Showing posts with label Mystic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mystic. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 15 Recap: Mystic Mistake

Maybe Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador are not as close as they would like the world to think. 

That thought crossed my mind several times during The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 15 when it became ever more apparent that they are just as toxic as the rest of the housewives. 

When the episode got underway, David confirmed to Shannon that he questioned Diko about Peggy’s cancer diagnosis. Shannon did seem like she understood, but was probably only mad because it looked like her husband was doing her dirty work for her. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will know that Peggy’s double mastectomy has been the topic of conversation all season long and it’s about time everyone stopped talking about it. 

Tamra was very much against anything else being said about the whole cancer situation, but Shannon would not shut up about it, and it started to grate on Tamra’s nerves. 

Like viewers, she was done with hearing these people bring down Peggy for her cancer diagnosis. Tamra wanted Diko and David to work their issues out and leave the women out of it. 

Shannon got mad because Tamra was giving advice when she didn’t want it. Isn’t that what friends are for? Maybe these two have just outgrown each other. 

Meanwhile, Vicki admitted that she needed to go to the cardiologist to make sure that all was right with her after some stressful times. Part of this stemmed from the phone call she received when her mother died, so it’s understandable that she would be worried. 

The doctor confirmed Vicki’s worst fears and said there might be a blockage, and one of the chambers of her heart could be enlarged. This was worrying for the OG of the OC, but she claimed she was ready to live a little. 

Meghan was still scarred by some of the fiery feuds this season, so she invited the ladies over to meet with her psychic, Mystic Michaela. 

Peggy did not seem interested in speaking with Shannon because she just seemed so over all of the talks about her health, and she sat with a scowl on her face for the whole event. 

When the ladies indulged in some fine dining, Lydia asked them all to accompany her to Iceland, and the ladies who attended the event seemed happy enough. 

Vicki and Kelly ditched the event at Meghan’s and had some wine, but Vicki wanted to let her pal know about her diagnosis. Vicki said that she was convinced a murmur is what killed her mother. 

So, her big idea was to work less and be around positive people. It’s good on paper, but if she wants to stay out of the drama, the producers will fire her, so there’s that. 

Lydia called the pair to invite them to Iceland, and they agreed to go. Vicki did not want to, but she did so for Kelly. 

After that, Peggy thought it was high time Shannon got a taste of her own medicine, so she confronted Shannon about the whole thing. 

Shannon reiterated that David was asking the questions because he was worried about Peggy and wanted to know more. Shannon also said that Diko was the one in the wrong for jumping to conclusions. 

Shannon flipped out when Peggy questioned whether Shannon trusted David. Shannon yelled about David’s infidelity, and all I could do was laugh. 

Shannon is deluded these days and needs to get help. Peggy said she wanted everyone to shut up about her health and that if she wanted to talk about it, she would. 

After Peggy left, Shannon cried wolf because nobody stuck up for her, and Tamra told her to stop being an asshole. Shannon admitted that the affair is coming back to haunt her, and it’s not a good feeling. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 9 Recap: Miss Mystic Falls 2.0

Anyone for some Miss Mystic Falls?

On The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 9, the CW hit begun to embrace the end and threw back to one of the most iconic moments of the entire series. 

However, this iteration of one of the town’s best events was more deadlier than before. That’s sort of what happens when you have both the Ripper and the Siren in attendance. 

As the episode got underway, Damon and Stefan bonded over killing some dude in a bar, but Sybil just had to call Damon to ruin the fun. She wanted the brothers to make their back to Mystic Falls in order help her find the artifact. 

Stefan was against returning, but Damon agreed without really thinking it through. This continued to prove to Stefan that there was something iffy about Damon’s humanity. 

Meanwhile, Bonnie returned from her trip to Paris with Enzo and wasted no time in meeting up with Caroline. Caroline was floored by a mysterious vial around Bonnie’s neck.

That vial was filled with Enzo’s blood and it made Caroline question whether Bonnie wanted to become a vampire in order to spend an eternity with Enzo. 

Their conversation was interrupted by a phone call from Seline, who wanted them to meet her to hear her out.

At the meeting, Seline claimed that it was imperative that they did not allow Sybil to get all of the pieces of the artifact, or there would be trouble in store. 

Seline made it clear that her intention was to kill Sybil in order to try and do something good in her life, but Caroline struggled to believe her because of the way she acted when she was giving off serious Nanny Carrie vibes. 

Caroline got on the phone to Matt to let him know about Seline, so he and Dorian continued to work together to locate where the other pieces of the artifact could be. 

At the Miss Mystic Falls pageant, Caroline was shocked by the arrival of Stefan, Damon and Sybil and made it clear that she would not let them ruin the day. 

Caroline noticed that Damon was still fighting Sybil off from his subconscious and used it to her advantage.

She told him to keep her out of his mind, but Sybil appeared to continue her reign of terror to get him on her side. 

Stefan flipped and stabbed Damon and left him lying next to Sybil, who Damon had knocked out just before. 

Caroline was chatting to the girls, but Stefan appeared and murdered one of them. He then told Caroline that he fed all of them his blood, so they would start the transition. 

Caroline “murdered” Stefan, but he came back to life because of his deal with Cade and the pair bickered about how long Stefan would be the Ripper. Caroline was shocked to learn that he actually enjoyed it. 

Stefan left, leaving Caroline to school the transitioning girl on what would become of her.

The girl wanted to die, but Caroline spoke about everything she had accomplished since becoming a vampire and it helped the girl change her stance on all of it. 

Enzo and Bonnie argued about Bonnie not becoming a vampire because of everything she witnessed her friends go through, but she said that Enzo could be cured and it was clear he was thinking it through. 

We ended the episode with Sybil attacking Damon, seemingly turning his humanity back on. 

Things are definitely getting deadlier in Mystic Falls but is there any way either of the Salvatores can be redeemed at this stage?

What did you think of the drama?

Sound off below!


Monday, September 28, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Poster: So Long, Mystic Falls?

To conclude The Vampire Diaries Season 6, Damon and Stefan Salvatore were forced to say goodbye to Elena Gilbert.

To kick off The Vampire Diaries Season 7, might they have to say goodbye to their hometown?

The CW has unveiled its official poster for new episodes of this long-running drama, and it makes a clear reference to Nona Dibrev’s departed character via the tagline “Heartbreak is Eternal.”

But it also depicts Stefan and Damon walking away from Mystic Falls.

When we last left the series in May, of course, there appeared to have been a quick time jump and Mystic Falls appeared to be essentially abandoned.

We can only presume this is due to the presence of Lily and her Heretics.

Look for them to be fully in charge when The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 1 airs on Thursday, October 8 and also look for the action to briefly shift to Brooklyn.

We’ll see Alaric dealing with Jo’s death in an unusual manner, along with Damon drinking a lot and some movement on the Staroline front.

As for what we want to see? We’ve come up with the following wish list: