Showing posts with label Pees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pees. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2018

George Lopez Pees On Trump"s Walk of Fame Star, Royally Pisses Off MAGA Crowd

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president, his star on the Walk of Fame has been a common target for some very amusing vandalism.

Now, “amusing” is not a word one would normally use to describe George Lopez, a man who typically favors the Adam Sandler “I’m rich, therefore I don’t have to be funny” approach to comedy, but we’re willing to make an exception in this case.

Lopez recently pretended to take a leak on the Donald’s star, and TMZ obtained video of the righteous micturition.

Not exactly comic gold on its own, but the response to Lopez’s innocuous gag has been flat-out hilarious.

According to TMZ, dozens of grown-ass adults have called and texted the LAPD demanding that Lopez be arrested for the prank.

The department says more than 50 individuals have contacted them to report Lopez’s “crime,” thus far, and the complaints just keep pouring in.

Hilariously, many of the offended parties seem not to realize that Lopez didn’t actually pee on the star, a fact that’s abundantly clear to anyone who’s watched the video of the incident.

One caller described Lopez’s actions as “sick, deplorable, offensive and disrespectful.”

Another fell for the prank harder than Sarah Palin being duped by Sacha Baron Cohen:

“If this was any normal person they would be arrested for indecent exposure,” claims the outraged citizen, who apparently believes that penises and water bottles are interchangeable as far as the law is concerned.

“[Does] the Hollywood elite think they’re above the law and you guys took an oath to obtain the Law.”

It’s moments like this where you almost have to marvel at Trump’s mind control powers.

Dude’s a born-rich, Ivy League-educated billionaire who’s managed to convince tens of millions of Americans that he’s on their side in the war against “the elites” — a group that apparently includes George Lopez.

To be fair, we imagine this is quite the triggering event for some folks in the MAGA crowd.

A wealthy Mexican-American literally peeing on Donald Trump’s name is a waking nightmare for most of these people.

Which is exactly why we encourage every brown-skinned person in the Greater Los Angeles area to head to Hollywood Boulevard and empty their bladders in the name of freedom.

Don’t worry if you’re not actually Mexican or rich.

The people who are most likely to be pissed off by your patriotic piddle will assume you just backstroked across the Rio Grande and fell into some cushy seven-figure gig that was meant for them.

You’ll have ‘em scrambling for their safe spaces in no time!


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Drunk Airline Passenger Pees on Seat, Gets Arrested

Here’s something different for a change:

It’s a story about an airline passenger sucking, as opposed to yet another story about an airline itself sucking.


Last Thursday, a man named Michael A. Haag was on board a Frontier Airlines flight from Denver to Charleston.

So far, so normal, right?

Plenty of men fly on a daily basis from this lovely Colorado city to this historic South Carolina destination.

About two hours into the journey, however, Haag reportedly granted the woman seated next to him, much to her understandable horror and chagrin.

Said a fellow passenger, recounting what transpired to a local Fox affiliate in Denver:

“I hear a woman scream, if this man f-cking touches me one more time I’ll f-cking kill him.”

The fellow passenger (who identified herself as “Emilu” added that the 45-year old Haag seemed “extremely intoxicated” and “out of his mind,” while the woman who was groped said she witnessed him down two double shots of vodka on the flight.


blurry pic

Haag also allegedly verbally assaulted another woman, asking her variouspersonal questions about her sexual habits.

After flight attendants learned of Haag’s behavior, they reassigned him, moving him to the back of the plane where there was an empty row of seats.

Out of sight, therefore, and out of mind?

Not quite, unfortunately.

It actually got far more gross and disgusting from there.


Haag apparently went ahead and started urinated on the seat in front of him.

He just whipped out his penis and relieved himself, right then and there.

(It could have been worse, we guess, he could have made like this woman and pooped on the floor.)

