Showing posts with label Selma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selma. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2018

Selma Blair Reveals Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis: "I Am Disabled"

Selma Blair has written candidly and emotionally about the most personal of topics.

On Saturday, the actress revealed that she has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

This disease affects the central nervous system, disrupting the flow of information within the brain.

It is not a death sentence, although those afflicted live on average seven years fewer than those who have not been diagnosed.

It is debilitating, however.

Blair posted a selfie on Instagram over the weekend and proceeded to explain why she came forward with her “profound” story.

She did so by giving credit to costume designer Allisa Swanson, who is working on her upcoming show Another Life, detailing how Swanson designs her wardrobe on the show…

… but also “carefully gets my legs in my pants, pulls my tops over my head, buttons my coats and offers her shoulder to steady myself.”

Wrote Blair of her illness:

“I am in exacerbation. I am disabled. I fall sometimes. I drop things. My memory is foggy. And my left side is asking for directions from a broken gps. But we are doing it.”

Blair hopes to use her platform to assist others, but also admits that she could use a lot of help herself.

“I am in the thick of it but I hope to give some hope to others. And even to myself. You can’t get help unless you ask.

“But I am a forthcoming person and I want my life to be full somehow. I want to play with my son again. I want to walk down the street and ride my horse. I have MS and I am ok.

Continued the star, perhaps best known for her big screen role in Cruel Intentions:

“But if you see me, dropping crap all over the street, feel free to help me pick it up. It takes a whole day for me alone. Thank you and may we all know good days amongst the challenges.”

Blair also appeared opposite Charlie Sheen on FX’s Anger Management and also portayed Kris Jenner on the first season of American Crime Story.

In response to her open and honest post, Blair has received support from strangers on the Internet and friends in the entertainment business.

“I love you, I’m proud of you, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” wrote Sarah Michelle Gellar, while her husband, Freddie Prinze Jr., added:

“Love you Mama.”

Blair, who was diagnosed in mid-August, said she thought she just had a “pinched nerve” prior to receiving her diagnosis.

She estimates that she has had MS for about 15 years.

The cause of MS is still unknown, but women have a much higher diagnosis rate than men.

There is no cure.

Tweeted actress Megan Mullally to Blair:

“damn, it’s hard to know what to say, except i’m terribly sorry to hear this, and thank you for your courage and for coming forward, selma. you’re helping hundreds of thousands of people.”

Blair also heard from others suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. To wit:

We admire thes strength and courage of Selma Blair.

She will remain in our thoughts and in our prayers.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Selma Blair Says She"s Still Into James Gunn But Not Twitter

Selma Blair says James Gunn is a good man who told a few stupid jokes a decade ago, and his haters are looking at him though a 2018 lens which just ain’t right. We got Selma at LAX Thursday afternoon and she explained why she quit Twitter over…


Saturday, June 2, 2018

"Cruel Intentions" Stars Sarah Michelle Gellar & Selma Blair Hit Up Pink Concert

People usually say WTF gratuitously … but in this case, WTF!!! “Cruel Intentions” co-stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair went to a Pink Concert Friday night at The Forum in L.A. … and it just doesn’t seem real. Sarah is 41 and Selma is…


"Cruel Intentions" Stars Sarah Michelle Gellar & Selma Blair Hit Up Pink Concert

People usually say WTF gratuitously … but in this case, WTF!!! “Cruel Intentions” co-stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair went to a Pink Concert Friday night at The Forum in L.A. … and it just doesn’t seem real. Sarah is 41 and Selma is…


Friday, October 27, 2017

Selma Blair & Rachel McAdams Accuse James Toback of Sexual Harassment

Just a few days ago, 38 women came forward and accused director James Toback of sexual misconduct. 38 is an alarmingly high number.

The number of accusers has now grown to the hundreds.

Among Toback’s accusers are Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, who are bravely sharing their harrowing stories.

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal, more and more people in Hollywood are sharing their #MeToo stories and feeling brave enough to speak up, and shatter the culture of silence.

One of the men accused of perpetrating a pattern of sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry is an Oscar-nominated director.

According to the initial allegations, James Toback uses similar tactics on different women.

