Showing posts with label Poster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poster. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

This Pool Safety Poster May Be the Most Racist Thing Ever

Not everything is racist.

Despite the uproar in some circles of the Internet, for example, this Khloe Kardashian magazine cover is not racist.

But the following pool safety poster? The one that aims to instruct children on how they should and should not behave around the water?

This thing is racist AF.

A woman named Margaret Sawyer first noticed it at a pool in Salida, Colorado, thinking for a moment that it must have been some sort of artifact.

It must have been created back in the 1950s or 1960s, right?


“I saw this one, and I just kept thinking, ‘It looks like they’re trying to do something here that shows all kids together of all different backgrounds, but they’re clearly not hitting the mark,’” she told a local NBC affiliate, KUSA.

Take a close look at the poster above (or even a passing glance, really) and it’s easy to see the problem her.

Titled “Be Cool, Follow The Rules,” the poster features men, women, boys and girls of different colors. Some are black, others are white.

But, with the exception of one fake person, every single individual labeled “Not Cool” is black; and each one label “Cool” is white.


Sawyer says complained to a lifeguard at the facility and then wrote a letter to management asking for the poster’s removal, according to KUSA.

The network has since looked into it and learned that the poster was from a safe-swimming campaign in 2014.

The American Red Cross has since issued an apology, once the image went viral.

The American Red Cross appreciates and is sensitive to the concerns raised regarding one of the water safety posters we produced, it reads.

We deeply apologize for any misunderstanding, as it was absolutely not our intent to offend anyone. As one of the nation’s oldest and largest humanitarian organizations, we are committed to diversity and inclusion in all that we do, every day.

To this end, we have removed the poster from our website and Swim App and have discontinued production. We have notified all of our partner aquatic facilities requesting they take down the poster.

Our organization has emphasized to our partners and on social media that it was absolutely not our intent to offend anyone and apologized for this inadvertent action.

We are currently in the process of completing a formal agreement with a diversity advocacy organization for their guidance moving forward.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Pretty Little Liars Poster: Putting the FUN in Funeral!

Are you strong enough to carry your secrets?

So asks a new poster for Pretty Little Liars Season 6, which returns on January 12 with new episodes and which will leap five years into the future.

The promotional photo is intriguing for multiple reasons, the most prominent of which are this:

  • Hanna, Aria, Spencer, Alison and Emily are attending a funeral, holding a casket. But who is in said casket?!? (Mrs. DiLaurentis, perhaps?)

  • We’ve seen the Pretty Little Liars wearing some risque outfits before… but holy Tiny Black Dress, Hanna! We’re not even sure if Kim Kardashian would wear that number to a funeral.

When new episodes pick up, we know that Hanna will be engaged.

We also know that Ezra’s new, non-Aria relationship will have ended in violent fashion, while Spencer will be working in politics… Emily will have dropped out of school… and Alison will be married.

Oh, yes, a lot can change in five years, people.

Remember to visit our friends at TV Fanatic in order to watch Pretty Little Liars online and catch up on everything you may have missed before this ABC Family* hit returns next month.

(*Yes, we’re gonna continue to call this network ABC Family because the new name, Freeform, is totally absurd.)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Poster: What"s Changed?

ABC Family has a secret and it can no longer keep it:

The return of Aria, Spencer and company is just a few weeks away!

With Pretty Little Liars Season 6 set to resume on January 12, the cable network has unveiled the first official poster for the back half of the latest season.

And this promotional material is especially interesting because the series will jump ahead FIVE YEARS upon its return.

What does the poster tell us?

Well… Spencer has bangs. And Aria looks to be very mad at Allison for some reason.

There’s also dirt pouring out of the car, which can only mean there’s another grave storyline on the way. See what we did there?

As for where we’ll find the Liars in five years? Thanks to a recent ABC Family special, we know the following:

  • Hanna will be engaged! (To Caleb? Don’t be so sure.)

  • Aria will have a new boyfriend, though Ezra will still be in her life.

