Showing posts with label Safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Safety. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2018

Jason Derulo Cancels Prague Concert Over Safety Concerns

Jason Derulo pulled the plug on his concert in Prague Thursday night after his tour manager determined the structural integrity of the stage was not up to snuff, and we’re told a lawsuit may be brewing. Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ,…


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Trump"s Presidential Alert Texts Have Safety Measures in Place, Says FEMA

Remember in January, when Hawaii residents received a terrifying text about an inbound ballistic missile with instructions to seek shelter immediately, but it turned out to be a false alarm? Well, don’t worry — that’s not going to happen with…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Stormy Daniels Fears For Her Safety, Bans Selfies at Book Signing

Stormy Daniels is living in fear of Donald Trump supporters … so much so, the ex-porn star is banning everyone from taking selfies with her at her book signing.  Stormy is signing copies of her book, “Full Disclosure,” Thursday night at the…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro"s Friends Are Worried for His Safety

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s friends are warning the ‘Jersey Shore’ star to cut ties with his baby mama, out of fears her latest domestic violence arrest is a bad omen of what’s to come if he stays with her. Sources close to Ronnie tell us he’s been trying…


"Jersey Shore" Star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro"s Friends Are Worried for His Safety

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s friends are warning the ‘Jersey Shore’ star to cut ties with his baby mama, out of fears her latest domestic violence arrest is a bad omen of what’s to come if he stays with her. Sources close to Ronnie tell us he’s been trying…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Virgin America Sues Todrick Hall Over Annoyingly Catchy Safety Video

Virgin America says it got screwed on that safety video — that’s definitely still stuck in your head if you’ve ever flown the airline — because the guy who produced it, got sloppy … legally speaking. The airline’s super-bouncy little ditty…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tekashi69 Music Video Shoot Shut Down by NYPD for Rapper"s Safety

Tekashi69 came face-to-face with cops for the 2nd week in a row — this time NYPD had to bust up his music video shoot. 6ix9ine was trying to shoot in Brooklyn Tuesday and had his crew in place, and several hundred people in the streets of the Crown…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Elizabeth Warren Has Warning for Trump On Owning Aviation Safety Record

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has no problem with President Trump gloating about the safest year in commercial aviation happening on his watch, but there’s a BIG but attached. The Senator had just flown into D.C.’s Reagan National Airport…


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Ed Sheeran Cancels St. Louis Concert Amid Protests, Cites Safety Concerns

Ed Sheeran is following suit with U2 … he just canceled his show this weekend in St. Louis amid rising protests throughout the city. The promotion company for Ed’s tour put out a statement, saying his Sunday night concert at the Scottrade Center…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Aaron Carter Gets Visit from Cops 3 Times in a Day for Gun, Safety Concerns

Aaron Carter’s trying to buy a gun and has threatened to harm family members … at least according to anonymous callers who got cops to visit Aaron’s house 3 times in a 24-hour span. According to docs obtained by TMZ … someone called St.…


Friday, July 14, 2017

"The Walking Dead" Stuntman John Bernecker Died After Missing Safety Cushion by Inches

John Bernecker died when a planned fall on the set of “The Walking Dead” went horribly wrong, but there are conflicting accounts as to who, if anyone, is to blame … TMZ has learned. Here’s what we know … John and another actor, Austin…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ariana Grande"s Mother Rushed Fans Backstage to Safety During Manchester Bombing Chaos

Ariana Grande’s mother was still sitting in her front row seat when the bomb went off, and helped escort some of her panicked young fans backstage. Multiple witnesses in the arena tell us Joan Grande was surrounded by several concertgoers who were…


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Jill Duggar Reveals Friend"s Shocking Murder, Prompts Safety Concerns From Fans

Back in February, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard returned to El Salvador to continue performing missionary work in the one of the Central American nation’s poorest villages.

It wasn’t Jill and Derick’s first time taking such a trip, but this time around, Jill is pregnant with her second child, and the couple is traveling with their young son Israel Dillard in tow.