He allegedly approaches young women if they aren’t sent to him and promises to boost their careers, citing what he did for Robert Downey Jr.

Once alone in a place like a hotel room, he reportedly becomes inappropriate, all under the guise of it just being part of the entertainment business.

He would reportedly try things like humping women’s legs, masturbating in front of them, and ask them unacceptable questions.

(In particular, based upon the accusations, he seems obsessed with talking about masturbation and fixated on women’s pubic hair)

The issue, of course, is that none of this was consensual.

These aren’t accusations of weird dates, these are accusations that he used the false pretense of work-related meetings to lure women to him, where he would then ambush them and coerce them — successfully or not — into playing their role in his twisted fantasies.

All of that is enough to turn your stomach, but there’s more.

As we said, hundreds of women have now reached out to say that they had experiences like those described with James Tomack.

And two big-name actresses, Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair, are sharing their stories with Vanity Fair.

Selma Blair says that she met with him to discuss Harvard Man, at a time when Selma Blair had filmed her famous role in Cruel Intentions but the film had not yet been released.

After Toback apparently refused to leave his hotel room to meet her in the restaurant, Selma went up to meet him. She describes how uncomfortable she became.

“He said, ‘Where are your parents?’ I was thinking, ‘Why is he trying to make me feel so uncomfortable?’ But I realize now he was really trying to figure out what support system I had. I answered him. My mother was in Michigan, and I had an estranged relationship with my father.”

Meaning no family support network in town to speak of.

“James said, ‘You know, I could have him killed.’ He sat back in his chair and said really confidently, ‘I do it all the time. I know people."”

That’s scary … and it will come up again.

“It was about 40 minutes in and he said, ‘Will you trust me? I cannot continue to work with you unless you trust me.’ He said, ‘I need you to take your clothes off. I need you to do this monologue naked."”

As ridiculous as that sounds, Selma was thoroughly intimidated at this point and ended up caving to his request. She says that then, of course, he started rubbing himself through his clothes … and asking if she would have sex with him.

She declined, but he didn’t seem impressed by her refusal.

“I felt trapped. I did not know how to get out and save face and not make a scene. Was I imagining it? He dropped some names [of actresses] that he did some really dark sexual things with.”

And there was an implied threat in that.

“These felt like lies and dark gossip and that he would add my name to the list. I went to leave and he got up and blocked the door. He said, ‘You have to do this for me. You cannot leave until I have release."”

“He said, ‘It’s O.K. I can come in my pants. I have to rub up against your leg. You have to pinch my nipples. And you have to look into my eyes.’ I thought, ‘Well, if I can get out of here without being raped …"”

No one should ever be put into this position.

“He walked me back to the bed. He sat me down. He got on his knees. And he continued to press so hard against my leg. He was greasy and I had to look into those big brown eyes.”


“I tried to look away, but he would hold my face. So I was forced to look into his eyes. And I felt disgust and shame, and like nobody would ever think of me as being clean again after being this close to the devil. His energy was so sinister.”

After that, Selma says, he reminded her that he could supposedly have people killed, and admonished her to keep quiet.

That didn’t stop Selma from telling her manager that Toback was “vile,” and warning her to note send any women to him again. But she didn’t tell the whole story, she says, to anyone except for two people.

Until now.

Rachel McAdams also shared her horror story in Vanity Fair.

She was a 21-year-old theater student at the time, and she was also auditioning for Harvard Man.

At the time, Rachel McAdams had her first TV job to film early the next day, but she eventually agreed to meet him that night. It could, after all, end up being her big break.

(Remember, this is before Mean Girls or The Notebook)

“Pretty quickly the conversation turned quite sexual and he said, ‘You know, I just have to tell you. I have masturbated countless times today thinking about you since we met at your audition."”

That … is not appropriate in a workplace environment. And yes, an audition or anything audition-related is very much a workplace environment.

Also … gross, dude.

Rachel says that he then had her read to him a number of seemingly unrelated passages — like reviews about his work.

(There’s no telling if he wanted to make sure that she was impressed, or if he … ugh, gets off on that)

“Then he went to the bathroom and left me with some literature to read about him. When he came back he said, ‘I just jerked off in the bathroom thinking about you. Will you show me your pubic hair?’ I said no.”

