Showing posts with label Biased. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biased. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2018

Meek Mill Says Dirty Cop, Biased Judge Should Be Enough to Set Him Free

Meek Mill wants Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court to do some simple math … which he believes should add up to his immediate release from prison. Meek’s attorneys filed docs Monday requesting he be released from prison on bail while he awaits a…


Meek Mill Says Dirty Cop, Biased Judge Should Be Enough to Set Him Free

Meek Mill wants Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court to do some simple math … which he believes should add up to his immediate release from prison. Meek’s attorneys filed docs Monday requesting he be released from prison on bail while he awaits a…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Meek Mill Scores Legal Win, We"ll Know if Judge Was Biased

Meek Mill might have gotten a spectacular break, because a judge has just ordered the release of documents that could prove the trial judge in his probation violation case may have actually asked him to give her a shout-out in one of his songs.…


Meek Mill Scores Legal Win, We"ll Know if Judge Was Biased

Meek Mill might have gotten a spectacular break, because a judge has just ordered the release of documents that could prove the trial judge in his probation violation case may have actually asked him to give her a shout-out in one of his songs.…


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Steven Avery Files Appeal; Cites Illegal Search, Biased Jury

Steven Avery – the subject of the recent Netflix documentary series Making a Murderer – has filed an appeal asking a judge to throw out his 2005 conviction for the murder of Theresa Halbach.

Steven Avery

In legal documents obtained by TMZ, Avery claims that he has sufficient evidence to prove that one juror was openly biased against him from the start of the trial, repeatedly describing Avery as “f–king guilty” in the presence of other jurors.

Additionally, the 53-year-old inmate claims that key pieces of incriminating evidence – including traces of blood and the key to Halbach’s vehicle – that were discovered inside his home were found by way of an illegal search that violated the terms of the warrant obtained by investigators.

Obviously, Avery is likely hoping that the attention brought to this case by the documentary will help his cause, but several key pieces of evidence that may help to overturn his conviction were actually not featured in the ten-part Netflix series.

The pro-Avery movement online has unearthed several key facts that were not brought up in his trial, including the shocking revelation that a member of the jury worked closely with the Manitowoc sheriffs who arrested Avery.

In the time since Making a Murderer aired Avery’s own theory about who committed the murders has been revealed to the public, but his attorneys will likely choose not to make any allegations in the courtroom.

It’s now up to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals to decide if Avery will get another day in court.

Several legal experts who have already weighed in on the matter believe that his odds are good,due to the level of controversy surrounding his conviction. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ted Cruz OBLITERATES CNBC For Biased GOP Debate Questions

During last night"s Republican Presidential Debate, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz went OFF on CNBC for its questions to the candidates earlier in the debate.

Cruz derided the moderators for lacking in substantive questions … ironically, as a non-answer to one of the more substantive questions of the evening.

It was clearly a premeditated move ripped from the playbook of Newt Gingrich in 2012, in which Gingrich deflected attention from a personal controversy.

Newt took CNN to task for grilling him about his ex-wife, earning thunderous applause and riding a wave of momentum to a primary win in South Carolina.

Cruz wasn"t in the hot seat for any particular crises, but when asked a perfectly reasonable question about problem solving and the debt limit, went OFF.

Unlike Jeb Bush"s failed hit on Marco Rubio, Cruz played right into the hands of his conservative base and likely came away with his desired objective.

"Let me say something at the outset," Cruz said. "The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don"t trust the media."

"This is not a cage match. And you look at the questions … Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math?"

"John Kasich, will you insult two people over here? Marco Rubio, why don"t you resign? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?"

"How about talking about the substantive issues!"

Reminded that he did not answer the question, Cruz doubled down on the media and kept the attack going. "Let me be clear," Cruz said.

"The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense, than any participant in the Democratic debate."

"Nobody believes that the moderators have any intention of voting in a Republican primary," Cruz said as the moderators tried to interject.

"The questions being asked shouldn"t be trying to get people to tear into each other, it should be what are your substantive solutions to people at home."

Eventually, he was cut off, at which point he clashed with the CNBC panel further for not allowing him to answer the actual question.

Wild. All we can say is that Donald Trump won by shortening the debate … otherwise, an actual cage fight might have broken out.

Ted cruz obliterates cnbc for lack of substantive questions in r