As a result, many fans chided the Dillards for putting themselves and their son in danger – and that chorus of criticism will likely grow louder in the wake of a stunning new revelation from Jill:

Taking to her family’s official website yesterday, Jill informed fans that she and Derick are currently mourning the loss of a close friend who was recently murdered in one of El Salvador’s crime-plagued slums:

“We received a phone call on Monday from a friend here in Central America informing us that one of our other good friends (a fellow Christian) had been murdered the day before and that his family had found his body down by the river earlier that morning,” Jill wrote

Jill didn’t offer many specifics, but it seems the friend was a native of El Salvador, whom she and Derick had become close with in recent weeks.

“Even though we had spoke [sic] with our friend and his family about the realities of the dangers here, and especially in their area right now, we were shocked when we learned of his kidnap and murder,” Jill revealed.

She added:

“We’ve had them into our home three times in the past couple weeks!”

Jill went on to report that Derick attended the unnamed friend’s funeral, while she stayed home in stunned disbelief:

“After our regular church service last night, Derick was able to attend the funeral service with some people from church while Israel and I (Jill) stayed back at the house,” Jill wrote.

“Typically funerals are held in a family member’s home and last several hours into the night.

“Our friend’s funeral was held in their area and Derick and some men from church were able to share some words of encouragement with the family and guests. We have cried and continue to grieve the loss of our dear friend. “

Since the time of the Dillards’ first mission trip, fans have expressed concerns about the family’s safety.

Jill has written about safety issues in the past, and many have pointed out that life in El Salvador seems to have had a negative impact on Derick’s health

But Jill has given no indication that she and Derick are planning to return to the States ahead of schedule.

She concluded this week’s message from abroad with the following request to fans:

“We will only be here a little while longer, before we return to the States to prepare for the birth of our second little one, so please also continue to pray for God’s strength and grace to carry on with responsibilities and make the most of the short time left here before our return.”

We’re sure Duggar devotees will deliver in that regard.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Katherine Jackson Accuses Nephew of Mental Abuse, Fears for Her Safety

Katherine Jackson is facing yet another hardship in her life.

In new court documents, the mother of Michael Jackson alleges that she has been the victim of years of mental abuse at the hands of her nephew and driver.

His name is Trent Lamar Jackson.

A relative through marriage, Trent is accused of having accessed Jackson’s bank accounts without her permission.

Other charges leveled against him in this damning legal filing include the assertion that Trent used Katherine’s credit cards (without authorization) for personal use.

And also that he subjected her to years of mental abuse that has left Jackson “in a constant state of fear and confusion.”

Very serious stuff.

Jackson, who has obtained a restraining order against Trent, describes her nephew as “an abusive con-man” who has manipulated her in order to “assume control of her finances.”

The Jackson family matriarch, who has been at the center of quite a few controversies in her life, says she attempted to fire Trent on February 3, in the presence of a police officer no less, ordering him to move out of her guest house.

But he has simply refused to leave.

He took off just as deputies and her attorney arrived on the scene.

Katherine is currently in London visiting her daughter, Janet Jackson, who had a baby at the start of the year, and these legal papers say she is “afraid to go home with Trent there.”

The documents detail how Jackson “fears he could physically harm her for terminating him.”

A judge has ordered her nephew to move out of her residence and return all keys, passwords and combinations to the property.

Trent has also been ordered to stay at least 100 yards away from Katherine Jackson.

The described abuse claims that “Trent has manipulated Mrs. Jackson so much, and preyed on her known kindness, that whenever the police arrive or efforts to press elder abuse charges have been undertaken, she ultimately recants or changes her mind.”

The legal team on behalf of Jackson goes on to say that she “will have moments of strength, and tell her kids that Trent is abusing her, and by the time they get Adult Protections Services to the house, he has convinced her by crying or begging not to report him, and the cycle starts all over.”

Trent has now responded to any of these allegations.

A hearing has been scheduled for March 1st.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Jamie Lynn Spears Struggled to Free Daughter from Safety Belt

Jamie Lynn Spears and her husband struggled to free 8-year-old Maddie from the submerged ATV for several precious minutes … according to cops. The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s dept says Maddie was driving the Polaris ATV shortly before 3 PM on…


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ex-NFL Safety Keion Carpenter Dies After Collapsing on Family Vacation

Ex-NFL player Keion Carpenter — who played for the Bills and Falcons — died Thursday morning after collapsing during a workout earlier this week … a family spokesperson confirmed.  39-year-old Carpenter — a standout player at Virginia Tech…