It sounds like, for whatever reason, Toback was less aggressive with her than he is accused of having been with Selma Blair.

“Eventually, I just excused myself. I can’t remember how long I was there. I felt like I was there forever. This has been such a source of shame for me — that I didn’t have the wherewithal to get up and leave.”

Countless other women didn’t. Few would, in that situation. Society trains us to be polite, innate survival instincts tell us to play along, and the man’s very real power to boost careers added even more complications.

“I kept thinking, ‘This is going to become normal any minute now. This is going to all make sense. This is all above board somehow.’ Eventually I just realized that it wasn’t.”

And Rachel acknowledges how fortunate she was.

“I was very lucky that I left and he didn’t actually physically assault me in any way.”

Even so, no one should have to endure that.

With hundreds of accusers having come forward, there’s no telling how many are keeping silent.

After all, reading a story or a woman who got away or said “no” enough times might actually be discouraging to a woman who did not, rather than liberating.

But it’s so important that women — and men — who have faced this kind of unacceptable sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to come forward so that predators can be dragged out into the light of day.

There can be healthy relationships between people who work in the entertainment, whether they’re casual or romantic. They might even be for personal gain.

They must always be truly consensual, however. Making someone feel cornered or trapped or afraid is a monstrous tactic.

If someone fears for their safety or their career if they say “no,” then it’s not consent.

And, basically, no one should ever do any of the thing that James Toback is accused of having done. Please.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Selma Blair: Drugs, Alcohol Caused Psychotic Blackout!

Don’t do drugs, y’all. 

Selma Blair’s epic in-flight meltdown – you remember it, of course. 

Blair flipped out so hard on the flight that she was removed from the aircraft by a stretcher

Let’s repeat that: a stretcher

Now, she’s finally opened up entirely about the incident, calling the event on the plane “frightening,” and referring to her ordeal as a “psychotic blackout.” 


Blair told The Talk that her “blackout” was the result of a “very bad choice.” 

“I am someone that should never drink, and I rarely do, and I don’t drink anymore, but I did,” she revealed. 

“I was going through something.” 

“I had a glass of wine, [and] someone gave me a pill that I thought was something that I had taken before, which I don’t take on a regular basis,” Blair admitted. 

“It was something completely different,” she blamed. 

Same, girl. 

“It was horrible and frightening,” she continued, “and I had empathy for myself, actually, afterwards.” 

Well, of course she did. 

Heaven knows Blair thinks extraordinarily wonderful things about herself, so it’d make sense that she could do what others could not: “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”

“It was so out of character for me, especially now that I am a mother,” she said.

“My son was with his father and he had slept through it.”

“I knew he was going to sleep,” she confided.

“He had his headphones on and that’s why I took this pill.”  

Okay then. 

She admitted that it was a “bad choice all around,” and promised those on The Talk that it wouldn’t be a repeat incident. 

Hopefully not, because the result of her “bad choice” was a terrifying ordeal for anyone within earshot. 

Blair, during the incident, screamed, “He burns my private parts!”

“He won’t let me eat or drink!”

“He beats me!”

“He’s going to kill me!”

Yeah, we’d say that it’s better off if Selma leaves the drugs and alcohol behind – especially the drugs and alcohol in combination – for the betterment of herself and anyone who might have the misfortune of having to endure another psychotic break.

Scary stuff, all that. 


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Selma Blair is Mortified Over Plane Meltdown

Selma Blair is very embarrassed.

She is also very sorry.

On Monday afternoon, the actress was flying back from Cancun with her four-year old son and ex-husband when she suffered what can only be described as a total meltdown.

A total, complete and utter meltdown, really.

According to TMZ, which broke the story, Blair was sipping a glass of wine in first class when she started to bawl and talk about fears regarding an unidentified man.

At one point, various passengers on board confirmed that Blair cried out:

“He burns my private parts. He won’t let me eat or drink. He beats me. He’s going to kill me.”

Scary stuff, for sure.

We have no clarification at the moment on just who Blair was talking about.

But two nurses attended to Blair on the plane and then paramedics were called by the pilot to meet the vehicle on the ground.

Once the flight touched down, Blair was removed via stretcher and taken to a nearby hospital.

