Showing posts with label Lamb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lamb. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Jennifer Lamb: Will Sugar Bear"s Wife Start Her Own Weight Loss Journey?

Recently on From Not To Hot, it’s looked like June Shannon and Geno Doak might get married. June’s ex has already gotten married — to Jennifer Lamb.

The series started with June’s transformation, but now it looks like Jennifer’s about to embark on her own weight loss journey.

There’s just one potential obstacle: Sugar Bear.

In a recent From Not To Hot preview, Sugar Bear and Jennifer Lamb embarked on a “romantic” fishing trip.

During the downhill walk, Jennifer did not seem to be having a good time.

“Walking to the docks really made my chest hurt,” she later admits to the camera. “It was hard to breathe.”

Those are signs of what may be serious health problems.

(Being winded while walking uphill, which is not uncommon, is very different from experiencing genuine chest pains while traveling downhill)

Jennifer confesses: “I really don’t think I could go on like this.”

While there are perfectly healthy people with large bodies and some very unhealthy people who are slender, Jennifer fears that her size is the culprit.

“At this weight, I’m risking my health and my life.”

And she is thinking about doing something about it.

But she is hesitant to undergo weight loss surgery.

Jennifer explains: “It scares me because … I have a lot to lose.”

She’s not making a joke about how many pounds she needs to shed. She’s talking about her love life.

“Mike likes bigger women,” Jennifer explains. “He might not like me if I lose all this weight.”

For Jennifer, her life right now is about finding a balance.

“I wanna get healthy,” she says. “But I don’t want to lose my husband.”

She even reveals that she is unsure of how to even broach the subject with Sugar Bear.

She tells the cameras: “I wish I could go ahead and tell Mike, but I’m really not ready for his reaction.”

The hints that Jennifer may embark on a weight loss journey have been ongoing.

Remember back when Jennifer went to the doctor?

She complained of “chest pains, being dizzy, and just not feeling right.”

She was shocked to learn, as she stepped onto the scale, that she weighed 431 pounds.

(Obviously, different people carry weight differently, but 431 is a lot of pounds for a human body to bear)

“Oh my God, I know that I’ve gained some weight,” she said, still in shock. “But c’mon — that’s a lot of weight.”

At the time, she was fairly adamant about resisting the idea of a total body makeover.

“I don’t believe in having surgery like June did just to lose weight,” she said. “I’ve always said big is beautiful and I will always stand by that.”

She’s expressing second thoughts, now, perhaps because she has realized that this is less about size and more about her health.

“I don’t want to look like June,” she says adamantly. “I never would want to look like June, but if I keep doing what I’m doing now, I’m not guaranteed the next five years.”

“Living with the weight on me could do more damage than having surgery,” she admits.

Surgery has risks, but the risks of allowing her health to continue to decline may be even more severe.

But Jennifer was then and is in more recent clips afraid of losing Sugar Bear’s affections.

“He loves me the way I am,” she says. “So that’s sort of what scares me too.”

We would hope that he loves her for who she is, and not for her body shape.

“One thing I know,” Jennifer insists. “Mike don’t have nothing to do with no one that looks like June.”

Not all weight loss has the same goal, Jennifer. And that’s okay.

“My joints, my knees, my hip,” Jennifer complained. “There’s days I can’t even function because they hurt so bad. I’m having chest pains, where you get out and you start walking and you can’t breathe. At 44 I shouldn’t be doing that.”

That’s not ideal at any age.

Perhaps, in the coming weeks, we’ll learn that Jennifer has taken this major step for her health and her future.


Friday, April 21, 2017

Jennifer Lamb: June Shannon Sucks! Sugar Bear is the Man!

A Lamb coming to the defense of an embattled Bear.

You don’t see that often in the animal kingdom. Nor do you see the same creature birth a Pumpkin and a Chickadee, then drop 300 pounds.

We’re not entirely sure where we were going with that, but not all intros can be winners, and you get the general idea. The point remains:

Nothing about June Shannon’s life is conventional.

The Here Comes Honey Boo Boo matriarch recently lost 300 pounds on Mama June: From Not to Hot, but she can’t shed her baggage.

Her weight loss chronicles became a sleeper hit for WE tv, especially in later weeks when it delived into June’s relationship with Sugar Bear.

To make a long story short, June said Sugar Bear abused her, a claim that is not sitting well with his new wife Jennifer Lamb. At all.