Friday, December 23, 2016

Taylor Swift Fears for Her Safety If Transcript Goes Public

Taylor Swift says her life will be in danger unless the court steps in and breaks out some Wite-Out. Taylor just filed docs asking the court to redact portions of a transcript from a July hearing in her sexual assault case against David…


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Korean Airline Says Flight Attendant Didn"t Fire Taser For Safety, Richard Marx Calls BS

Daisy Fuentes was dead wrong when she claimed the flight attendant on a Korean Air flight couldn’t subdue an unruly passenger because she didn’t know how to handle a taser … so says Korean Air. The flight attendant didn’t fire the weapon…


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

This Pool Safety Poster May Be the Most Racist Thing Ever

Not everything is racist.

Despite the uproar in some circles of the Internet, for example, this Khloe Kardashian magazine cover is not racist.

But the following pool safety poster? The one that aims to instruct children on how they should and should not behave around the water?

This thing is racist AF.

A woman named Margaret Sawyer first noticed it at a pool in Salida, Colorado, thinking for a moment that it must have been some sort of artifact.

It must have been created back in the 1950s or 1960s, right?


“I saw this one, and I just kept thinking, ‘It looks like they’re trying to do something here that shows all kids together of all different backgrounds, but they’re clearly not hitting the mark,’” she told a local NBC affiliate, KUSA.

Take a close look at the poster above (or even a passing glance, really) and it’s easy to see the problem her.

Titled “Be Cool, Follow The Rules,” the poster features men, women, boys and girls of different colors. Some are black, others are white.

But, with the exception of one fake person, every single individual labeled “Not Cool” is black; and each one label “Cool” is white.


Sawyer says complained to a lifeguard at the facility and then wrote a letter to management asking for the poster’s removal, according to KUSA.

The network has since looked into it and learned that the poster was from a safe-swimming campaign in 2014.

The American Red Cross has since issued an apology, once the image went viral.

The American Red Cross appreciates and is sensitive to the concerns raised regarding one of the water safety posters we produced, it reads.

We deeply apologize for any misunderstanding, as it was absolutely not our intent to offend anyone. As one of the nation’s oldest and largest humanitarian organizations, we are committed to diversity and inclusion in all that we do, every day.

To this end, we have removed the poster from our website and Swim App and have discontinued production. We have notified all of our partner aquatic facilities requesting they take down the poster.

Our organization has emphasized to our partners and on social media that it was absolutely not our intent to offend anyone and apologized for this inadvertent action.

We are currently in the process of completing a formal agreement with a diversity advocacy organization for their guidance moving forward.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Jenelle Evans on Nathan Griffith Arrest: I Fear For My Son"s Safety!

On last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion show, Nathan Griffith absolutely went off on Jenelle Evans.

We don’t mean he laid into her in an amusing way, ribbing her about many arrests, her lack of parenting skills, her jailbird boyfriend or, well … just about any other aspect of her life.

No, instead Nathan chose to make fun of Jenelle’s weight and past drug problems.

“I don’t want you to be with me. I mean, how much [sic] pounds did you gain, you gained like 30 or 40 pounds,” he said at one point.

He went to claim that she’s a cutter and tell the world that she sucks in bed in a tirade that was at worst a stunning display of verbal abuse, and at best the sort of casual douche-baggery we’ve come to expect from Nathan.

Unfortunately for Nathan, karma is a bitch.

Not long after the reunion special was filmed, Griffith was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct.

Obviously, Jenelle is no stranger to run-ins with the law, but with Nathan getting pinched just days before the special aired, she was finally to get on her high horse.

And we’re happy to report that she’s taking full advantage of it.

After years of having her parenting skills questioned by others, Jenelle is finally in a position to cast doubts on someone else, and she did exactly that in a recent interview with Radar Online:

“I don’t care that Nathan got arrested,” Evans said. “I care about the safety of my child.”

Yes, she’s continuing to play the role of the cooler head and the concerned parent.

And amazingly, she’s making it work.

“His behavior concerns me and I hope he wouldn’t be stupid enough to be like that around Kaiser,” she added.

We don’t even know exactly what Nathan’s behavior consisted of, but we do know that Jenelle is guilty of laying several grownup smackdowns on her infantile ex.

But for once, she won’t be getting locked up for her actions.