“I scream, ‘He’s f-cking peeing. He’s peeing. Oh my God,"” Emily told Fox, adding:

“And the flight attendant doesn’t even acknowledge him at first. [The attendant] acknowledges me and says you need to calm down and stop cursing.”

Thankfully, attention eventually turned to Haag, who was taken away from the airport gate in handcuffs and charged with interfering with flight crew, as well as and indecent exposure.

He was later released on $ 25,000 bond, according to Fox 31.

airline people

Emily wasn’t thrilled with the response of Frontier, saying someone should have been keeping a closer eye on Haag after he was moved.

In response to her complaint, the airline waived her bag fee and gifted her a $ 200 Frontier voucher.

Frontier has since released a statement confirming that the carrier is “aware of the situation” and “working with the appropriate authorities,” concluding:

“Frontier has zero tolerance for behavior that affects the safety of our passengers and crew. We are supporting authorities in their investigation.”


Monday, February 26, 2018

Chinese Kid Pees on Elevator Buttons, Elevator Instantly Breaks Down

A kid who started peeing all over an elevator seriously pissed off the powers that be … ‘cause he got stuck in the elevator. The video is hilarious — the boy, who was alone in the lift, decided to empty his bladder. Wizzin’ in the corner wasn’t…


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Olivia Munn"s Dog Pees on Greeter at LAX Airport

“Chance, nooooooo!!!” … Is what Olivia Munn probably should have shouted as her rescue dog greeted a greeter at LAX by marking his territory and peeing on her left leg. Munn was flying out of the airport Wednesday for Thanksgiving with Chance and…


Monday, October 23, 2017

French President Macron"s Dog Pees During Meeting

President Emmanuel Macron’s dog got a leg up on his owner Sunday … when he pissed on a fireplace during an official meeting … and the Prez lost it! Listen as you watch the video … you hear the pee stream loud and clear and Macron busts up. He…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

"Little Women: Atlanta" Star Talks Tough But Kicks, Screams and Pees Over Tattoo (VIDEO + PHOTO)

“Little Women: Atlanta” star Ms. Juicy Baby damn near wet herself when she laid down to get butterflies tattooed on her leg, and this hilarious video proves pain just ain’t her thang! Juicy hit up the grand opening of Black Ink Crew…


Monday, October 24, 2016

Redskins Asst. Coach -- Pees In Gatorade Cup On Sideline ... Fan Takes Pics (PHOTO)

NFL Fans in Detroit got more than they bargained for on Sunday when they saw a Redskins coach whip out his penis and urinate into a Gatorade cup on the sideline … DURING the game!  The urinator is Washington’s special teams coordinator Ben…


Monday, September 14, 2015

Guy Gets Blackout Drunk On Airplane, Pees On The Other Passengers In His Sleep! Flight Nightmare Come True!

World, meet Jeff Rubin.

Mr. Rubin found himself passed-out drunk on a red-eye flight from Anchorage, Alaska to Portland, Oregon, when nature called.

[ Related: Watch This Crocodile Levitate Out Of A River! ]

And when nature calls… nature often can’t be bothered with civilized, elitist things like, ya know, getting up and walking to the tiny airplane bathroom to take care of business.

So Jeff Rubin did what any self-respecting insanely drunk person would do: with about a half hour left in his flight, he woke, stood up, peed all over the passengers in front of him, fell backwards mid-stream, caught the passengers sitting next to him in his urinary attack, and promptly went back to sleep.


Passenger Suzanna Caldwell saw the whole thing unfold, and spoke to reporters about the… unique… flight:

“Everyone was actually pretty calm. At one point the officer was like, ‘Who got peed on?’ It’s not like anyone was screaming. I didn’t even realize anything had happened until the flight attendants came up to me and told me police were going to come onboard.”

Uhh…. We would’ve been screaming, Suzanna. How could you not?!?!

We bet when those passengers woke up, they were pissed! LOLz!

Of course, Rubin was arrested when the flight landed and booked in Multnomah County Jail.

[Image via Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office.]