Showing posts with label Beyhive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beyhive. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Tomi Lahren Awakens the Beyhive, Gets Stung. Hard.

As previously reported, conservative commentator Tomi Lahren has a funny concept of patriotism.

But many Internet users found nothing humorous at all about what Lahren had to say this week about Beyonce and Colin Kaepernick.

Yes, Tomi Lahren is in a feud with Beyonce and Colin Kaepernick.

A one-sided feud, but still.

Scroll down to learn how this unexpected rivalry came about…

1. This is How It Started:

This is how it started

On Tuesday night, Kaepernick was honored with the Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award. The distinction is given by the magazine to “individuals whose dedication to the ideals of sportsmanship has spanned decades and whose career in athletics has directly or indirectly impacted the world.”

2. The Award’s History:

The awards history

Past honorees include Magic Johnson, Bill Russell, Jack Nicklaus, Jim Brown and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

3. A True Activist:

Colin kaepernick kneels

Kaepernick earned the honor for risking his job as a NFL quarterback when he kneeled during the national anthem to protest police violence against African-Americans. He has since donated a million dollars to related causes.



In a surprise move, Beyonce appeared to award the trophy to Kaerpernick, saying on stage: “Thank you Colin Kaepernick. Thank you for your selfless heart, and your conviction. Thank you for your personal sacrifice. Colin took action with no fear of consequence or repercussion only hope to change the world for the better. To change perception, to change the way we treat each other, especially people of color.”

5. Something Important in Common

Something important in common

Beyonce, of course, has noted police violence in both her singles and the visuals that often accompany them. The video for her 2016 song “Formation,” for example, included a police cruiser sinking in a New Orleans flood.

6. Enter Tomi Lahren…

Enter tomi lahren

Aghast at this pairing and what they represent, Lahren Tweeted in response: “Police-hating Beyoncé presents police and America-hating Kappy with a “legacy” award. This is how far we’ve fallen. Wow.”

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Taylor Swift Just Crossed the Beyhive. Find Out Why.

In her brand new song, Taylor Swift takes aim at famous rivals such as Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and Katy Perry.

But it’s a different A-Lister who now has a beef with the artist.

Or, perhaps we should more accurately say, it’s a different artist’s fan base.

On Friday afternoon, Swift unveiled a music video teaser for “Look at What You Made Me Do,” two days ahead of when the full video will premiere at the MTV Video Music Awards.

You can check it out HERE.

It doesn’t reveal very much.

But it has revealed enough to severely anger the Beyhive, the loyal group of Beyonce fans who worship at the feet of the world’s most popular solo singer…

… and who have now set their sights on Swift.

In one frame from her video teaser, Swift is dressed in a black leotard and fishnet tights while leading a group of male dancers who are all rocking similar looks.

The footage appears to be set in an ornate ballroom.

Critics, meanwhile, are pointing to  Beyonce’s Lemonade visual album as a comparison.

In the video for the Beyonce track “Sorry,” the superstar and Serena Williams dance in the halls of a lavish Louisiana plantation… while wearing – you guessed it! – black leotards.

Queen Bey also donned the look with a contingent of similarly dressed backup dancers during her performance of “Formation” at Super Bowl 50.

bey image

One fan tweeted side-by-side screen shots of Swift’s “Look What You Made Me Do” teaser and video from Lemonade, captioning it “Lemonade and Minute Maid.”


That’s harsh.

But is it fair?

minute maid

Added Beyonce fan added: “Taylor Swift wanna be Beyoncé so bad.”

Taylor has received A LOT backlash for this new single, which many Internet users believe to be petty and simply not very catchy.

It also has a very dark tone.

Others, meanwhile, thought back to Swift’s infamous feud with Kardashian and West and accused the singer of “playing the victim.”

This is a charge Swift has faced for years, having often sang about being wronged by ex-boyfriends in some way, shape or form.

This is different, though. This is Taylor Swift daring to cross the Beyhive. We’d be a tad frightened if we were her.

swift haters

Are these criticisms justified?

Do you think Swift really did copy Beyonce?

Or is this just a coincidence? And it Swift receiving an unfair rap?

Sound off below and also answer this question:

Are you excited for her new album?


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Beyonce Wax Figure Sparks Disdain, Confusion Among Beyhive

There’s a new wax figure of Beyonce at the flagship Madame Tussauds location in New York City.

At least we think it"s Beyonce. We"ve been told it"s Beyonce.

As you"re about to discover, however, it looks nothing at all like Beyonce.

The Internet has reacted on shock and horror to this supposed manifestation of its favorite singer, with many members of the passionate Beyhive speaking out in hilarious defiance.

Check out the best reaction (and see the Beyonce wax figure!) below…

1. This is FIERCE!

This is fierce

It’s something alright… but we’re pretty sure that something is not a solid represenation of Beyonce Knowles.

2. We’re Starting Strong

Were starting strong

Tomi Lehrens with a busted face??? Amazing.

3. Lindsay Lohan Does Not Deserve Her Own Wax Fi…

Lindsay lohan does not deserve her own wax fi

… what?!? This isn’t Lindsay Lohan?!?

4. This Could Be Jessica. Or Maybe It’s Britney.

This could be jessica or maybe its britney

But we know one thing for sure: It… is… not… Beyonce.

5. This is More Than a Theory

This is more than a theory

It’s clearly a fact.

