Showing posts with label Awakens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awakens. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Tomi Lahren Awakens the Beyhive, Gets Stung. Hard.

As previously reported, conservative commentator Tomi Lahren has a funny concept of patriotism.

But many Internet users found nothing humorous at all about what Lahren had to say this week about Beyonce and Colin Kaepernick.

Yes, Tomi Lahren is in a feud with Beyonce and Colin Kaepernick.

A one-sided feud, but still.

Scroll down to learn how this unexpected rivalry came about…

1. This is How It Started:

This is how it started

On Tuesday night, Kaepernick was honored with the Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award. The distinction is given by the magazine to “individuals whose dedication to the ideals of sportsmanship has spanned decades and whose career in athletics has directly or indirectly impacted the world.”

2. The Award’s History:

The awards history

Past honorees include Magic Johnson, Bill Russell, Jack Nicklaus, Jim Brown and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

3. A True Activist:

Colin kaepernick kneels

Kaepernick earned the honor for risking his job as a NFL quarterback when he kneeled during the national anthem to protest police violence against African-Americans. He has since donated a million dollars to related causes.



In a surprise move, Beyonce appeared to award the trophy to Kaerpernick, saying on stage: “Thank you Colin Kaepernick. Thank you for your selfless heart, and your conviction. Thank you for your personal sacrifice. Colin took action with no fear of consequence or repercussion only hope to change the world for the better. To change perception, to change the way we treat each other, especially people of color.”

5. Something Important in Common

Something important in common

Beyonce, of course, has noted police violence in both her singles and the visuals that often accompany them. The video for her 2016 song “Formation,” for example, included a police cruiser sinking in a New Orleans flood.

6. Enter Tomi Lahren…

Enter tomi lahren

Aghast at this pairing and what they represent, Lahren Tweeted in response: “Police-hating Beyoncé presents police and America-hating Kappy with a “legacy” award. This is how far we’ve fallen. Wow.”

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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Totally Awesome Father Awakens Son as Darth Vader

The father featured in the following video has given an entirely new meaning to The Force Awakens.

He opens the footage by explaining that the house is asleep and that his plan is to wake up his son the following morning… while dressed as the epitome of evil.

Darth Vader.

What does he need to accomplish this hilarious goal?

Black pants. Black shoes. Black gloves. A black cape. A black long sleeve shirt. And shin guards.

Oh, also a shoulder pad. An imperial jock strap. A two-piece helmet. And a light saber.

And his wife"s permission, of course. That"s the most important thing of all.

Seriously, this guy is NOT messing around.

How does little son Sebastian react upon being awoken by Darth Vader?

He"s confused at first. But it doesn"t take him long to grab his own light saber and begin to fight…

… until he then grabs a couple books and insists on just sitting and reading with Darth Vader.

Which we guess it"s pretty brave when you think about it. And definitely adorable.

This is easily one of our favorite videos ever.

There"s a reason why it"s been viewed well over one million times.

See for yourself now:

Totally awesome father awakens son as darth vader

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: 9 Crazy Fan Theories!

Unless you just emerged from the Sarlacc Pit, you probably know that we"re less than a week away from the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

You might also be aware that the franchise has been known to inspire just a smidge of obsessive devotion from fans, which means the Internet has been a breeding ground for wild speculation about the new film ever since the first trailer debuted last year.

Some of the theories are totally plausible. (It"s entirely possible, for example that Luke Skywalker has been left out of the film"s marketing campaign because J.J. Abrams and company don"t want to reveal that he"s gone to the Dark Side.)

Others are wackier than the Mos Eisley Cantina at last call on singles" night.

We"ve assembled a decent mix here, but we"ve mostly focused on the weird ones, because, c"mon…you"re so close to the big day, you don"t really want to be hit with any spoilers now, do you?

Imagine if someone told you that Vader was Luke"s father right before you saw The Empire Strikes Back!

Sorry, if we ruined that for you, but we have a strict policy here at THG: No advance spoiler warnings on movies that are old enough to run for president.

