Showing posts with label Encounter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Encounter. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Asia Argento and 17-Year-Old Boy in Bed in Sexual Encounter

Asia Argento says she did not have sex with then 17-year-old Jimmy Bennett, but a photo and various text messages between Argento and a friend tell a very different story … she flat-out says she had sex with him. This is one of 4 photos Bennett,…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Tyron Woodley is Furious Over UFC 227 Encounter with Darren Till

Tyron Woodley was so pissed off that he was forced to sit near Darren Till at UFC 227 — he stormed out of his seat and ordered staff to open a room at the arena so he could release some of his aggression in an impromptu training session. …


Friday, March 16, 2018

Demi Lovato Celebrates 6 Years of Sobriety, Reveals Encounter With "B-tchy" Celebrity

At just 25, Demi Lovato has enjoyed higher highs and endured lower lows than most people will experience in a lifetime.

The singer rose to fame while still in her teens, but the pressures of such sudden success quickly took a toll.

Lovato’s struggles with addiction could have cost her career – and so much more.

But at her lowest point, Demi was strong enough to seek help, and that has made all the difference.

These days, Lovato is sober, and her music is more popular than ever.

More importantly, however, Demi is happy, healthy, and willing to publicly share the details of her painful struggle in hopes of helping others.

Earlier this week, Demi marked another year of clean living, and she celebrated the occasion on social media:

“Just officially turned 6 years sober,” Lovato tweeted.

“So grateful for another year of joy, health and happiness. It IS possible. 

While Lovato maintains that the decision to get sober was the most important one she’s ever made, she admits that she still struggles from time to time.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Demi revealed that she came dangerously close to falling off the wagon at the 2016 Met Gala.

“I had a terrible experience,” Lovato recalls.

“This one celebrity was a complete b-tch and was miserable to be around. It was very cliquey. I remember being so uncomfortable that I wanted to drink.”

Demi says the experience was an eye-opening one that caused her to realize she has more in common with fellow former addicts than she does with many of her fellow celebs:

“I changed my clothes, but I still had my diamonds on — millions of dollars of diamonds on in an AA meeting,” she adds.

“And I related more to the homeless people in that meeting who struggled with the same struggles that I deal with than the people at the Met Gala.”

Lovato says it’s no exaggeration to say that her sobriety is quite literally a matter of life and death,

“What keeps me on this path is there’s a drive that I have to stay sober because I know that my life depends on it,” she tells ET.

“If I would have continued down that road, I don’t know if I’d be here today.”

Well, her loved ones and her millions of fans are certainly glad she chose a different path before it was too late.

Our sincere congrats go out to Demi on the achievement of a lifetime.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Lena Headey: Game of Thrones Star Shares Scary Harvey Weinstein Encounter!

Lena Headey says that, at the end, Harvey Weinstein paid for her car and admonished her: “Don’t tell anyone!”

She describes how she sat down and cried.

In the wake of allegations that Harvey Weinstein raped and harassed women in Hollywood for decades, the Game of Thrones star is sharing the story of her own harrowing encounters with him.

In a series of tweets, Lena Headey shared her first, less frightening, encounter.

“The first time I met Harvey Weinstein was at the Venice Film Festival.”

What is it with Harvey Weinstein and film festivals? Actually, let’s not blame the film festival — it sounds like this is just part of who he is, wherever he goes.

The Brothers Grimm was showing there, (during shooting I was subjected to endless bullying by director Terry Gilliam)”

It’s not really a surprise that a guy who directed a film that features a scene where a kitten is kicked into a mechanism that grinds it up isn’t the most pleasant person. (Seriously, who puts that in a movie?!)

“At one point Harvey asked me to take a walk down to the water, I walked with him and he made some suggestive comment, a gesture; I just laughed it off.”

Too many women are forced to laugh off comments like that in professional settings.

“I was genuinely shocked, I remember thinking, it’s got to be a joke, I said something like.. oh come on mate?!?? It’d be like kissing my dad!!”

We’re sure that he loved hearing that.

“Let’s go get a drink, get back to the others. I was never in any other Miramax film.”

Even a polite refusal can apparently have very real consequences.

Unfortunately, the second time — when she thought that she was safe after having rebuffed him — turned out to be much more frightening.

“The next time was in L.A. Years later. I had always carried the thought that he’d never try anything again, not after I’d laughed and said never in a million years. I believed that he respected my boundary and maybe he wanted to talk about potential work.”

We can totally see how that encounter, which sounded like more run-of-the-mill inappropriateness than a dangerous situation, could have given her a sense of security.

false sense of security, as it turns out.

