Monday, November 23, 2015

Game of Thrones Season 6 Poster: What Does It Say About Jon Snow?

Has HBO finally come out and revealed the worst kept secret on television?

In the closing moments of Game of Thrones Season 5, Jon Snow took a sword to the abdomen.

He fell down in a heap on the snow, the camera zooming in on his blood, the drama’s one true hero seemingly dead and gone forever.

Except… come on.

This is Jon Snow. This is the one hope for Westeros. This is the man who has a score to settle with The Night’s King and who simply ain’t going out like that

Considering Melisandre just arrived at Castle Black… considering what we know happens in the George R.R. Martin novels … and considering star Kit Harrington has even been spotted on set this summer in Belfast, it seemed rather clear:

Jon Snow may be dead. But he’s clearly coming back to life.

By actually featuring Snow on the first official poster for Game of Thrones Season 6, it would certainly appear as if the network isn’t even trying to make this a secret any longer.

We also now know that Game of Thrones will return with new episodes in April, likely April 3, as it typically comes back early on that month.

We’ll confirm the premiere date as soon as we know it.

In the meantime, sound off: JON SNOW IS TOTALLY COMING BACK TO LIFE!!!!