddit for all to enjoy.

5. Reddit Reacts

Reddit reacts

Because how could it not, right?

6. And Reacts Some More

And reacts some more

It was all in good fun. Chelsey says she gave her boyfriend permission to share the snapshot.

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