Showing posts with label Sobriety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sobriety. Show all posts

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Demi Lovato Celebrates 6 Months of Sobriety

Demi Lovato had a big day Friday … celebrating 6 months of sobriety.
Demi hit up an L.A. gym and returned home to a delicious surprise … a cake with a message from her team … “HAPPY 6 MO WE ARE SO F***ING PROUD OF YOU.”

Demi has landed on her feet after her...
Demi Lovato Celebrates 6 Months of Sobriety

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Hits Sobriety Milestone, Making "Housewives" Comeback

Luann de Lesseps is making a strong comeback to close out 2018 … nearly a year after spiraling out of control and getting arrested in Florida. We’ve learned Luann recently celebrated more than 100 days of being clean and sober, and it’s…


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Demi Lovato"s Ex Wilmer Valderrama is Massive Sobriety Support in L.A. Return

Demi Lovato’s sobriety is still heavily dependent on her ex-boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama, who remains a constant in her life after her return to Los Angeles.  Sources close to Demi tell us that while the pair hasn’t been seen together in public…


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Ben Affleck: Already Giving Up on Sobriety?

Back in August, Ben Affleck checked into rehab for the third time.

The actor did so at the behest of his estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, who staged an intervention and then drove Affleck to rehab herself.

Yes, even though Affleck and Garner have long been separated and seem to have no plans to reconcile, Garner took the steps she felt were necessary in order to rescue the father of her children from the brink of death.

In such dire circumstances, you might assume that a man with as much to live for as Ben would take the situation seriously and devote himself to the hard work of getting sober.

Sadly, you would be wrong.

We’ve already told you that Affleck has left rehab several times over the course of his treatment.

Ben’s reps say that it’s so that he can work out at his home gym (as though the posh Malibu facility where he’s drying out doesn’t have high-end exercise equipment), but others claim the Oscar winner simply wanted to get in some quality time with his 22-year-old girlfriend.

Whatever the case, Ben went against the advice of the doctors in charge of his treatment when he repeatedly took trips home instead of focusing on his sobriety.

When pressured by loved ones to take his treatment more seriously, Ben agreed to stay on longer than the four weeks he had originally planned.

But now he’s ready — by his determination — to return to his daily routine.

And to the chagrin of many, it seems his first order of business is to get in some hard partying.

Ben’s BFF Matt Damon will celebrate his 48th birthday next week, and it seems Affleck has every intention of helping him mark the occasion in Vegas.

The actors and several of their friends are planning to descend on Sin City this weekend in time for the Khabib vs. McGregor UFC fight, and it seems Ben wouldn’t miss it for the world — whether Matt likes it or not.

“Ben’s invited,” a source tells Radar Online, “but it’s more like they’re trying to dis-invite him.”

Yes, it seems Affleck may be in store for another intervention — and this time it’ll be his friends begging him not to put his sobriety at risk so early in the process.

“He thinks he’s okay to go to the party,” says the insider.

“It’s been planned for months, way before his stint in rehab.”

The source adds:

“Those who are going to Vegas for Matt are concerned.

“They think Ben will blow all the fun because everyone will be so focused on him, if he’s doing okay — and if he’s drinking.”

Okay, so it would be nice if they were more concerned with Ben’s life or death situation than their own good time, but whatever.

The important thing is, Matt’s entourage has reportedly hatched a plan to keep Ben out of Vegas this weekend.

“The plan is to tell Jennifer not to let him go,” the source says.

“They are hoping, like before, she will lay down the law and he’ll listen.”

Well, Jen does seem to have his best interest at heart, and it sounds like she’ll do just about anything to keep him safe.

Sounds like Ben really found a keeper … in his ex.

Hopefully, Jen is prepared for when Ben finally sobers up and realizes that.


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Kristen Bell Honors Dax Shepard for 14 Years of Sobriety

We’ve heard the parenting stories of Kristen Bell getting anal worms, but we’ve also heard less lighthearted stories, such as Dax Shepard’s struggle with addiction.

He has been sober since 2004, and his beautiful wife Kristen has written a powerful and heartwarming tribute to honor his 14 years of sobriety.

Take a look:

“To the man mocked me in our wedding photos because I cried too many tears of joy,” Kristen’s post begins.

She goes on, describing him as the man “who wore a baby Bjorn for 2 straight years to show his girls how to be as adventurous as possible.”

On a sadder note, Kristen says: “Who held our dear little shakey mann pup for 8 hrs straight on the day we had to put him down,”

“I know how much you loved using,” Kristen writes.