June publicly savaged Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson as a wife-beater and serial cheater, allegations he denies – and his new wife is livid over.

Jennifer Lamb, 43, married Suge, 45, this winter, and took to her Facebook page to assail Shannon and come to her husband’s defense.

“I have the best man in the world that loves my kids, and loves his daughter very much also,” Lamb, a mother of two, said in her post.

“So go ahead [and] judge but at the end of this day he only has one judge,” Jennifer said, though clearly she isn’t taking this lying down.

The only time, she says, that she’s ever seen Sugar Bear get angry was at the Mama June: Not To Hot reunion taping (video above).

When the discussion veered into a zone he didn’t care for, Mike absolutely lost his s–t on June and Shannon’s daughter Pumpkin, 17.

He also lost his shirt, in the literal sense.

“If you keep a cat cornered and poking at it, it’s finally going to get tired and come out [of] the corner fighting,” Lamb said of the outburst.

Lamb adds that Shannon’s story about Thompson abandoning daughter Alana (Honey Boo Boo) after their nasty 2014 split is bulls–t.

The “doting” father called and texted his daughter every day for months, Lamb alleged; Sugar Bear said June lied about this as well.

According to the Bear-Lamb camp, June largely and repeatedly ignored his requests to spend time with the retired mini-pageant queen.

Mike and I went every weekend to [Hampton, Ga.] to see Alana.

“He would get up around 11 a.m. and call June to be able to see his daughter, then it would be 4-5 p.m. before she called back to let him see her.”

“And then sometimes we would sit there and never get to see her. I have him calling and texting every other day up until the first of the year.”

After that setback, he began trying even harder, Jennifer says:

“Then he started texting and calling about four times a week.”

Thompson vehemently denies Shannon’s allegations that abused her or that he left her children with “emotional and physical scars.”

“The abuse allegations are not true,” Suge said earlier this month. “This is not true, any of it. June won’t let me see or talk to Alana.”

“The last time I saw Alana was at mine and Jennifer’s wedding … I’ve tried to stay in touch with my daughter but June won’t let me.”

Moreover, “I never told Alana to lose weight or said anything to Alana about her weight. June’s a damn liar. I would never hurt Alana.”

There’s no love lost in either direction, clearly.

Asked recently if she has any feelings at all for her longtime partner, June said “No. I’ve never hated anybody as much as I hate him.”

“I have to call him out on his bullsh-t,” she added, defending her recent media blitz. “How, like, reality hit. I knew what I needed to do.” 


Monday, January 23, 2017

Sugar Bear and Jennifer Lamb: Married!

Well, there haven’t been any major celebrity deaths so far in 2017 (unless, for some reason, you consider American democracy to be a major celebrity), but that doesn’t mean this year is gonna let you off easy.

In fact, you may want to sit down for this one, because there’s a good chance that we’re about to crush your dreams:

Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson is officially off the market.

Yes, just three months after we learned that Sugar Bear is engaged to Jennifer Lamb, it seems he and the lucky lady have tied the knot.

Yes, Lamb married Bear in a ceremony presumably attended by Honey Boo Boo.

We’d say the whole situation is sweet enough to give you diabetes, but we’re guessing most of the wedding party was diagnosed long ago.

Thompson and Lamb wasted little time on courtship, getting engaged just nine months after they met.

Thompson and Mama June Shannon broke up in early 2015, but made several public attempts to mend their relationship.

In fact, it seems there was some overlap between Sugar Bear’s two relationships, which is either an indictment of the quality of available men in rural Georgia, or a testament to SB’s sexual prowess.

We’re not sure which option is more disturbing.

Anyway, many fans (insofar as the disgraced Shannon-Thompson clan still has fans) now believe that June and Sugar’s time on Marriage Boot Camp was simply a cash grab, and they were never really working to save their relationship.

Mama and Sugar began to have problems around the time the world learned that she cheated on him with the man who molested her daughter.

Amazingly, however, June was the one who dumped Sugar Bear, after publicly accusing him of carrying on a number of gay affairs behind her back.

Interestingly, the news of Thompson and Lamb’s marriage comes the same day that we learned about June’s return to television, this time on a series about her physical transformation.

Is June’s latest attempt to rebuild her public image motivated by her ex’s new marriage?

We don’t know, but Lamb should probably keep her guard up.

We don’t want to be pessimistic, but we hope the new Mrs. Bear knows what kind of territory she just wandered into.