1. Finn is the Son of Lando Calrissian…and Princess Leia

John boyega in star wars

No one’s quite sure how the theory that John Boyega’s character is the son of Lando Calrissian and Princess, excuse us…GENERAL Leia, but you can blame J.J. Abrams for fanning the flames on this one. Asked about Finn’s lineage in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the director responded, “I will only say about that that it is completely intentional that their last names aren’t public record.” Hmm…could be something to this one.

2. Luke Skywalker is Kylo Ren

Luke skywalker is kylo ren

The latest trailers show Kylo Ren pledging to his allegiance to Darth Vader’s battered helmet. Luke isn’t seen in any of the trailers and he Is Vader’s son, so…eh, we’re not buying it.

3. Boba Fett is Back!

Boba fett photo

Die hard fans have noticed that the first trailer features a banner with a Mandalorian insignia. The franchise’s most badass bounty hunter just happens to hail from Mandalore. Of course, even if he shows up, he probably end up not doing jack squat again.

4. You Can Watch The First Two Minutes Online!

Star wars the force awakens opening scene

Some fans believe that a completed cut of the first two minutes of the film has leaked online. The fact that there’s a typo in the iconic text crawl leads us to believe they’re mistaken.

5. Han Solo Dies!

Harrison ford as han solo photo

This one’s not actually all that ridiculous. We could easily imagine Han going out in some noble fashion. After all, we can’t imagine Harrison Ford signing on for endless sequels. It would be tragic, but less horrific than if…

6. Chewbacca Dies!

Chewbacca dies

The first trailer showed a grieving Rey in the same frame as a tuft of hair. Is it Chewie?! Could be! Of course, it also be come random Wookie.

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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens New Trailer: Spoiler Alert?

As you may have heard from your friends, family, neighbors and approximately 47,000 product tie-in commercials (Seriously, we"re waiting for the reveal that Fan Duel is controlled by the Sith.), the theatrical release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is just around the corner.

We"ve seen about a half-dozen different Force Awakens trailers at this point, and with just one week left until the premiere you might think that J.J. Abrams and company won"t be giving away any more info about the most-hyped movie since…well, since the last Star Wars trilogy.

Indeed, it looks as though the plan was to withhold any further information until December 18, and your nerdiest Facebook friend will post a 14,000-word plot summary on Facebook.

Unfortunately, Disney, Lucasfilm, et al were overruled by…a Chinese boy band?

Yes, China is on track to surpass the US as the world"s largest movie market by 2017. As such, there are many, many people in the Far East who have a lot invested in the success of the Star Wars film.

Marketing works a bit differently over there, which explains this new Chinese trailer released today.

For starters, it"s introduced by a singer from a Chinese boy band that recently released a Star Wars-themed single entitled "Lightsaber."

Additionally, it appears that Chinese audiences aren"t as concerned about spoilers as Americans are, because this clip contains lots of  footage and dialogue that had previously been kept under wraps.

So if you"re not big on surprises, enjoy!

However, if you want to wait another week to find out what the deal is with Kylo Ren, just watch the hilarious Force Awakens Honest Trailer again. It never gets old.


Star wars the force awakens new trailer spoiler alert

Friday, November 6, 2015

Star Wars The Force Awakens: NEW FOOTAGE!

We don"t want to get overly excited.

We want to remain calm and keep perspective and not prove that this Honest Trailer has us pegged perfectly, but… well.. we can"t help it:


That feels worthy of all capital letters, don"t you think?

This Japanese preview begins in the same way as a previous Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer, with Daisy Ridley’s Rey on the plant of Jakku.

Unlike earlier sneak peeks at the film, however, the focus in this case is on Rey’s companionship with the droid BB-8, who we see and here doing plenty of endearing R2D2-esque beeping and chirping.

My, how we"ve missed those sounds.