“I know how much it got in your way,” she continues. “And I know, because I saw, how hard you worked to live without it.”

“I will forever be in awe of your dedication,” Kristen says. “And the level of fierce moral inventory you perform on yourself, like an emotional surgery, every single night.”

“You never fail to make amends, or say sorry when its needed,” Kristen says, heaping praise on him.

“You are always available to guide me, and all of our friends,” Kristen continues. “With open ears and tough love when its needed most.”

Kristen writes: “You have become the fertilizer in the garden of our life, encouraging everyone to grow.”

That is really, really beautiful — even if she did kind of just refer to him as manure.

“I’m so proud that you have never been ashamed of your story,” she continues. “But instead shared it widel.”

She explains that he does this “with the hope it might inspire someone else to become the best version of themselves.”

Meaning that he’s not just trying to help others with drug issues, but everyone.

“You have certainly inspired me to do so,” Kristen gushes.

She continues: “I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone, and I want you to know, I see you.”

“I see how hard you work,” Kristen acknowledges. “You set an excellent example of being human.”

Clearly, in Kristen’s eyes, the only improvement that her husband could make on himself is if he were to become an excellent example of a sloth.

“Happy 14th year sobriety birthday, @daxshepard,” Kristen writes.

She signs off with: “Xoxo.”

In case anyone has somehow forgotten, Kristen was the voice of the titular character on Gossip Girl.

Dax has spoken about his addiction story in the past.

After being molested as a child, he developed a drug habit in his late teens — and says that only about 20% of childhood sex abuse survivors end up not having one addiction or another.

It takes an incredible amount of strength and determination to overcome addiction. Dax’s story is a powerful and inspirational one.

We are so glad that he and his wife were able to get their happily ever after and grow their family.

We hope that his story will continue to inspire others to transform their lives.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Offset"s Arresting Cop Smelled Weed, But Ignored Field Sobriety Test

The officer who arrested Offset did NOT do a field sobriety test, despite claiming he observed the rapper crossing a solid yellow line and then smelled weed in the car. Offset’s lawyer believes the traffic stop was bogus and the cop’s true intent…


Offset"s Arresting Cop Smelled Weed, But Ignored Field Sobriety Test

The officer who arrested Offset did NOT do a field sobriety test, despite claiming he observed the rapper crossing a solid yellow line and then smelled weed in the car. Offset’s lawyer believes the traffic stop was bogus and the cop’s true intent…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Offset"s Lawyer Calls BS On Cops for Not Doing Field Sobriety Test

Offset got arrested for DWB and the fact that cops didn’t even bother doing a field sobriety test proves it … so claims the rapper’s lawyer. Attorney Drew Findling tells TMZ he believes the police are lying through their teeth. They claim they…


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Demi Lovato Fires Manager, Raises Concerns About Sobriety

Demi Lovato may have just given fans yet another cause for concern.

Just a few weeks after the beloved singer admitted to having relapsed, following six-plus years of sobriety, Lovato has gone ahead and taken an unexpected step in her professional life.

According to Radar Online, Lovato just fired her long-time manager, Phil McIntyre, doing so “in the middle of her tour” because, this insider says, “she wanted to go in a different direction and decided to completely severe ties with him.”

This move could be interpreted in multiple ways, of course.

It may be a sign that Demi’s downward spiral is not over yet.

McIntyre has been by Lovato’s side for a lengthy period of time, overseeing a very successful music career, making many wonder why the artist would choose the aforementioned different direction.

Hadn’t her career under McIntyre been headed in a very positive one?

But there’s a flip side to this decision, as well. There’s a more positive way to look at Demi’s move.

She clearly laments having fallen off the wagon and, we sincerely hope, is looking to get right back on it again.

She wants to live a clean life and is “focused on surrounding herself with positivity and accountability,” as the Radar Online source describes it.

Neither Lovato nor McIntyre has acknowledged the rumors of their split, but it comes not long after Lovato also cut ties with her rehabilitation and recovery business, CAST Center.

“They are in a bitter dispute over money and branding,” a source told Radar.

Darn. This makes us feel terrible for Lovato.

It can’t be easy to rebuild one’s personal life when one’s professional life is also a mess.

In June, Lovato released “Sober,” a heartbreaking singler featuring lyrics that seemed to confirm that she had relapsed after six years of sobriety.

“Mama, I’m so sorry I’m not sober anymore/And Daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor/To the ones who never left me/We’ve been down this road before/ I’m so sorry, I’m not sober anymore,” she sings on the track.

Heartbreaking, isn’t it?

No one can almost ever say for certain what causes an addict to revert to his or her old and dangerous ways.

But reports indicated that Lovato fell into trouble once again about two months ago.

“She stopped the accountability portion of her recovery,” is how one person explained it, with another going so far as to say Lovato “fell off the rails.”

We also heard late last month that Demi started drinking again, not doing drugs, which is maybe a silver lining.

As Lovato has openly discussed in the past, she was into cocaine and other hard drugs during her teenage years.

We can only sit back now and wish Lovato the best.

We hope she has the proper support system in place and we hope she knows how much we love and admire her.


Monday, July 2, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Stepping Away From Teen Mom OG to Focus on Sobriety?

If you"ve been keeping up on the life of Ryan Edwards in recent months, you know that the controversial Teen Mom OG has not had an easy time of it lately.

Granted, most of Ryan"s problems are self-created, but nevertheless, many fans who remember Maci Bookout"s ex from his leas troubled days have expressed concerns and sympathetic thoughts on social media.

In the past year, they"ve seen Ryan get arrested, lose consciousness while driving to his own wedding, go to rehab, relapse, and nearly lose custody of his son.

While there"s much disagreement as to whether or not Ryan deserves a second chance, all seem to agree that if there"s any possibility of redemption, it has to begin with Ryan stepping away from the reality TV spotlight in order to focus on recovery.

Will he do it? Well, that"s a question only Ryan can answer …

1. Ryan’s Hope

Ryan edwards is mad

Believe it or not, not everyone has given up on Ryan. His wife, Mackenzie Standifer, and his long-suffering parents remain firmly in his corner.

2. Loyalty Put to the Test

Mackenzie ryan edwards

And if the Teen Mom-obsessed corners of social media are any indication, Ryan still enjoys the support of a surprisingly large group of extremely loyal fans.

3. Ultimatum Time

Ryan edwards a photo

But even those who have already been put through the wringer by Ryan have their limits. And it seems they’re beginning to lose faith in the troubled father of one.

4. Taking a Break

Ryan edwards not sober

It’s been rumored that Ryan’s loved ones have pressured him to take an indefinite break from filming in order to focus on getting his life back on track. Many fans have publicly expressed support for the idea.

5. A Hard Sell

Ryan edwards at teen mom og reunion

However, reality stardom has been Ryan’s sole source of income for the entirety of his adult life. He and Standifer are currently expecting their first child together, so he may be reluctant to step away from the camera at this time, even for a short period.

6. What’s Best For Everyone

Ryan edwards with mackenzie

Of course, as many fans have pointed out, this is an opportunity for Ryan to prove that he’s capable of putting the needs of those who rely on him ahead of his own self-interest. And it could be his last chance to do so …

View Slideshow

Friday, March 16, 2018

Demi Lovato Celebrates 6 Years of Sobriety, Reveals Encounter With "B-tchy" Celebrity

At just 25, Demi Lovato has enjoyed higher highs and endured lower lows than most people will experience in a lifetime.

The singer rose to fame while still in her teens, but the pressures of such sudden success quickly took a toll.

Lovato’s struggles with addiction could have cost her career – and so much more.

But at her lowest point, Demi was strong enough to seek help, and that has made all the difference.

These days, Lovato is sober, and her music is more popular than ever.

More importantly, however, Demi is happy, healthy, and willing to publicly share the details of her painful struggle in hopes of helping others.

Earlier this week, Demi marked another year of clean living, and she celebrated the occasion on social media:

“Just officially turned 6 years sober,” Lovato tweeted.

“So grateful for another year of joy, health and happiness. It IS possible. 

While Lovato maintains that the decision to get sober was the most important one she’s ever made, she admits that she still struggles from time to time.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Demi revealed that she came dangerously close to falling off the wagon at the 2016 Met Gala.

“I had a terrible experience,” Lovato recalls.

“This one celebrity was a complete b-tch and was miserable to be around. It was very cliquey. I remember being so uncomfortable that I wanted to drink.”

Demi says the experience was an eye-opening one that caused her to realize she has more in common with fellow former addicts than she does with many of her fellow celebs:

“I changed my clothes, but I still had my diamonds on — millions of dollars of diamonds on in an AA meeting,” she adds.

“And I related more to the homeless people in that meeting who struggled with the same struggles that I deal with than the people at the Met Gala.”

Lovato says it’s no exaggeration to say that her sobriety is quite literally a matter of life and death,

“What keeps me on this path is there’s a drive that I have to stay sober because I know that my life depends on it,” she tells ET.

“If I would have continued down that road, I don’t know if I’d be here today.”

