Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Wendy Williams: Johnny Depp & Amber Heard Are BOTH Lying!

With the former couple due in court on Friday, the legal battle between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard will likely only get messier in the weeks to come.

Sadly, this isn"t one of those Hollywood divorces that"s ugly in an amusing, gossipy sort of way.

Amber"s allegations against Johnny are truly horrific, with the actress claiming her estranged husband would often become physically abusive toward her during his frequent drunken meltdowns.

Almost as appalling is the way that many of Johnny"s famous friends have publicly accused Heard of lying, with some even going so far as to accuse her of blackmailing Depp.

Frankly, we don"t know who"s telling the truth, but we do know that in addition to dealing with the dissolution of their marriage, Depp and Heard are both being torn apart by the tabloid media.

It"s a horrendous situation, and no matter what happens in court, there are really no winners.

So naturally, Wendy Williams has been patiently circling overhead, waiting to swoop in and feast on the corpses of Johnny and Amber"s reputations.

In the clip below, Wendy giddily absorbs the details (note the frequent squeals of delight) as Rando McGee from WebsiteYouveNeverHeardOf.com fills her in.

As usual, Wendy is feasting on sour grapes like they"re the last food on Earth, but in this case her schadenfruede is even more deplorable than usual for a number of reasons:

For starters, Amber is either a battered woman, or a woman who"s going to revolting lengths to trash the reputation of a father and beloved film icon.

In either case, it"s an unimaginably horrific situation, but Wendy is primarily concerned with how the whole thing is going to affect Depp"s box office.

She also believes that Amber has some "opportunistic ways about her" and "got what she wanted from this situation."

"I smell a rat on both sides," Wendy says, perhaps realizing for the first time that she carries the stench of rodent on her at all times.

From a purely professional standpoint this is one of Wendy"s most ridiculous moments because, um … doesn"t she do this for a living?

Why is her moth agape like she"s just hearing all this crap for the first time?

All we can surmise is that she sucks at her job and/or she"s surprisingly good at acting.

Both are equally possible, as we"ve seen her suck out loud on countless occasions, and she"s spent decades acting like she"s not the Lord of Darkness, Satan himself.

Don"t feel bad if she had you fooled; it"s a convincing performance.

Wendy williams johnny depp and amber heard are both lying