Showing posts with label Cease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cease. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Farrah Abraham Gets Cease and Desist Letter from Celeb Boxing Promoter

Farrah Abraham is on the verge of having a real fight on her hands — a legal one, anyway — if she keeps talking smack. A lawyer repping celeb boxing promoter Damon Feldman has fired off a cease and desist letter to Farrah threatening to sue…


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Rihanna Sends President Trump Cease and Desist Letter Over Rally Music

Rihanna ain’t waiting for Election Day … she’s made it clear where she stands on President Trump by sending him a legal warning about using her music at his political rallies. RiRi’s lawyers fired off the cease and desist letter to Trump’s legal…


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Ryan Dolph to Jenelle Evans: I Will Wipe My A-- With Your Cease & Desist Letter LOL

Jenelle Evans’ (former) friend has posted a cease and desist letter she sent him online – along with his thoughts on the matter.

Ryan Dolph was one of many people who got Jenelle Evans’ cease and desist letters during her legal rampage last month.

How’s he feeling about it? Nonplussed, you could say.

Like her co-stars, some of whom also got these letters, Dolph doesn’t seem too concerned about the legality of Jenelle’s threats.

Whatsoever. In fact, his response is quite something.

Jenelle and husband David Eason hired an attorney in an effort to silence some of the negativity directed at the couple on social media.

Teen Mom 2 co-stars Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska, Chelsea’s father Dr. Randy Houska, and Jenelle’s mom Barbara Evans got one.

Another recipient of one of the letters was Dolph, a friend of Jenelle’s ex-fiance, Nathan Griffith, and a guy who was once close to her too.

Ryan, who was on the MTV show several times, is laughing it off … and posting photos of it on Twitter so fans can join in the hilarity!

After Chelsea Houska tweeted about receiving her letter late last month, Dolph chimed in that he too apparently crossed Jenelle.

“Don’t feel bad I gotta letter too just haven’t went and picked it up yet from my parents,” Ryan tweeted. “My dad just called me about it.”

“I gotta letter myself stating all types of crazy sh!t my Dads was telling me lol I just ain’t in no rush to go get it lol #f**kem #dudesacontrolfreak.”

More enlightening words have never been tweeted.

Ryan continued on Twitter, “When your a public figure your gonna be talked about and it’s free therefore you can’t sue sh!t.”

Eventually, Dolph did go pick up the legal document, which he found so amusing that he ranted about it once more … with visual aids.


“Damn son you really spent 6.59 on this bs?” Ryan asked, hilariously referring to the postage amount paid to deliver this to him.

He then posted photos of the cease and desist letter itself, along with the obligatory commentary – none of which was pretty.

“Ask me if I give a f–k…” Ryan wrote, adding:

“They all can suck my long d!ck #cantdosh!tifitsthetruth #someonef**kinpayme … I should wipe my ass with this bs and send it back.”

“Couldn’t they of at least hired a better attorney she must of forgot my dad is in with the best attorneys in New Hanover County.”

“I ain’t stressing thanks for the laugh tho.”

Perhaps tellingly, absent from the letter are any examples of Dolph’s comments or actions that allegedly defamed Jenelle or her husband.

Cease Letter 1

It merely stated that Ryan has allegedly made “false and defamatory statements disparaging Mr. and Mrs. Eason’s character” online.

Again, it’s unclear what those statements consisted of, or if the letters received by their Teen Mom 2 co-stars were worded any differently.

Interestingly, Starcasm reports that the attorney who fired off the letter – Christopher E. Faircloth – has a familiar middle name: Eason.

Some observers began wondering the obvious, whether or not he’s related to David Eason, and Ryan weighed in on this topic as well.

“For the last time that lawyer is no ken [sic] to that pu**y … no body in that family is that educated STOP saying that dumb bs not every Eason is ken.”

We assume he means “kin” and not ken.

Cease Letter 2

While no one in David’s family is “that educated,” according to Dolph, his own family is quite connected in the legal world, thankyouvermuch.

For this reason, among others, he’s not losing sleep over anything Jenelle says … she should be the one who’s concerned if anything.

“And if he was I ain’t worried about a rookie lawyer my dad has the connections to the best attorneys in New Hanover county.”

“hell my sister is named after the head judge in New Hanover if that tells ya anything. If she only knew how I could flip this sh!t”

“I [could] actually get something out of this… she should of thought twice because I’m pretty sure I ain’t the only one looking into the bs!

Man. Someone call the New Hanover volunteer fire department, because the third-degree burns just keep on coming.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Jenelle Evans SLAMMED by Teen Mom Cast Over Cease & Desist Letters!

Jenelle Evans got a whole lot of attention on Monday when she and her husband, David Eason, sent out a series of cease and desist letters to several of her fellow Teen Mom stars.

It was dumb. Really dumb.

Apparently she and David feel like everyone else has been making "defamatory statements" about them, and the situation is bad enough to involve lawyers.

Unfortunately, their letters don"t seem to getting the reaction they"d hoped for — because really all that is happening is that everyone is laughing at them.