Well, her loved ones and her millions of fans are certainly glad she chose a different path before it was too late.

Our sincere congrats go out to Demi on the achievement of a lifetime.


Monday, February 19, 2018

Lamar Odom Tells Johnny Manziel the Key to Sobriety

Lamar Odom’s battle with drugs, alcohol and depression almost cost him everything — so he’s telling Johnny Manziel the #1 thing he’s gotta do to avoid the same traps. “Put higher power first,” Odom told TMZ Sports, ”Whoever…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Aaron Carter Arrest, Cops Say He Was Driving and Bombed Field Sobriety Test

Aaron Carter was spotted behind the wheel — despite his claims — when cops busted him … this according to the police report.   TMZ obtained the report, which contradicts Aaron’s claim that cops never saw him driving, and therefore…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Lawrence Taylor DUI Video: NFL Star Bombs Sobriety Tests Before Medical Emergency

TMZ Sports has obtained the Lawrence Taylor DUI video from the night he crashed into a cop car on a Florida highway … and it shows the NFL legend was wobbly and confused before having a medical emergency while in handcuffs. 


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tiger Woods Asleep at Wheel, Failed DUI Field Sobriety Test

Tiger Woods was asleep at the wheel in a parked car when cops came upon him before his arrest, and he was completely out of it. According to the police report, obtained by TMZ Sports, Woods was is in Mercedes asleep at tdhe wheel with the motor…


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Demi Lovato Passes Out Charity Checks to Celebrate Sobriety

Demi Lovato is awesome … she’s celebrating her 5-years of sobriety by driving around L.A. and donating thousands of dollars to various charities … TMZ has learned. Demi delivered a $ 5,000 check Saturday to Kari Whitman, who runs Ace of Hearts…


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Matt Baier: Lying to Amber Portwood About His Sobriety!

Matt Baier and Amber Portwood are seen here in a Teen Mom OG therapy session in which he reveals that he’s been lying about his sobriety.

Raise your hand if you’re surprised?

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you know that Portwood used to be the hottest mess on the MTV franchise … and her state prison.

Not a small feat, in other words.

Since she got out of jail, though, she’s really turned her life around, maintaining her sobriety and being a good mother to her daughter, Leah.

The only issue is her gross, sketchy fiance, Matt Baier. And with this new sneak peek clip from next week’s installment, well …

It’s looking like he’s even grosser and sketchier than we ever could have imagined, which is also not a small feat at this point.

“I did absolutely exaggerate the length of my sobriety,” the recovering addict reveals in a therapy session he attends with Amber.

“Even with her when I first met her.”

You slimy, slimy douchebag.

When Matt was first introduced on the reality show, he was supposed to be this person that had battled with addiction, just like Amber.

Their bond, however unlikely on the surface, was largely due to the fact that he had beaten the odds and achieved sobriety, just like Amber.

Yeah, apparently not so much.

“He wasn’t sober when I met him,” Amber explains in the clip, but says she wasn’t duped by that fact at the time. “And I knew it.”

“I can say that he would not have been sober if it wasn’t for me, because I took those f-cking pills, poured them down the toilet and threw it at him.”

Matt laughs at the memory of that mental image, and says that when it happened, he “wanted to go swimming after” the pills.

However, he claims that “that was the day my sobriety really kicked in … it was either her or drugs, and I wasn’t giving up her.”

Well, that’s … sweet? A nice sentiment? Even inspirational?

No, it’s just as sad and weird as everything else Matt does.

It’s great that Matt is sober these days, and if Amber inspired him, then that’s lovely, sure. But the fact remains that this is a toxic pattern.

His sobriety is one more thing he’s lied about, and it’s one more thing that he’s gotten the Teen Mom star to lie about on his behalf.

He’s shady, and Amber doesn’t need a shady character in her life. Not with how far she’s come, and after all she’s been through.

To her credit though, Amber says in the clip that when she first got with Matt, “I said, ‘you will not be with me if you’re doing this sh-t."”

“He made the decision.”

“I can’t be with someone who’s using,” she recalls, yet, if she were even in a position where she had to flush his pills down the toilet …

That would mean he was using, yes?

As illogical and concerning and disappointing as it may be, Amber and Matt Baier are getting married at some point in the near future.

“I love Matt because I knew his potential when I met him,” she explains. “He was such a good person, he was so sweet. It was genuine.”

“I can usually tell when somebody’s bullsh-tting me. He’s done so much in his life that people won’t let him move forward.”

“I’ll let him move forward.”

And yeah, that’s great, but she shouldn’t “let him move forward” at the risk of her own health and happiness, or her daughter’s.