6. This is the Beyonce Wax Figure in Las Vegas

This is the beyonce wax figure in las vegas

Seriously, has no one at Madame Tussauds ever seen a photo of Beyonce?!?

View Slideshow

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Emma Watson to Beyhive: Chill Out. Read THIS!

Emma Watson would really like to make peace with the most passionate fan base on the Internet.

The former Harry Potter star and current Beauty and the Beast beauty has found herself in unexpected hot water over the past few days, all because she took her bra off for Vanity Fair.

No, really.

That’s the entire basis for Watson facing the first backlash of her impressive career.

The British actress is featured in rather seductive fashion for the latest issue of this publication, staring into the camera under the headline “Beauty & the breasts” while donning nothing on top but a see-through sweater over her shoulders.

The item covers her nipples, however.

There’s really nothing X-rated to see in the picture, but folks across the globe have been caught off guard by someone with the reputation of Watson striking such a risque pose.

Watson has endured a string of criticism from those who don’t think one can be a feminist AND take one’s shirt off for the world to gawk over.

In response to the harsh words hurled her way over social media, Watson spoke to Reuters and basically replied:

WTH are people talking about?!?

She’s actually too nice to say anything like that, but she did come sort of close.

“Feminism is about giving women choice,” Watson explained in her own defense, adding:

“Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality. I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it.”

Perfectly said, right?

Yes, but fans of Beyonce have taken a different issue with Watson.

They’re cool with Emma flaunting her sexuality.

But they are the opposite of cool with Emma flaunting her sexuality a few years after seemingly slamming Beyonce for doing the same thing in her 2013 visual album.

In a 2014 interview, Watson said the following about a number of Beyonce music videos:

“I felt very conflicted, I felt her message felt very conflicted in the sense that on the one hand she is putting herself in a category of a feminist – but then the camera, it felt very male, such a male voyeuristic experience of her.”

Based on those remarks alone, members of the very outspoken Beyhive WENT OFF on Watson.

They accused her of being a hypocrite, citing this quote as proof that she bashes other women for taking their clothes off… but then goes right ahead and does so herself.

Here’s a look at some of their more pointed comments:

beyhive tweets

Surprisingly, and to her credit, Watson has actually acknowledged this growing scandal.

She’s taken to Twitter and shared the FULL excerpt of the 2014 interview in question, making it pretty clear that she’s always been on Team Beyonce.

“This is the part of my 2014 interview with Tavi where we talked about Beyoncé. My words are in bold,” Watson wrote as a caption to the following screen shot.

emma statement

So… did Watson really utter the words that have gotten her in trouble?

Yes, but they were part of a much longer conversation.

“[Beyoncé] does make it clear that she is performing for [Jay Z] and the fact she wasn’t doing it for a label, she was doing it for herself and the control that she has directing it and putting it out there, I agree is making her sexuality empowering because it is her choice,” Watson goes on to say in this same interview.

As you can read above, she also says:

“The second is that I would say you do get sense of, ‘I can be a feminist, I can be an intellectual, I can be all these other things, but I can also be ok with my femininity, and being pretty and with all these things that I thought might negate my message or negate what I am about.’

That really is the most interesting thing about the album. It is so inclusive and puts feminism and femininity and female empowerment on such a broad spectrum.”

In other words:

Perhaps people ought to do some research and some reading before they jump all over someone.

Everyone Watson said about Beyonce three years ago is the same thing she said about herself when it comes to her Vanity Fair photo.

In other other words:

There’s nothing to see here, folks. Go find another feud to contrive.

Watson is awesome. Beyonce is awesome.

And everyone has to chill the eff out.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jay Z: BOOED by the Beyhive in Miami?!

In the few days since Beyonce dropped her controversial new album “Lemonade,” one thing has become clear.

Don’t piss off the Beyhive.

In fact, it’s possibly the only thing that’s been made clear.

Well, that and the almost near-certainty that Jay Z cheated on Beyonce, as her lyrics point out repeatedly.

However, since the album’s release, the swarm has been on a wild hunt for “Becky with the good hair,” the woman Jay Z reportedly slept with.

First, they targeted Rachel Roy. Some mistakenly went after Rachel Ray. Then they set their sights on Rita Ora.

But here at THG, we all wondered why they hadn’t gone after the REAL culprit in all this.

Jay-Z himself.

You know, the one who actually took vows and promised to be faithful to his wife, and the only person we KNOW the queen is actually talking about.

Well, it seems the hive now gets it.

The rapper is reportedly getting booed in the streets of Miami, a source tells HollywoodLife.

“Jay Z’s getting an awful reception in Miami that would make even LeBron James feel bad,” the source claims.

“Everywhere HOV goes, people are looking at him with a stank face,” the source continued.

“Hell, even random fans boo him when in public because they think he cheated on Bey. He’s definitely feeling the Miami heat and it’s hotter than the city’s humid hell.”

The man can’t say he didn’t see it coming.

And while we don’t condone bullying, at least the anger is finally being directed and the actual cheater.

But it ain’t no thang to Jay. The “99 Problems” rapper is reportedly A-OK with Bey’s lyrics.

Oh, wait. Maybe he’s pissed.

Whatever. Tomorrow they’ll be divorcing and the next day he’ll be gay.

Like we said, it’s all so unclear.