Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ariana Grande Concert Victims Identified. One Was 8 Years Old.

We have a tragic update on the Ariana Grande concert bombing from Monday night.

As previously reported in detail, a suicide bomber detonated what authorities are referring to as a “nail bomb” around 10:30 p.m., shortly after the young singer completed her set and bid farewell to her fans.

manchester massacre

The explosion is believed to have been set off in the concession area of the Manchester Arena, prompting mass chaos and confusion, with thousands of attendees rushing toward the nearest exit.

The bomber killed himself in the blast, but a 23-year old has been arrested in connection with the incident and ISIS has taken responsibility for carrying it out.

A total of 22 people died in the terrorist act, while 59 others were injured.

And reports have now identified two of the victims.

One was named Georgina Callander.

She was a student at Runshaw College in Leyland and previously attended Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Academy.

In the wake of her identification, Bishop Rawstorne released a statement mourning the 18-year old.

It reads as follows:

Georgina was a lovely young student who was very popular with her peers and the staff and always made the most of the opportunities she had at the school.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Georgina’s family at this terrible time, and we think especially of her brothers Harry and Daniel who are also former students of the school.

The Evening Standard reports Callander passed away with her mother at her bedside in hospital.

Callander had actually met Grande two years ago and Tweeted ahead of Monday’s show that she was so excited to see the artist in person once again.

Here’s a photo of Georgina posing with Grande in 2015:

Another victim in the attack has been identified as 8-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos.

She was attending the concert with her older sister and mother, both of whom are both being treated at hospitals for injuries they sustained during the explosion

Chris Upton, headteacher at the Tarleton Community Primary School, tells People Magazine that Saffie’s death “has come as a tremendous shock.

He continued as follows:

The thought that anyone could go out to a concert and not come home is heartbreaking.

Saffie was simply a beautiful little girl in every aspect of the word. She was loved by everyone and her warmth and kindness will be remembered fondly.

Saffie was quiet and unassuming with a creative flair.

Here is a photo of the late eight-year old:

Following police confirmation of the 22 deaths and approximately 59 injuries sustained, Grande Tweeted a simple message:

She didn’t know what to say except for: “Broken. From the bottom of my heart, I am so so sorry. I don’t have words.”

Chief Constable Ian Hopkins has said there was just one attacker, but he clearly had ties to ISIS.

“The attacker, I can confirm, died at the arena. We believe the attacker was carrying an improvised explosive device, which he detonated, causing this atrocity,” Hopkins said, adding:

“We have been treating this as a terrorist incident and we believe, at this stage, the attack last night was conducted by one man.

“The priority is to establish whether he was acting alone or as part of a network.”

In response to the tragedy, celebrities from across all industries have sent their condolences on social media:

star on ariana

We share in this grief and shock.

We send our thoughts and prayers to all affected by this horrible act.

May they all rest in peace.