  • Ezra, meanwhile, will have found a new girlfriend, but that relationship ends in “very violent” fashion.

  • Spencer will be working on Capitol Hil.

  • Toby will be single, but many will want to mingle with him after he inherits A LOT of money due to the house burning down.

  • Emily will have dropped out of school and will have the “biggest secret” of all the Liars, according to star Shay Mitchell.

  • Allison will be married… to Charlotte’s doctor!

Remember that you can visit TV Fanatic to watch Pretty Little Liars online at any time in order to catch up prior to January 12.

Check out the poster above; react to the changes to come; and then go back in time with this gorgeous cast below:

Monday, November 23, 2015

Game of Thrones Season 6 Poster: What Does It Say About Jon Snow?

Has HBO finally come out and revealed the worst kept secret on television?

In the closing moments of Game of Thrones Season 5, Jon Snow took a sword to the abdomen.

He fell down in a heap on the snow, the camera zooming in on his blood, the drama’s one true hero seemingly dead and gone forever.

Except… come on.

This is Jon Snow. This is the one hope for Westeros. This is the man who has a score to settle with The Night’s King and who simply ain’t going out like that

Considering Melisandre just arrived at Castle Black… considering what we know happens in the George R.R. Martin novels … and considering star Kit Harrington has even been spotted on set this summer in Belfast, it seemed rather clear:

Jon Snow may be dead. But he’s clearly coming back to life.

By actually featuring Snow on the first official poster for Game of Thrones Season 6, it would certainly appear as if the network isn’t even trying to make this a secret any longer.

We also now know that Game of Thrones will return with new episodes in April, likely April 3, as it typically comes back early on that month.

We’ll confirm the premiere date as soon as we know it.

In the meantime, sound off: JON SNOW IS TOTALLY COMING BACK TO LIFE!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Poster Hints at New Death Star

The Force may not awaken for another two months, but the Disney promotional machine is officially in overdrive.

At halftime of tonight’s Giants-Eagles matchup, fans will be treated to a new Star Wars Episode VII trailer.

And ahead of this milestone event, the studio has unveiled a juicy new poster for the year’s most anticipated movie.

Among the highlights:

  • Brand new heroes Rey, Finn (holding Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber!) and Poe Dameron in pilot gear.

  • A fresh look at their adversaries in the First Order, chiefly the blade-wielding Kylo Ren and the chromed-out Captain Phasma.

  • Long-time favorites Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2, along with our first look at a returning Carrie Fisher and a new hairdo for Princess Leia.

  • Even more intriguing than that? Look up in the right corner… amidst the battling X-wings, TIE fighters and Star Destroyers… doesn’t that planet-shaped weapon appear to be the latest evolution in Death Star technology?!?

A limited number of Star Wars: The Force Awakens tickets will actually go on sale Monday night, while the trailer will hit your small screen around 10 p.m. EST.

So get ready for Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released on December… but get set to be even more excited for it in a few hours.

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Poster: So Long, Mystic Falls?

To conclude The Vampire Diaries Season 6, Damon and Stefan Salvatore were forced to say goodbye to Elena Gilbert.

To kick off The Vampire Diaries Season 7, might they have to say goodbye to their hometown?

The CW has unveiled its official poster for new episodes of this long-running drama, and it makes a clear reference to Nona Dibrev’s departed character via the tagline “Heartbreak is Eternal.”

But it also depicts Stefan and Damon walking away from Mystic Falls.

When we last left the series in May, of course, there appeared to have been a quick time jump and Mystic Falls appeared to be essentially abandoned.

We can only presume this is due to the presence of Lily and her Heretics.

Look for them to be fully in charge when The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 1 airs on Thursday, October 8 and also look for the action to briefly shift to Brooklyn.

We’ll see Alaric dealing with Jo’s death in an unusual manner, along with Damon drinking a lot and some movement on the Staroline front.

As for what we want to see? We’ve come up with the following wish list: