Showing posts with label Comforts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comforts. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2018

Shaq Witnesses Car Crash While on "Deputy" Duty ... Comforts Young Family

Shaq didn’t need to throw on a cape to become a hero and comfort a family that had just been involved in a scary car crash, because he had a different superhero outfit — Broward County Sheriff’s issue.
The NBA legend was on his way to give away turkeys in Florida on ...
Shaq Witnesses Car Crash While on "Deputy" Duty ... Comforts Young Family

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bethenny Frankel Comforts Jill Zarin After Bobby Zarin"s Death

Earlier this month, Jill Zarin lost her husband to cancer after he had struggled with his health for nearly a decade.

After Bobby Zarin had seemed so much better in 2017, this loss is hitting her hard. Of course it is.

Bethenny Frankel, who only recently mended fences with Jill, is stepping up and supporting her friend as she grapples with this terrible loss.

It was just last year that Jill Zarin returned to The Real Housewives of New York City, with husband Bobby Zarin along for the ride.

RHONY has been around for a decade, so naturally it’s had its ups and downs. Back in season three, Bethenny and Jill had a falling out.

Now, they’ve mended fences.

Though Jill Zarin and Bethanny having made up was great, it was Bobby Zarin’s health that really seemed to warrant celebration recently. 

Bobby Zarin was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2009, and responded by having it removed.

In 2013, the cancer had spread to his lungs. In 2016, he had a brain tumor that required Gamma Knife treatment.

But last year, it seemed that Bobby Zarin had recovered to the point where it was hailed as a miracle.

Then, earlier this month, he tragically passed away.

A source tells Entertainment Tonight that Bethenny is going out of her way to provide comfort to her once-again friend, Jill Zarin, during her time of grief and loss.

“Bethenny has gone above and beyond in private to be there for Jill since Bobby passed.”

Bethenny has also posted in public, but it makes sense that she wouldn’t use social media to harp on everything that she’s doing for her greving friend.

And the source gets specific about the steps that Bethenny is taking.

“She visits her at her apartment, calls her daily, and sends her food.”

That is so heartwarming.

This is a collage that Jill Zarin put together of photographs of Bethenny with her various family members.

It’s good to keep busy when you’re grieving, but it’s clear that she has a lot of appreciation for what Bethenny’s been doing for her.

ET‘s source goes on about how they made nice:

“Jill has wanted to put this in the past for a while and after so many years of not talking.”

Of course.

“It’s sad that a death had to bring them together again, but if there’s anything positive from this, it was that they were able make up.”

it’s so good to look at the positives. The two had set aside their differences last year, but based on reports, they seem closer even just in the past few weeks.

“Jill apologized for her role in it and Bethenny forgave Jill.”

If you’ve never lost an immediate family member, you may not be familiar with the tradition of bringing food to loved ones.

Some families are so inundated with food that they literally cannot eat it all. But that’s better than trying to worry about food plans or, worse, going out to eat when you’re juggling self-care and a lot of planning.

(There’s more to planning a funeral than picking out a casket, and there’s more to dealing with the death of a loved one than the funeral. Sad movies seldom delve into the grim logistics that follow a sudden death)

Bethenny is doing good things for her grieving friend. That’s no surprise, but it’s still heartwarming.

Our hearts go out to Jill Zarin as she processes this sorrow.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Woman Comforts Crying Child, Proves Not All Airline Passengers Suck

No one likes when a child cries on a plane.

But do you know who hates when a child cries on a plane the most?

The parent holding said child!

Still, for some depressing reason, fellow passengers often give the adults riding with young kids a hard time when these kids get sad.

That"s what happened when a woman named Kesha Bernard was flying from Seattle to Denver and a toddler started wailing.

As documented on Facebook (and below), Bernard was aghast at the reaction of those around her, prior to jumping into helpful action herself…

1. This is Kesha Bernard

This is kesha bernard

She has two kids of her own… two young kids of her own even. So she understood exactly what a passenger was going through on board a flight that featured a mother flying alone with THREE small humans.

2. This is Kesha Bernard and a Child Who is NOT Hers

This is kesha bernard and a child who is not hers

Kesha shared this photo on her Facebook page and then explained its origin to her friends.

3. And This is What Happened:

And this is what happened

Yes, a baby started crying. How dare it do such a thing, right?!?

4. She Could Ignore a Baby Crying

She could ignore a baby crying

But not the complaints other passengers dared to file out loud while the plane was grounded.

5. Hell to the NO!

Hell to the no

Yes, a woman actually did this to a child.

6. No One Offered to Help in Any Way

No one offered to help in any way

Not even the flight attendant.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Kate Middleton Comforts Mother of Autistic Boy, Reminds Us That She"s Awesome

The UK doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, as it would be sort of weird to commemorate the day a bunch of religious fanatics fled their shores in a rickety boat just to crash into a rock a few hundred miles north of their destination two months later.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t pout out some gravy for out brother Brits who shan’t be enjoying their own four-day weekend.

And while we’re at it, let’s take some time to offer thanks for the precious gift that is Kate Middleton.

While the rumors that Kate is pregnant with baby number three are almost certainly bogus, she gives us plenty to be grateful for everyday.

Though her actual coronation may still be some time off, she still gives us plenty of reason to shout, “Yaaaaas, queen!”

Take Kate’s actions at a recent children’s charity event in London, for example.

Witnesses say a woman named Ceri Knapton was moved to tears while listening to her 13-year-old son, Ethan, describe how he uses his own struggles with Autism and Asperger Syndrome to raise awareness and educate others.

“I vowed that I wouldn’t cry but was just overcome listening to Ethan,” Knapton told reporters afterward.

“The Duchess just leaned over and said to me ‘I’ve got to give you a hug as a mum.’ I couldn’t believe it. It was such a kind gesture.”

Yes, you might not know this, but the royals don’t have a reputation for being the most sentimental, approachable lot.

But Kate by all accounts, Kate seemed genuinely moved as she embraced the Knaptons and encouraged them to continue sharing their stories.

“It was a very difficult time but my diagnosis helped me to cope with what I was experiencing,” Ethan said.

“I decided that I wanted to speak out about it.There is no point in sitting back. I’d rather stand up and make a difference.”

Sources say Kate even spoke a bit about her own family, informing those in attendance that Prince George is into dinosaurs these days, with the T-rex being his favorite.

Sadly, she didn’t offer any new details about Prince Harry’s relationship with Meghan Markle.

Hey, it’s a touching story, but we’re still a gossip site, ya know?
