Showing posts with label #MAGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #MAGA. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Ready to Leave Kanye Over MAGA Madness?

Perhaps you’ve spent the past 24 hours trapped under a rock in a remote forest with especially crappy wi-fi.

If so, we’d like to both congratulate you on your escape and warn you that your return to society is about to be made bittersweet, at best:

Yes, Kanye West paid a visit to the White House yesterday, and the ensuing madness made almost everything else Yeezy has done over the course of his bonkers career look downright quaint by comparison.

(Notice we said “almost.” Referring to slavery as “a choice” is still tough to top in terms of batsh-t insanity.) 

There are too many insane quotes to catalog here, but suffice it to say, Kanye said his MAGA hat makes him feel like Superman, which in turn makes him want to play catch with his 2-year-old son.

He then referred to himself as a crazy motherf–ker and basically admitted that he didn’t vote for Hillary because she’s a woman.

He capped the whole thing off by coming around the president’s desk and hugging him, while Trump did that crossed arms, half smile thing he does when he’s experiencing an emotion other than anger at the poors or anger at “the elites.” 

“I tell you what, that was pretty impressive. That was quite something,” Trump said in response to Yeezus’ sermon, proving that the whole thing was a bit much even for the most effective agent of chaos the nation has ever known.

Of course, we all knew Trump would blow a bunch of smoke up his new buddy’s ass. 

No surprise there.

The reaction we’re really interested in is that of Kanye’s long-suffering wife, Kim Kardashian.

According to a new report from Radar Online, Kim was “horrified” by her husband’s Oval Office tirade.

An insider tells the site that the mother of three no longer feels safe in her own home and “has been getting threats” ever since the rant went viral.

“It has come to the point where she feels unsafe and fears for her safety and that of the kids,” the source adds.

Rumors of Kim and Kanye getting divorced have been circulating for years, but they’ve never seemed more credible than right now.

Sources describe the marriage as “extremely strained,” noting that Kanye is moving to Chicago soon, and Kim has no plans to follow him.

“She just cannot handle another breakdown,” one insider says.

We can’t blame her for feeling stressed, but it’s important to point out that Kanye made a good point or two amidst all that nonsense.

“There’s a lot of things that affect our mental health that make us do crazy things,” West opined at one point.

To be fair, we can’t think of a single statement that more accurately encapsulates life in 2018.

It’s just the sort of thing we wish he had tweeted instead of shouting to a bunch of reporters in the Oval Office while Kid Rock stood in the foyer waiting to offer his two cents.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Kanye West Rocks MAGA Hat with Kaepernick Shirt

Can you support both Donald Trump and Colin Kaepernick at the same time?  Kanye West believes you can …  The rapper rolled over to the offices of The Fader on Thursday in Trump’s “Make America Great Again” hat … while wearing a…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

George Lopez Pees On Trump"s Walk of Fame Star, Royally Pisses Off MAGA Crowd

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president, his star on the Walk of Fame has been a common target for some very amusing vandalism.

Now, “amusing” is not a word one would normally use to describe George Lopez, a man who typically favors the Adam Sandler “I’m rich, therefore I don’t have to be funny” approach to comedy, but we’re willing to make an exception in this case.

Lopez recently pretended to take a leak on the Donald’s star, and TMZ obtained video of the righteous micturition.

Not exactly comic gold on its own, but the response to Lopez’s innocuous gag has been flat-out hilarious.

According to TMZ, dozens of grown-ass adults have called and texted the LAPD demanding that Lopez be arrested for the prank.

The department says more than 50 individuals have contacted them to report Lopez’s “crime,” thus far, and the complaints just keep pouring in.

Hilariously, many of the offended parties seem not to realize that Lopez didn’t actually pee on the star, a fact that’s abundantly clear to anyone who’s watched the video of the incident.

One caller described Lopez’s actions as “sick, deplorable, offensive and disrespectful.”

Another fell for the prank harder than Sarah Palin being duped by Sacha Baron Cohen:

“If this was any normal person they would be arrested for indecent exposure,” claims the outraged citizen, who apparently believes that penises and water bottles are interchangeable as far as the law is concerned.

“[Does] the Hollywood elite think they’re above the law and you guys took an oath to obtain the Law.”

It’s moments like this where you almost have to marvel at Trump’s mind control powers.

Dude’s a born-rich, Ivy League-educated billionaire who’s managed to convince tens of millions of Americans that he’s on their side in the war against “the elites” — a group that apparently includes George Lopez.

To be fair, we imagine this is quite the triggering event for some folks in the MAGA crowd.

A wealthy Mexican-American literally peeing on Donald Trump’s name is a waking nightmare for most of these people.

Which is exactly why we encourage every brown-skinned person in the Greater Los Angeles area to head to Hollywood Boulevard and empty their bladders in the name of freedom.

Don’t worry if you’re not actually Mexican or rich.

The people who are most likely to be pissed off by your patriotic piddle will assume you just backstroked across the Rio Grande and fell into some cushy seven-figure gig that was meant for them.

You’ll have ‘em scrambling for their safe spaces in no time!


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Trump-Supporter: The Cheesecake Factory Harassed Me Over My MAGA Hat!

A 22-year-old black man took to social media to claim that he was harassed and intimidated by Cheesecake Factory employees on Mother"s Day.


Because he was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat to show his support for Donald J. Trump.

Maga hat from twitter

Eugenior Joseph is a proud Trump supporter. 

According to Joseph"s claims and testimony from multiple witnesses who spoke to The Daily Wire, he was wearing his hat while in the Cheesecake Factory.

This drew some very negative attention from a number of employees at the Dadeland Mall restaurant, starting with one woman who pointed out the hat to her coworkers.

"Her finger was literally on top of his head, we were all looking at her like "what is happening?""


"She was pointing at him, calling her other coworkers, telling them to look at this guy wearing a Make America Great Again hat."

Cheesecake factory from cbs

According to the astounding report, as many as a dozen other employees came over.

"So then all the employees started standing there, saying things out loud, like, "I"m going to knock his head in so hard his hat"s going to come off."

Reportedly, some of the employees used the n-word in reference to Joseph, though it is unknown whether or not these employees who allegedly used that term were African American or not.

Joseph says that one employee in particular seemed ready to fight.

"He got behind me and another coworker came by and they were staring at each other and he fist bumped him and then he started looking at me, balling his fists, smacking his fists, trying to scare me."

Joseph says that the alleged harassment became worse.

"I got up and went to the restroom, my girlfriend followed me, and as we were walking back, a group of [the employees] came out from the back and they just started clapping and yelling, and just screaming things at me."

Maga hat from instagram

It is reported that a manager followed Joseph and his companions out of the restaurant, where they were told that some employees had admitted what they had done, and that at least one of them had been sent home.

Police arrived to take statements.

The Miami-Dade police report notes that someone allegedly threatened to knock off Joseph"s hat.

They did conclude that no threats were made and that no physical altercation took place. That is good.

Joseph believes that he was singled out because he is a black man who supports Trump, which invites parallels to Kanye West"s "MAGA" controversy.

Maga hat ann coulter responds

Conservative commentators and provocateurs are, of course, all over this story.

Alethea Rowe, Senior Director of Public Relations at The Cheesecake Factory, issued a statement:

"No guest should ever feel unwelcomed in one of our restaurants and we are taking this matter very seriously."

"Upon learning of this incident, we immediately apologized to the guests in person."

"We are conducting an investigation and will take the appropriate corrective action."

Maga hat herman cain responds

Some have expressed doubts as to whether or not this event, which seems to defy belief, took place.

But we should consider that it is possible and that, with multiple witnesses supporting Joseph"s claims, it is possible that the Cheesecake Factory will confirm the story once their investigation is concluded.

Some argue that verbal harassment is automatically invited when someone wears a deliberately controversial symbol like a Confederate flag or a MAGA hat.

But no matter where your stance may fall on Trump or his supporters, most of us can agree that restaurant employees should not be harassing someone.

Trump supporting black man the cheesecake factory harassed me ov

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Nipsey Hussle Performs "F*** Donald Trump" with Kanye"s MAGA Photo

Nipsey Hussle led a chant this weekend calling for concert-goers to say “F*** Donald Trump” — but he might’ve also been saying “F*** Kanye West.” Nipsey was performing Saturday for the Broccoli City Festival in D.C., where he played his and YG’s…


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Kanye"s MAGA Pic with Lyor Cohen NOT Making Alt-Right Hand Gesture

Everyone who thinks Kanye West’s red MAGA hat photo also features a man flashing an alt-right symbol needs to chill, because it’s not true. The man giving the OK sign — which many believe is a gesture used by the alt-right or white supremacists –…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Snoop Dogg Jokes About Death of Trump, Incurs Ire of #MAGA Crowd

Well, it’s November, which means the season of familial discord is fast approaching.

This year has offered plenty of potential topics of conversation that are sure to trigger a third coronary event for your Uncle Lou.

So you probably don’t need any help infuriating your more conservative relatives, but just in case you need some extra help, Snoop D-O-double-G is here to lend a hand:

That’s the cover of Snoop’s forthcoming album Make America Crip Again.

As you can see, the photo isn’t exactly subtle in its anti-Trump sentiment.

Paying homage to Ice Cube’s 1991 album Death Certificate, Snoop is seen sipping from a Crip-blue Solo cup glaring down at the corpse of the Donald.

It’s not the rapper’s first political controversy this year, as back in March, a video in which Snoop pretends to assassinate Trump made major waves on social media.

Needless to say, lots of folks on Twitter have been thoroughly butthurt by Snoop’s brand of satire, but most of them have Pepe the Frog avatars, and thus, their opinions aren’t to be taken seriously.

“Snoop Dogg’s career is running on fumes, hence the need to jump on the refuge of the talentless – the Trump Derangement Syndrome bandwagon,” one snowflake said about the platinum-selling music legend who currently hosts two television shows.

“HOW DOES THIS PRICK get away with this crap?” tweeted a guy who we probably don’t need to tell you has a photo of a very angry-looking bald eagle as his profile pic.

For his part, Snoop has yet to sound off on the controversy.

And thankfully, against all odds, the president hasn’t tweeted about either.

Of course, Trump has a lot on his plate these days, so he might be a bit distracted at the moment.

Hey, there’s a fun game!

Test your friend’s prejudice levels by showing them photos of Snoop and Trump and asking them to guess which one is worried about going to prison because all his friends are getting indicted.

Lob that one at Uncle Lou over pumpkin pie, but make sure you’ve got a defibrillator handy!

Better yet, put your version of the poll on social media and enjoy a few mild strokes of your own.

After all, Twitter is basically what would happen if you let the kids sit at the grownup table and got them loaded on gin and it turned out the kids were super racist.