“He asked me to meet for breakfast. We ate breakfast, we talked about films, film making. He asked me a few questions about the state of my love life. I shifted the conversation back to something less personal.”

That coming up in a conversation can be a red flag, but a minor one.

“Then he went to the loo. He came back and said, let’s go up to the room, I want to give you a script.”

As you can imagine, this exchange — which should be perfectly innocuous — is where things take a turn for the worse. And Lena knew it.

“We walked to the lift and the energy shifted, my whole body went into high alert.”

You don’t always know when you’re in danger, but if you get a sensation of peril like that, you should almost always trust it.

“The lift was going up and I said to Harvey, I’m not interested in anything other than work, please don’t think I got in here with you for any other reason, nothing is going to happen I said.”

If you’re having a colleague tell you this, you’ve probably done something wrong — even if you don’t have any inappropriate intentions.

“I don’t know what possessed me to speak out at that moment, only that I had such a strong sense of don’t come near me.”

Now is where this gets very scary.

“He was silent after I spoke, furious.”

That’s not good at all. Plenty of sexual predators would have tried to diffuse the tension by saying “oh gosh, of course.” Which is also what a regular, non-evil person would have said.

“We got out of the lift and his hand was on my back, he was marching me forward, not a word, I felt completely powerless.”

If you’re wondering why she didn’t just scream, try to imagine that there’s no guarantee that anyone would investigate or even hear, and the terror of violent reprisal can keep a lot of women silent.

And then she was very, very fortunate.

“He tried his keycard and it didn’t work, then he got really angry.”

This time, at least, his anger didn’t seem directed at Lena.

“He walked me back to the lift, through the hotel to the valet, by grabbing and holding tightly to the back of my arm, he paid for my car and whispered in my ear.”

This is scary:

“Don’t tell anyone about this, not your manager, not your agent.”

The after effects of a situation like that can include a dramatic emotional release.

“I got into my car and cried.”

She escaped, but … that encounter can leave you traumatized for life. And with good reason.

Part of us wonders if it was really luck that stopped the keycard from working, or if some truly wonderful hotel employee had realized what Weinstein allegedly intended and disabled his card.

We may never know.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Charlottesville Killer Showed No Signs of Aggression in May Cop Encounter

The Charlottesville killer was polite, cooperative and even contrite just 3 months before his monstrous attack on civilians.  TMZ’s obtained dash cam video of James Alex Fields being pulled over by cops in Maumee, Ohio back in May … in…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

"South Park" Co-Creator Trey Parker and Family Get Super Closer Moose Encounter

Trey Parker knows this much about moose … they’re curious creatures and his family’s close encounter is all the proof he needed.  The “South Park” co-creator and his family were in their Steamboat Springs, CO home hanging in the pool…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Contract Says Producers Not Responsible for Corinne Olympios, DeMario Jackson"s Sexual Encounter

Now that Corinne Olympios appears headed for a legal showdown with producers of “Bachelor in Paradise” … the contract she signed becomes extrememly relevant, and problematic. The contract contestants sign, obtained by TMZ, says in part all…


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Joe Mixon Milly Rocks Through First Paparazzi Encounter

Joe Mixon has touched down in L.A. — and just got his first taste of paparazzi and autograph hounds.  The Cincinnati Bengals rookie is in town for the NFLPA Rookie Premiere event — designed to help 1st year players learn the…


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Mel B Alleged 3-Some Lady Victoria Hervey"s Hilarious Encounter with Paparazzi (VIDEO)

You gotta love this one … the English socialite who claimed she had a 3-some with Mel B and Stephen Belafonte was put off when paparazzi asked her about it … at a restaurant she clearly knew was riddled with the paps. Lady Victoria Hervey…


Saturday, April 1, 2017

NFL Players Describe Terrifying Elephant Encounter (VIDEO)

The 7 NFL players who had the crap scared outta them AS AN ELEPHANT CHARGED at their vehicle described the moment to TMZ Sports … and it’s pretty damn funny. We posted the video Friday …  the fellas are down in Mozambique on safari and got…


Friday, March 31, 2017

Uber Driver Picks Up BF"s Side Piece, Crazy Encounter Ensues

You never know who you"ll pick up when you drive for Uber.

You also never know where you"ll be headed to next.

In the case of the woman featured in the following story, the answers to these two questions during a recent ride ended up being:

  • Her boyfriend"s side piece.

  • Her boyfriend"s apartment, where said said side piece and boyfriend were planning to have sex.

For real, people!