She has now spoken out about the incident.

“I made a big mistake yesterday,” she told Vanity Fair, adding:

“After a lovely trip with my son and his Dad, I mixed alcohol with medication, and that caused me to black out and led me to say and do things that I deeply regret.”

The woman who played Kris Jenner in a recent FX miniseries about the O.J. Simpson murder case in 1994 concluded:

“My son was with his Dad asleep with his headphones on, so there is that saving grace. I take this very seriously, and I apologize to all of the passengers and crew that I disturbed and am thankful to all of the people who helped me in the aftermath.

“I am a flawed human being who makes mistakes and am filled with shame over this incident. I am truly very sorry.”

The unfortunate outburst took place after what appeared to be a very enjoyable weekend away at the Hard Rock Hotel Rivera Maya, where Blair had a massage and played with her son.

“This is truly out of character,” a source close to Blair tells People Magazine.

“She’s a devoted mom with a sharp sense of humor. She’s super outgoing, smart and funny – a put-together person. She’s also a proud mom and she loves talking about her kid.”

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Selma Blair Suffers Mid-Flight Meltdown, Gets Taken Off Plane on Stretcher

Selma Blair suffered some kind of breakdown and was removed from a Delta plane on a stretcher yesterday.

Read on for the scary details…

According to TMZ insiders, Blair was traveling back from Cancun to Los Angeles with her four-year old son when she had an outburst mid-flight that necessitated employees to call in paramedics.

“It looks like she had taken a combination of prescription medication with alcohol,” a source says.

“We don’t know what sort of prescription medications.”

Blair was reportedly sitting in first place, drinking wine.

A witness claims he or she saw Blair place something in her drink, prior to the actress bursting out and crying:

“He burns my private parts. He won’t let me eat or drink. He beats me. He’s going to kill me.”

Very weird. Very disturbing.

Blair, who most recently starred on FX’s The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story as Kris Jenner, was tended to by a pair of nurses on board the plane.

They went through her bags for pills and then the pilot called ahead to tell those on the ground that a passenger had dangerously mixed medication with alcohol.

Based on her Instagram account, Blair had been down south with her son for a tropical Father’s Day celebration with her ex, Jason Bleick, the  child’s father.

As their flight took off, Blair shared the above picture of herself and Arthur on Instagram, playing with toy planes.

“We’re leaving on a jet plane. Dad is already asleep,” she captioned the snapshot. “Not for long. Bwahahaha. #fathersdayweekend

Bleick, meanwhile, posted the following image on his own social media account.

plane ride

Blair was taken to a local hospital and we hope she’s doing alright.

Her rep is yet to respond to a request for comment.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

David Foster & Selma Blair: Dating?!?

We have to admit, if this is true, it kinda gives us the icks.

David Foster, music producer and soon-to-be ex-husband of Yolanda Foster, was spotted sharing an intimate dinner in West Hollywood with actress Selma Blair, a source tells Radar Online.

“Selma and David were alone together at dinner and they looked really cozy,” revealed the source.

Unfortunately, we’re not sure just what the witness meant by “cozy” – hands-on-thighs cozy, exchanging-knowing-glances cozy or simply sat-at-the-same-table cozy.

However, all this cozy was apparently interrupted by another celebrity who was also dining at the restaurant: Caitlyn Jenner.

“Caitlyn sat with the couple for a while and then she went to her own booth,” the source told the site.

If you think this sounds like an odd trio, we’re on the same page.

We don’t know if Yolanda is aware of her ex’s new “friendship” with Selma, but if she disapproves, we probably won’t hear about it.

Bravo reportedly wanted to exploit all the dirty details of David and Yolanda’s divorce on her show, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but the former model refused to participate.

“Yolanda and David have a very strict prenuptial agreement that says they can’t discuss each other negatively in any public setting…including television,” a source told Radar.

In addition, Yolanda simply doesn’t want to drag her relationship through the public mud.

“Yolanda and David discussed the importance of handling the proceedings with dignity and class soon after she filed,” added the source. “So she refuses to speak badly about him on the show.”

Guess this means we gotta keep hearing the other Housewives bicker over whether or not Yo actually has Lyme Disease or not.