Showing posts with label Blackout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blackout. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Michelle Rodriguez In a Self-Imposed News Blackout, and Lovin" It!!!

Michelle Rodriguez hasn’t read or seen the news in 2 months, and she couldn’t be more stoked. We got Michelle Tuesday in Bev Hills and she told us she can’t handle all the depressing stories about politics, racism, terrorism, and on and on, so she…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Jasmine Washington: Kirk Frost"s Baby Mama on Social Media Blackout!

If you’re a fan of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, you’ve probably heard by now that Jasmine Washington alleged on the Season 6 premiere that she had given birth to Kirk Frost’s baby. 

This was met with a stern response from Kirk, who denied it all to Rasheeda Buckner-Frost. If you watch Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta online, it was evident that Rasheeda knew there was more to the story. 

She’s pretty much just biding her time to make sure she knows all of the facts. There’s nothing quite like engaging in a war of words when you don’t know all the facts. 

Viewers have been questioning how the heck Jasmine can play into the narrative when she’s kept quiet about all of the trouble on social media. 

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that she want’s audiences to be shocked by how it all plays out. Now, that’s a good thing. With reality TV stars using the power of social media, they can spoil a lot of things for viewers before the episode is broadcast. 

Maybe producers are trying to keep her quiet, but we’ll probably never really know. 

It was recently revealed that Kirk had the baby with Jasmine. However, things took a tense turn when Kirk then cut Jasmine and the baby off. 

Jasmine responded by filing a lawsuit against the apparent baby daddy because she wanted him to support their child. It seems that Kirk thinks if he denies it all, it will just go away. 

That’s never a good trait to have on reality TV. Everything always comes out in the open, and it will likely result in a big blow out on screen. 

Also, there’s word that Jasmine is not the only baby mama Kirk Frost has. 

There’s another woman who is just 23-years-old, but it’s unclear whether she will be appearing on the show this season. 

Could you imagine the drama if that did ring true?

Either way, it seems like Kirk is in for a tough time of it. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Selma Blair: Drugs, Alcohol Caused Psychotic Blackout!

Don’t do drugs, y’all. 

Selma Blair’s epic in-flight meltdown – you remember it, of course. 

Blair flipped out so hard on the flight that she was removed from the aircraft by a stretcher

Let’s repeat that: a stretcher

Now, she’s finally opened up entirely about the incident, calling the event on the plane “frightening,” and referring to her ordeal as a “psychotic blackout.” 


Blair told The Talk that her “blackout” was the result of a “very bad choice.” 

“I am someone that should never drink, and I rarely do, and I don’t drink anymore, but I did,” she revealed. 

“I was going through something.” 

“I had a glass of wine, [and] someone gave me a pill that I thought was something that I had taken before, which I don’t take on a regular basis,” Blair admitted. 

“It was something completely different,” she blamed. 

Same, girl. 

“It was horrible and frightening,” she continued, “and I had empathy for myself, actually, afterwards.” 

Well, of course she did. 

Heaven knows Blair thinks extraordinarily wonderful things about herself, so it’d make sense that she could do what others could not: “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”

“It was so out of character for me, especially now that I am a mother,” she said.

“My son was with his father and he had slept through it.”

“I knew he was going to sleep,” she confided.

“He had his headphones on and that’s why I took this pill.”  

Okay then. 

She admitted that it was a “bad choice all around,” and promised those on The Talk that it wouldn’t be a repeat incident. 

Hopefully not, because the result of her “bad choice” was a terrifying ordeal for anyone within earshot. 

Blair, during the incident, screamed, “He burns my private parts!”

“He won’t let me eat or drink!”

“He beats me!”

“He’s going to kill me!”

Yeah, we’d say that it’s better off if Selma leaves the drugs and alcohol behind – especially the drugs and alcohol in combination – for the betterment of herself and anyone who might have the misfortune of having to endure another psychotic break.

Scary stuff, all that. 


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Snooki: I Was Blackout Drunk on Kocktails With Khloe!

If you’ve been watching Kocktails With Khloe on FYI, then we suppose you can just skip this article.

Now that both of them are gone, here’s an interesting tidbit for the 7.3 billion or so who had no idea FYI was a cable channel. It turns out Kocktails With Khloe is more than just a alliterative title: the sassiest Kardashian really gets her guests hammered!

Or at least, she really got the Jersey Shore’s most infamous drunken munchkin hammered, which may explain why Snooki tells a remarkably candid tale of Khloe being rude as hell in the clip above.

It’s no surprise that Snooki was one of Khloe’s first guests.

After all, only Scott Disick has rivaled Snooks in terms of reality star drunkenness, and we doubt the Lord will be stopping by for drinks anytime soon (what with the all the rehab and overdoses and whatnot).

Of course, in recent years, Snooki adopted a healthier lifestyle and become a sort of mascot for moms who still find time to workout and tan 8 times a week. 

So obviously, Ms. Polizzi’s tolerance isn’t what it used to be, which may explain why she got completely sh-tfaced while filming the show:

“I was wasted,” Snooki said of the experience in a recent interview.

“I had three [drinks], and I blacked out. So when I watched the episode I’m like, oh my god I don’t remember this, I’m slurring my words, you’re so embarrassing. So I don’t remember that whole interview.”

That may explain why Snooks drunkenly lied her ass off in the clip above.

“I was like, ‘I have like ten brothers and sisters,"” said Snooki.

“I’m like ‘what are you talking about? It’s only like one or two’. So I exaggerated times ten. That was Snooki in the interview,” she said. “My alter-ego.” 

Yes, apparently Snooki and Nicole are two different people. She probably came up with that idea when she looked in the mirror one night and saw two different people.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Guy Gets Blackout Drunk On Airplane, Pees On The Other Passengers In His Sleep! Flight Nightmare Come True!

World, meet Jeff Rubin.

Mr. Rubin found himself passed-out drunk on a red-eye flight from Anchorage, Alaska to Portland, Oregon, when nature called.

[ Related: Watch This Crocodile Levitate Out Of A River! ]

And when nature calls… nature often can’t be bothered with civilized, elitist things like, ya know, getting up and walking to the tiny airplane bathroom to take care of business.

So Jeff Rubin did what any self-respecting insanely drunk person would do: with about a half hour left in his flight, he woke, stood up, peed all over the passengers in front of him, fell backwards mid-stream, caught the passengers sitting next to him in his urinary attack, and promptly went back to sleep.


Passenger Suzanna Caldwell saw the whole thing unfold, and spoke to reporters about the… unique… flight:

“Everyone was actually pretty calm. At one point the officer was like, ‘Who got peed on?’ It’s not like anyone was screaming. I didn’t even realize anything had happened until the flight attendants came up to me and told me police were going to come onboard.”

Uhh…. We would’ve been screaming, Suzanna. How could you not?!?!

We bet when those passengers woke up, they were pissed! LOLz!

Of course, Rubin was arrested when the flight landed and booked in Multnomah County Jail.

[Image via Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office.]