Showing posts with label Mortified. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mortified. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Mortified Woman Gets Hand Stuck in Toilet, Calls 911

Talk about a crappy day!

And a story that is full of $ hit!

And someone who could use a (clean) hand!

Indeed, Gracie Henderson has made headlines for something that happened to her soon after she moved into a new home in New Caney, Texas.

Earlier this month, Henderson told The Houston Chronicle that the entire moving experience was a nightmare for her, considering the following hiccups:

“A water pipe busted in the wall the day I moved in. I got my car stuck in the mud in the front yard. My brand new lawn mower stopped working.”

On April 12, however, things really took a turn for the terrible when her toilet got clogged and she didn’t have a plunger.

Did she run to the store and purchase one? Nope.

Henderson thought she might be able to fix the clogged commode herself. With her bare hand.

First off: YUCK!

Secondly: FAIL!

Henderson says her watch got caught inside the toilet, which led to her entire hand getting stuck and no viable option remaining on the table except to call the authorities for assistance.

“It’s not really stuck, I’m not really about to call 911 for this,” Henderson told Inside Edition of her mindset at the time.

Making matters even more embarrassing and ironic? Henderson works as a medic. She’s responded to plenty of emergency phone calls over the years.

“We’ve done all kinds of crazy stuff [as medics], but I have never done a hand stuck in the toilet call,” she told the celebrity news outlet.

That was likely the case beforehand for the EMTs who arrived on the scene last week and came to Henderson’s rescue at her home.

The operation required removing the toilet from the bathroom, carrying it outside with her hand still in it and then breaking it open with a sledgehammer, according to the Houston Chronicle.

We can only imagine what the neighbors must have been thinking upon witnessing this display.


Note to Readers: Never underestimate the value of a plunger.

“My son was mortified when all the EMS and fire showed up!!!” Henderson told the newspaper.

He’s probably really glad his mother is sharing the endeavor with reporters, however.

Henderson is now in need of a new toilet for the home, but she already has something that is nearly as important, something she will never be without ever again: a new plunger.

It donated to her by the good folks at Inside Edition.

“This is my best friend from now on,” she told the program.


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Selma Blair is Mortified Over Plane Meltdown

Selma Blair is very embarrassed.

She is also very sorry.

On Monday afternoon, the actress was flying back from Cancun with her four-year old son and ex-husband when she suffered what can only be described as a total meltdown.

A total, complete and utter meltdown, really.

According to TMZ, which broke the story, Blair was sipping a glass of wine in first class when she started to bawl and talk about fears regarding an unidentified man.

At one point, various passengers on board confirmed that Blair cried out:

“He burns my private parts. He won’t let me eat or drink. He beats me. He’s going to kill me.”

Scary stuff, for sure.

We have no clarification at the moment on just who Blair was talking about.

But two nurses attended to Blair on the plane and then paramedics were called by the pilot to meet the vehicle on the ground.

Once the flight touched down, Blair was removed via stretcher and taken to a nearby hospital.

She has now spoken out about the incident.

“I made a big mistake yesterday,” she told Vanity Fair, adding:

“After a lovely trip with my son and his Dad, I mixed alcohol with medication, and that caused me to black out and led me to say and do things that I deeply regret.”

The woman who played Kris Jenner in a recent FX miniseries about the O.J. Simpson murder case in 1994 concluded:

“My son was with his Dad asleep with his headphones on, so there is that saving grace. I take this very seriously, and I apologize to all of the passengers and crew that I disturbed and am thankful to all of the people who helped me in the aftermath.

“I am a flawed human being who makes mistakes and am filled with shame over this incident. I am truly very sorry.”

The unfortunate outburst took place after what appeared to be a very enjoyable weekend away at the Hard Rock Hotel Rivera Maya, where Blair had a massage and played with her son.

“This is truly out of character,” a source close to Blair tells People Magazine.

“She’s a devoted mom with a sharp sense of humor. She’s super outgoing, smart and funny – a put-together person. She’s also a proud mom and she loves talking about her kid.”