Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Woman Comforts Crying Child, Proves Not All Airline Passengers Suck

No one likes when a child cries on a plane.

But do you know who hates when a child cries on a plane the most?

The parent holding said child!

Still, for some depressing reason, fellow passengers often give the adults riding with young kids a hard time when these kids get sad.

That"s what happened when a woman named Kesha Bernard was flying from Seattle to Denver and a toddler started wailing.

As documented on Facebook (and below), Bernard was aghast at the reaction of those around her, prior to jumping into helpful action herself…

1. This is Kesha Bernard

This is kesha bernard

She has two kids of her own… two young kids of her own even. So she understood exactly what a passenger was going through on board a flight that featured a mother flying alone with THREE small humans.

2. This is Kesha Bernard and a Child Who is NOT Hers

This is kesha bernard and a child who is not hers

Kesha shared this photo on her Facebook page and then explained its origin to her friends.

3. And This is What Happened:

And this is what happened

Yes, a baby started crying. How dare it do such a thing, right?!?

4. She Could Ignore a Baby Crying

She could ignore a baby crying

But not the complaints other passengers dared to file out loud while the plane was grounded.

5. Hell to the NO!

Hell to the no

Yes, a woman actually did this to a child.

6. No One Offered to Help in Any Way

No one offered to help in any way

Not even the flight attendant.

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