Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Jenelle Evans on Nathan Griffith Arrest: I Fear For My Son"s Safety!

On last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion show, Nathan Griffith absolutely went off on Jenelle Evans.

We don’t mean he laid into her in an amusing way, ribbing her about many arrests, her lack of parenting skills, her jailbird boyfriend or, well … just about any other aspect of her life.

No, instead Nathan chose to make fun of Jenelle’s weight and past drug problems.

“I don’t want you to be with me. I mean, how much [sic] pounds did you gain, you gained like 30 or 40 pounds,” he said at one point.

He went to claim that she’s a cutter and tell the world that she sucks in bed in a tirade that was at worst a stunning display of verbal abuse, and at best the sort of casual douche-baggery we’ve come to expect from Nathan.

Unfortunately for Nathan, karma is a bitch.

Not long after the reunion special was filmed, Griffith was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct.

Obviously, Jenelle is no stranger to run-ins with the law, but with Nathan getting pinched just days before the special aired, she was finally to get on her high horse.

And we’re happy to report that she’s taking full advantage of it.

After years of having her parenting skills questioned by others, Jenelle is finally in a position to cast doubts on someone else, and she did exactly that in a recent interview with Radar Online:

“I don’t care that Nathan got arrested,” Evans said. “I care about the safety of my child.”

Yes, she’s continuing to play the role of the cooler head and the concerned parent.

And amazingly, she’s making it work.

“His behavior concerns me and I hope he wouldn’t be stupid enough to be like that around Kaiser,” she added.

We don’t even know exactly what Nathan’s behavior consisted of, but we do know that Jenelle is guilty of laying several grownup smackdowns on her infantile ex.

But for once, she won’t be getting locked up for her actions.