If he wasn’t sober when they met, and if he lied to her about how many kids he has, and if he made her think he was genuine?

Forget the fact that he tried to get with Farrah Abraham and Jenelle Evans first, he’s just not a good dude for her in the end.

No amount of these confessions or revelations or whatever is going to change that, no matter what she likes to tell herself.

Agree? Disagree?

Hit the comments below and tell us what you think of Amber and Matt’s complicated relationship past, present and future:

Will this last?!


Matt Baier: Lying About His Sobriety!

Amber Portwood used to be the hottest mess on Teen Mom — and oh, what a feat that was — but ever since she got out of prison, she"s really turned her life around.

She"s been maintaining her sobriety, she"s been a good mother to her daughter, Leah.

The only issue is her gross, sketchy fiance, Matt Baier.

And with this new sneak peek from next week"s episode of Teen Mom OG, it"s looking like he"s even grosser and sketchier than we ever could have imagined.

"I did absolutely exaggerate the length of my sobriety," he reveals in a therapy session with Amber.

"Even with her when I first met her."

You slimy, slimy douchebag.

When Matt was first introduced on the show, he was supposed to be this person that had battled with addiction, just like Amber, but who had beat the odds and achieved sobriety, just like Amber.

Yeah, apparently not so much.

"He wasn"t sober when I met him," Amber explains. "And I knew it."

"And I can say that he would not have been sober if it wasn"t for me, because I took those f-cking pills, poured them down the toilet and threw it at him."

Matt laughs at the memory, and says that when it happened, he "wanted to go swimming after" the pills.

However, he claims that "That was the day my sobriety really kicked in."

"It was either her or drugs," he says. "And I wasn"t giving up her."

Well, that"s … sweet? A nice sentiment?

No, it"s just as sad and weird as everything else Matt does.

It"s great that Matt is sober these days, and if Amber inspired him to get sober, then that"s lovely, sure.

But the fact remains that his sobriety is one more thing he"s lied about, and it"s one more thing that he"s gotten Amber to lie about.

He"s shady, and Amber doesn"t need a shady character in her life. Not with how far she"s come.

To her credit though, Amber says in the clip that when she first got with Matt, "I said, "you will not be with me if you"re doing this sh-t." He made the decision."

"I can"t be with someone who"s using," she exclaims.

… But if she was in a position to flush his pills down the toilet, it sounds like she was with someone who was using, right?

As illogical and concerning and disappointing as it may be, Amber is still planning on marrying Matt.

"I love Matt because I knew his potential when I met him," she explains. "He was such a good person, he was so sweet."

"It was genuine. I can usually tell when somebody"s bullsh-tting me."

"He"s done so much in his life that people won"t let him move forward," she adds, "and I"ll let him move forward."

And yeah, that"s great, but she shouldn"t "let him move forward" at the risk of her own health and happiness.

If he wasn"t sober when they met, and if he lied to her about how many kids he has, and if he made her think he was genuine when he was trying to get with Farrah Abraham and Jenelle Evans, then he"s just not a good dude for her.

And no amount of these confessions or revelations or whatever is going to change that.


Matt baier on his sobriety

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Demi Lovato Celebrates Four Years of Sobriety

Demi Lovato is still not engaged to Wilmer Valderrama.

But that doesn’t mean the singer lacks a reason to celebrate this week.

The artist, who is as open about her personal life as any celebrity in Hollywood, has now been sober for four years.

“This last year I experienced so much life and too much death,” Lovato Tweeted on Monday in honor of the milestone, adding:

“But I made it through… Sober. #4Years #GodsWill.”

It really has been an especially trying few months for Demi.

She has lost two dogs, two uncles and great-grandfather in the last year alone.

But the singer has a loving boyfriend by her side, fans who adore her and a music career that shows no signs of slowing down.

Lovato spent time in rehab in late 2012 for substance abuse issues and also for an eating disorder, but she’s more confident than ever these days.

She is also unafraid to speak on her experiences, especially if she thinks they could help anyone else suffering from low self-esteem.

“I was dealing with bipolar depression and didn’t know what was wrong with me,” Lovato said in an interview with HuffPost Live last May.

“Little did I know, there was a chemical imbalance in my brain. Because I didn’t tell people what I need, I ended up self-medicating and coping with very unhealthy behaviors.”

A couple days before her official sobriety anniversary, Lovato also took to Twitter and wrote:

“I can’t believe I have four years. Anything is possible.”

We could not be prouder of you, Demi.

Keep setting a great example for young women around the world and just keeping being you. God bless.