Monday, July 2, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Stepping Away From Teen Mom OG to Focus on Sobriety?

If you"ve been keeping up on the life of Ryan Edwards in recent months, you know that the controversial Teen Mom OG has not had an easy time of it lately.

Granted, most of Ryan"s problems are self-created, but nevertheless, many fans who remember Maci Bookout"s ex from his leas troubled days have expressed concerns and sympathetic thoughts on social media.

In the past year, they"ve seen Ryan get arrested, lose consciousness while driving to his own wedding, go to rehab, relapse, and nearly lose custody of his son.

While there"s much disagreement as to whether or not Ryan deserves a second chance, all seem to agree that if there"s any possibility of redemption, it has to begin with Ryan stepping away from the reality TV spotlight in order to focus on recovery.

Will he do it? Well, that"s a question only Ryan can answer …

1. Ryan’s Hope

Ryan edwards is mad

Believe it or not, not everyone has given up on Ryan. His wife, Mackenzie Standifer, and his long-suffering parents remain firmly in his corner.

2. Loyalty Put to the Test

Mackenzie ryan edwards

And if the Teen Mom-obsessed corners of social media are any indication, Ryan still enjoys the support of a surprisingly large group of extremely loyal fans.

3. Ultimatum Time

Ryan edwards a photo

But even those who have already been put through the wringer by Ryan have their limits. And it seems they’re beginning to lose faith in the troubled father of one.

4. Taking a Break

Ryan edwards not sober

It’s been rumored that Ryan’s loved ones have pressured him to take an indefinite break from filming in order to focus on getting his life back on track. Many fans have publicly expressed support for the idea.

5. A Hard Sell

Ryan edwards at teen mom og reunion

However, reality stardom has been Ryan’s sole source of income for the entirety of his adult life. He and Standifer are currently expecting their first child together, so he may be reluctant to step away from the camera at this time, even for a short period.

6. What’s Best For Everyone

Ryan edwards with mackenzie

Of course, as many fans have pointed out, this is an opportunity for Ryan to prove that he’s capable of putting the needs of those who rely on him ahead of his own self-interest. And it could be his last chance to do so …

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