Thursday, December 10, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens New Trailer: Spoiler Alert?

As you may have heard from your friends, family, neighbors and approximately 47,000 product tie-in commercials (Seriously, we"re waiting for the reveal that Fan Duel is controlled by the Sith.), the theatrical release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is just around the corner.

We"ve seen about a half-dozen different Force Awakens trailers at this point, and with just one week left until the premiere you might think that J.J. Abrams and company won"t be giving away any more info about the most-hyped movie since…well, since the last Star Wars trilogy.

Indeed, it looks as though the plan was to withhold any further information until December 18, and your nerdiest Facebook friend will post a 14,000-word plot summary on Facebook.

Unfortunately, Disney, Lucasfilm, et al were overruled by…a Chinese boy band?

Yes, China is on track to surpass the US as the world"s largest movie market by 2017. As such, there are many, many people in the Far East who have a lot invested in the success of the Star Wars film.

Marketing works a bit differently over there, which explains this new Chinese trailer released today.

For starters, it"s introduced by a singer from a Chinese boy band that recently released a Star Wars-themed single entitled "Lightsaber."

Additionally, it appears that Chinese audiences aren"t as concerned about spoilers as Americans are, because this clip contains lots of  footage and dialogue that had previously been kept under wraps.

So if you"re not big on surprises, enjoy!

However, if you want to wait another week to find out what the deal is with Kylo Ren, just watch the hilarious Force Awakens Honest Trailer again. It never gets old.


Star wars the force awakens new trailer spoiler alert