Showing posts with label Mate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mate. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Christina Grimmie: Killer Believed She Was His "Soul Mate"

The case involving Kevin James Loilbl and his victim is closed.

On June 10th, Loibl approached 22-year-old Christina Grimmie while she was signing autographs after her Orlando concert.

Armed with two handguns, ammunition and a hunting knife, Loibl shot Grimmie before being tackled to the ground by her older brother, Marcus.

Loibl then turned the gun on himself.

According to police reports obtained by CNN, family members said that Loibl had “no history of mental illness,” but did live “like a hermit.”

Because he had “an aversion to light,” the St. Petersburg, FL resident would cover his bedroom windows with tin foil and heavy curtain.

Nor did the 27-year-old have a criminal record.  However, police were called to Loibl’s father’s home twice in 2013 and 2014 because of a domestic dispute between him and his father’s girlfriend.  

No charges were ever pressed.

One gentleman, Cory Dennington, described himself to police as possibly Loibl’s “only friend in the world.”  The two had known each other for 15 years.

Dennington’s statements were crucial to the case, since he gave police background on Loibl’s behavior and his actions leading up to the murder.

Dennington noticed that his friend had “become fixated” on The Voice contestant over the last year or so.

Loibl told Dennighton that “he watched everything having to do with her,” spending “most of his waking hours watching Christina on YouTube as well as constantly monitoring her social media accounts.”

What’s strange is that Loibl himself did not have an account on any platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc).  

Though an athiest, Loibl had allegedly told Dennington that Grimmie’s faith changed the way he saw religion and “helped him to see the world in a different way.”

Loibl had reportedly told Dennington that if there was indeed a God, “he has seen it in her.”

When Loibl wasn’t working at a local Best Buy, the was on the computer in his room, family members told police.

At work, Loibl would be in the back, so that he wasn’t interacting with customers.  Loibl’s supervisor, Luke Dahl, described him as “socially awkward” and “detached.”

Prior to the murder, Loibl underwent an extreme makeouver.  He lost fifty pounds, had Lasik Surgery, got hair implants and whitened his teeth – all for Grimmie, Dennington recalled.

Dennington grew concerned about his friend’s obsession with Grimmie, and tried to talk rationally to him.

Loibl was furious, and refused to believe that his plan to meet and fall in love with Grimmie would never work.  

In fact, he referred to the singer as his “soul mate.”

In the days before the murder, Loibl returned a few magazines to Dennington at work.

“I love you brother,” he told Dennigton, adding that he “was tired and ready to ascend.”

Friday, April 1, 2016

Donald Trump Chooses Sarah Palin as Running Mate: Former Governor Says "You Betcha" to YUGE Opportunity

Possibly as a response to his highly-publicized struggle to attract female voters, Donald Trump shocked the political world today when he announced that he has selected former Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in his bid for the White House.

Palin joined Trump for a press conference at the skyscraper that bears his name in Midtown Manhattan this morning, where she formally (and enthusiastically) accepted his invitation to be a part of the second presidential ticket of her career.

“When Donald called me up last night, I said, ‘Mr. Trump, after eight years of ramifications of the transformation of the betrayal of our country, America needs a president who can unite the brawlers, the ballers and the shot-callers,” Palin told a crowd of reporters.

“And number B, we need a vice-president who can stand up to our enemies, whether it’s Vladimir Putin, Lena Dunham, or the puppy-monkey-baby from that Super Bowl commercial. Boy, that thing gives me the willies, you betcha.”

Though he frequently appeared troubled by regret or severe indigestion during Palin’s rambling 37-minute speech, Trump took the podium once more when she was through, seemingly to address widespread social media criticism that he had just torpedoed his campaign.

“Ya know, folks, I checked my phone a lot during while she was talking, and I gotta say, there are some real losers on Twitter,” Trump said.

“But there also some people who are excited to have a beautiful, classy, sexy vice-president in the guest bedroom of the White House, or wherever the vice-president lives.

“If I didn’t already have a beautiful wife and two hot daughters that I’m aware of, I would be all over this fine piece of running mate.”

Political analysts say that despite everyone they know being disgusted by Trump’s remarks, the real estate mogul somehow accumulated an additional 236 delegates during his time on stage.

They added: APRIL FOOLS’!!!!

Donald Trump Chooses Sarah Palin as Running Mate: Former Governor Says "You Betcha" to YUGE Opportunity

Possibly as a response to his highly-publicized struggle to attract female voters, Donald Trump shocked the political world today when he announced that he has selected former Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in his bid for the White House.

Palin joined Trump for a press conference at the skyscraper that bears his name in Midtown Manhattan this morning, where she formally (and enthusiastically) accepted his invitation to be a part of the second presidential ticket of her career.

“When Donald called me up last night, I said, ‘Mr. Trump, after eight years of ramifications of the transformation of the betrayal of our country, America needs a president who can unite the brawlers, the ballers and the shot-callers,” Palin told a crowd of reporters.

“And number B, we need a vice-president who can stand up to our enemies, whether it’s Vladimir Putin, Lena Dunham, or the puppy-monkey-baby from that Super Bowl commercial. Boy, that thing gives me the willies, you betcha.”

Though he frequently appeared troubled by regret or severe indigestion during Palin’s rambling 37-minute speech, Trump took the podium once more when she was through, seemingly to address widespread social media criticism that he had just torpedoed his campaign.

“Ya know, folks, I checked my phone a lot during while she was talking, and I gotta say, there are some real losers on Twitter,” Trump said.

“But there also some people who are excited to have a beautiful, classy, sexy vice-president in the guest bedroom of the White House, or wherever the vice-president lives.

“If I didn’t already have a beautiful wife and two hot daughters that I’m aware of, I would be all over this fine piece of running mate.”

Political analysts say that despite everyone they know being disgusted by Trump’s remarks, the real estate mogul somehow accumulated an additional 236 delegates during his time on stage.

They added: APRIL FOOLS’!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Horny Dog Attempts to Mate, Gets Stuck in Tiny Door

Forgive the obvious pun, but:

The canine featured in the following story just put a brand new spin on the term doggy style!

Say hello to Keeta, a five-year old American Bulldog who lives in Leicester, England and whose owners say was recently in heat.

According to the BBC, Keeta was looking out the window this week when she spotted a male dog who was totally her type.

So she went to race out the tiny cat door in order to get down to boning business… only to learn the hard way that she’s too big for said cat door.

Hence the photo above.

But here’s the thing: Keeta managed to rip the door right off, allowing her potential mate to sneak through the hole and for the two dogs to STILL get it on.

Keeta’s owner then walked in during the act (awkward!), scaring the male animal off.

The owner proceeded to call the Leicestershire Fire Service and, upon their arrival, the firefighters spent 20 minutes maneuvering the plastic panel safely off Keeta’s head.

“We don’t know whether they’ve done anything or not,” Keeta’s owner told the BBC.

“The other dog was smaller, a little terrier, but you don’t know. She had that thing stuck on her head so she might not have been in a good mood.”

Or, hey, perhaps Keeta likes to role play and she was taken on the role of Doggy Damsel in Distress. Who are we to judge?!?