Via narration, we then hear the pirate Maz Kanata (played by the amazing Lupita Nyong’o, who we’re yet to see in any trailer) asking Rey questions about her identity, one of which prompts a fascinating response:

“I know all about waiting. For my family.”

Hmmm… sounds a bit like Rey – long speculated by fans to be the daughter of Luke Skywalker or Princess Leia – was abandoned on Jakku for some reason.

But what"s the reason? Who is she, exactly? Oh, and is it December 18 yet?!?

Check out the new preview to also see John Boyega’s controversial Stormtrooper Finn watching the horizon as TIE fighters come in, seemingly intent on destroying Rey"s home planet.

But enough from us, right? Watch the trailer now and begin to formulate your own theories.

Star wars the force awakens new footage

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

19 Tantalizing Teases from Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Have you watched the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer yet?

Yes? You have? Like, 97 times? Same here.

Now it"s therefore time to toggle through a number of photos from this upcoming blockbuster – because if a picture is worth 1,000 words, these images tell quite the long story about what may be the most anticipated movie in Hollywood history…

1. Ready for Battle

Ready for battle

Adam Driver’s Kylo Renn is flanked here by First Order stormtroopers in the ruins of a village on the planet Jakku. Talk about an awesome photograph!

2. GULP!


Say hello to Ren. Played by Adam Driver of Girls fame, this villain is a member of the Knights of Ren… and he has created his own lightsaber.

3. There She Goes!

There she goes

Played by Daisy Ridley, Rey is a scavenger who was raised in the harsh desert world of Jakku. She plays a key role.

4. On the Run

On the run

There goes Finn (John Boyega), a trained warrior desperate to overcome his history. He and Rey are under attack in this scene.

5. Meeting Poe Dameron

Meeting poe dameron

Oscar Isaac plays Poe Dameron, a leader in the Resistance’s fight against the evil First Order. He’s on his way here to his a modern X-wing fighter.

6. Man Down!

Man down

Or vehicle down, at least. Finn runs away from a destroyed TIE fighter in this intense scene.

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Star Wars The Force Awakens: Watch the Final Trailer!

Non-football fans around the nation were tuned in to ESPN on Monday night.

To see whether the Giants could defeat the Eagles and settle in to first place in the NFC East? Not quite.

But to view the final, official, full-length trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which aired at halftime… and which did not disappoint.

The footage opens with a question (“Who are you?”) and an answer from Daisy Ridley’s Rey: “I’m no one.”

We hear from John Boyega’s runaway stormtrooper Finn, along with Adam Driver’s villainous Kylo Ren, who speaks to a scorched Darth Vader mask and intones:

“Nothing will stand in our way. I will finish what I started.”

There’s Han Solo, confirming all the stories about the dark side and the Jedi. And there’s Princess Leia giving him a hug.

But where"s Luke?!?

Check out this Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer now and let the countdown to December 18 begin…

The force awakens trailer

Monday, October 19, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Poster Hints at New Death Star

The Force may not awaken for another two months, but the Disney promotional machine is officially in overdrive.

At halftime of tonight’s Giants-Eagles matchup, fans will be treated to a new Star Wars Episode VII trailer.

And ahead of this milestone event, the studio has unveiled a juicy new poster for the year’s most anticipated movie.

Among the highlights:

  • Brand new heroes Rey, Finn (holding Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber!) and Poe Dameron in pilot gear.

  • A fresh look at their adversaries in the First Order, chiefly the blade-wielding Kylo Ren and the chromed-out Captain Phasma.

  • Long-time favorites Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2, along with our first look at a returning Carrie Fisher and a new hairdo for Princess Leia.

  • Even more intriguing than that? Look up in the right corner… amidst the battling X-wings, TIE fighters and Star Destroyers… doesn’t that planet-shaped weapon appear to be the latest evolution in Death Star technology?!?

A limited number of Star Wars: The Force Awakens tickets will actually go on sale Monday night, while the trailer will hit your small screen around 10 p.m. EST.

So get ready for Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released on December… but get set to be even more excited for it in a few hours.