Scroll down to read the entire account, from the driver"s very own Twitter account…

1. When a Dick Appointment Goes Bad…

When a dick appointment goes bad

It all started as one woman trying to help out her fellow female.

2. It Couldn’t Have Been My Man!

It couldnt have been my man

Because he said he was going out of town, for a very sweet reason…

3. He Actually Drove Away!

He actually drove away

This A-Hole is good.

4. An Hour Later…

An hour later

I pick up this passenger. She tells me to drive to an apartment complex. Sure thing, girl!

5. She Loves Her Man

She loves her man

And she misses her man and, whatever, this driver’s man is out of town.

6. Wait, Wasn’t She Told the Address Right Away?

Wait wasnt she told the address right away

Nope, just the apartment complex. So the driver assumed it was just a coincidence that this woman’s man lived near her man.

View Slideshow

Thursday, March 23, 2017

"Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" Star Erica Dixon Has Explosive Encounter with Cops Before Arrest (VIDEO)

Former “Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” star Erica Dixon was damn near yanked out of her car by cops after she allegedly fled the scene of a traffic stop. The video starts with a street scene, where Erica had just been pulled over for speeding.…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Ricky Williams on Texas Police Encounter ... Thank God I"m Famous (VIDEO)

Ricky Williams is opening up about his bizarre run-in with police in Texas earlier this month … suggesting his “fame” likely helped him stay out of handcuffs. The ex-NFL star was stopped during a leisurely walk and searched by police on…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Prince Harry"s Hairy Encounter with British Hero (PHOTO)

Prince Harry lifted the beard of a badass military hero to present him with a medal at the inaugural Endeavour Fund Awards. Neil Heritage is the happy, hirsute man who received the award at the ceremony in London on Tuesday. Neil lost both legs in a…


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Alia Shawkat Details REALLY WEIRD Celebrity Sex Encounter

Alia Shawkat will forever be best known for her role as Maeby on Arrested Development.

At least that"s what we assumed prior to watching the following video.

Now we"re pretty sure Alia Shawkat will forever be best known as the actress who had very strange sex with a mysterious celebrity whose identity we"re DYING to know.

In an interview with Viceland, the 27-year old begins her story by saying she met an anonymous star at a party.

She never divulges his name, but she does say he"s a bit older that she is… he has "really smokey eyes" … and he is a "mysterious, intense dude."

What else does she say about him? Well…

"He approaches me and pinned me against the wall," she said of how the sexual encounter got started, adding that he also kicked everyone out of the party so the two could be alone.

That was thoughtful of him, right?

But then things took a turn for the very, very weird.

"He was like directing me," she continues, saying he then told her, "I need you to go take a shower, I need you to be clean."

A hot and steamy shower together? Not quite.

Shawkat showered alone and was then told by this mystery man: "I"m going to shave you now."

Yup. She her down there.

Alia went on to say that the intercourse itself was just as unusual, as her famous paramour kept saying, "I shouldn"t be doing this" throughout the penetration.

The two subsequently passed out before she snuck out of his place the following morning.

"Later that morning, I woke up [at home] and was like, "Did that s—t happen to me?" she says.

"And I looked under the covers, yep that happened. There"s nothing down there."

What happened when she ran into this same guy at a bar on a later date?

Watch to find out and then let the theories fly: WHO WAS THIS GUY?!?

Alia shawkat details really weird celebrity sex encounter

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner: Did They Have an Awkward Encounter at the Oscars?

For months after they officially separated, no one really knew what was going on with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.

There were rumors of Ben and Jen getting back together, and even attending marriage counseling to help repair their damaged relationship.

Those rumors may have been put to rest on Sunday night, when both Affleck and Garner both attended big Oscar-night events – and seemed to have zero interest in talking to one another.

According to Radar Online, Garner – who presented an award alongside Benicio Del Toro during the ceremony – unexpectedly came face-to-face with Affleck at the star studded Vanity Fair after-party.

 “Ben didn’t even say hello,” one onlooker tells the website.

No surprise there, as the run-in occurred just days after Garner opened up about her divorce in a remarkably candid interview, during which she also openly mocked Affleck’s over-the-top back tattoo.

However, other sources are claiming that Ben and Jen got along swimmingly at their son’s fourth birthday party (where Ben donned his Batman costume to entertain the kids) just one day before the Oscars, and they kept the friendly vibes going at the VF party.

“They had a nice moment where they caught up and a lot of their friends were there – and they chatted and then they left,” a source tells People.

So it looks like we can safely say these two are not getting back together, but as for if or when they’ll follow through with their divorce – we’re as clueless as ever.