1. Jenelle’s Downward Spiral

Jenelle evans with choker

Let’s be real, Jenelle hasn’t been in the best place for a while now. Barbara got permanent custody of Jace, Nathan’s mother is trying to get custody of Kaiser … things are a mess. So it makes sense that she’d be looking to lash out a bit.

2. Oh, Honey …

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

There have been a lot of awful stories about her recently too. We heard that she did drugs throughout her last pregnancy, so much that poor little Ensley tested positive for marijuana at birth, and that she and David are abusive and neglectful with Kaiser. There was also that great big fight at the Teen Mom 2 reunion last month.

3. This is Not the Way

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

After the reunion fight, some other Teen Mom people made remarks about it, which is natural, right? Not for Jenelle.

4. "I Don’t Even Talk About You"

I dont even talk about you

So first, Jenelle and David sent a cease and desist letter to Chelsea Houska, who in turn shared this darling tweet. And it’s true — she really doesn’t talk about her.

5. WTF, Indeed

Wtf indeed

This is also true — over the years, Jenelle has taken issue time and time again with Chelsea. Like remember when she said that Chelsea was copying her by getting a website when she’d gotten her own website a few months before? Like it’s so rare to have a website?

6. Who Knows?

Who knows

Seriously though, aside from a few general remarks about how crazy the reunion show was, Chelsea hasn’t said anything about Jenelle, much less anything that could be considered defamatory.

View Slideshow

Friday, June 9, 2017

Farrah Abraham Sends Amber Portwood Cease and Desist Letter For Reasons Unknown

The feud continues between Farrah Abraham and Amber Portwood, with the former revealing that she sent the latter a cease and desist letter.

To end her “defamatory” comments, she says.

Farrah said that the Teen Mom OG Season 7 reunion was “emotional,” but she’s still not on speaking terms with the other ladies after it.

“I do not share my stage,” she says, hilariously.

Echoing a familiar theme, she said Amber Portwood and Matt Baier, her controversial fiance, try to emulate and copy her all the time.

“I mean, I don’t give a s–t about either of them, and I’m sick of them trying to be like me. They’re obsessed with me,” Abraham claims.

“I sent them a cease and desist so they need to leave me out of their books, out of their interviews. I don’t want anything to do with them.”

Calling them “just jealous or envious,” she adds, “I’ve tried to be friends with them over the years, and I’m just not anymore.”

“And it’s just unhealthy,” she tells Us Weekly.

“I’m making healthier choices for my 26th.”

Farrah just turned 26, and no sooner did she celebrate that milestone than she learned Amber and Matt were fielding a sex tape offer.

Yes, an Amber Portwood sex tape is a thing that may be happening; Farrah had some harsh words when asked about this sexy possibility.

“They hope to follow in footsteps of mine, the envy of them wanting to be me never fails. I doubt doing a sex tape at 26 is the right direction.”

“It’s sad how hard Amber tries to be me.”

A source close to Portwood and Baier initially said that the couple never received any cease and desist letter, but they later did get it.

Farrah’s legal representative wrote her Teen Mom OG co-star, requesting Portwood end communication and interaction with their client.

The letter demands she cease “false and defamatory statements” about Abraham in the media and cites physical harassment of Abraham.

That reference would be to the Teen Mom: OG reunion fight last year. Portwood personally responded to the report to E! News, saying:

“Not only am I unaware of any cease and desist being sent, it’s also rather unnecessary,” she said, insisting she hasn’t read the thing.

I have no interest in discussing Farrah or any dialogue with her or her legal team. I’d strongly prefer she keep my name out of her mouth.”

Wouldn’t we all prefer to be left out of any and all Farrah Abraham Word Salads … alas, Portwood’s request may fall upon deaf ears.

Abraham’s ongoing feud with Portwood and her co-stars peaked last season during the aforementioned reunion and hasn’t died down.

Fans saw Portwood take a swing at Abraham over comments made by Farrah’s boyfriend Simon Saran, who called Matt Baier a “pedophile.”

See the full footage of that insane melee above.

For his part, Baier didn’t comment on the cease and desist, but did respond to her sex tape criticism – with some surprisingly kind words:

“It bums me out that Farrah would say negative things and come at us like that. Our issues with her have nothing to do with her tape.”

“When she made her tape, MTV kicked her off the show. Amber and I were the only ones to support her and to this day we stand by that.” 

“Despite our differences with Farrah … our disagreements with Farrah have nothing to do with the decision she made to do an adult film.”

“I can tell you it’s not an easy decision to make either way. There’s a semblance of respect there that she put herself out there like that.”

“That’s the one thing we agree with Farrah on.”

It may be the last, but hey, at least cooler heads are prevailing in one aspect of this Teen Mom tandem’s tumultuous relationship.



Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Fetty Wap Sends Cease And Desist to Alexis Skyy Over Sex Tape Leak (DOCUMENT)

Fetty Wap is serious about getting a sex tape off the Internet … purportedly featuring him and Alexis Skyy – and he’s targeted the person he thinks leaked it … Dear Alexis, STOP! TMZ has obtained the cease and desist letters…
