Friday, March 16, 2018

Demi Lovato Celebrates 6 Years of Sobriety, Reveals Encounter With "B-tchy" Celebrity

At just 25, Demi Lovato has enjoyed higher highs and endured lower lows than most people will experience in a lifetime.

The singer rose to fame while still in her teens, but the pressures of such sudden success quickly took a toll.

Lovato’s struggles with addiction could have cost her career – and so much more.

But at her lowest point, Demi was strong enough to seek help, and that has made all the difference.

These days, Lovato is sober, and her music is more popular than ever.

More importantly, however, Demi is happy, healthy, and willing to publicly share the details of her painful struggle in hopes of helping others.

Earlier this week, Demi marked another year of clean living, and she celebrated the occasion on social media:

“Just officially turned 6 years sober,” Lovato tweeted.

“So grateful for another year of joy, health and happiness. It IS possible. 

While Lovato maintains that the decision to get sober was the most important one she’s ever made, she admits that she still struggles from time to time.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Demi revealed that she came dangerously close to falling off the wagon at the 2016 Met Gala.

“I had a terrible experience,” Lovato recalls.

“This one celebrity was a complete b-tch and was miserable to be around. It was very cliquey. I remember being so uncomfortable that I wanted to drink.”

Demi says the experience was an eye-opening one that caused her to realize she has more in common with fellow former addicts than she does with many of her fellow celebs:

“I changed my clothes, but I still had my diamonds on — millions of dollars of diamonds on in an AA meeting,” she adds.

“And I related more to the homeless people in that meeting who struggled with the same struggles that I deal with than the people at the Met Gala.”

Lovato says it’s no exaggeration to say that her sobriety is quite literally a matter of life and death,

“What keeps me on this path is there’s a drive that I have to stay sober because I know that my life depends on it,” she tells ET.

“If I would have continued down that road, I don’t know if I’d be here today.”

Well, her loved ones and her millions of fans are certainly glad she chose a different path before it was too late.

Our sincere congrats go out to Demi on the achievement of a lifetime.
