Showing posts with label Wipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wipe. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Johnny Depp Sued By Bodyguards: He Made Us Wipe the Coke Off His Face!

In case you haven’t been keeping up with the sad downward spiral of Johnny Depp in recent months, allow us to quickly fill you in:

Basically, over the course of the past year, the once-beloved actor has gone from brooding weirdo with mystique, a la Edward Scissorhands, to perennially-inebriated shyster who you wouldn’t trust to look after your houseplants, a la some unsettling combo of Captain Jack Sparrow and Depp’s Hunter S. Thompson caricature from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

We won’t even get into Depp’s truly ugly divorce from Amber Heard, with its myriad allegations of physical and psychological abuse.

Instead, we’ll focus on the other legal entanglements that should keep Johnny occupied for his remaining years.

It all started when Depp sued his management team for allegedly allowing him to spend himself to the brink of bankruptcy.

(At a certain level of wealth, you’re literally not accountable for anything you do.)

The management group countersued, claiming that Depp is a habitual liar who spends $ 30,000 a month on wine (seriously).

As we’ve seen time and again in 2018, once a rich and powerful person gets called out in a legal setting, people begin to realize that they’re not actually invincible/

And – taking a cue from his management team – Depp’s security guards are getting in on the act and suing the actor for the astonishing sum of $ 25 million.

Does their case have any merit?

That remains to be seen – but in the meantime, the disgruntled guards are doing a number on Depp’s already battered reputation with some shocking tales of misbehavior.

The bodyguards claim they were initially paid by a private security firm, but when Depp fell on hard times, they agreed to a deal where he would pay them directly – and they were immediately punished for their loyalty.

“Depp began making sudden and drastic changes to his staff and management team, causing a significant financial crunch for everyone surrounding Depp, except for Depp himself,” read court documents obtained by Page Six.

“Plaintiffs were loyal to Depp and his family and understanding of the financial hurricane Depp was in.”

The papers go on to allege:

“Plaintiffs found themselves in situations that required more than what a bodyguard would be expected to do.”

And what were they asked to do? 

Basically act as Depp’s personal chauffeurs/babysitters/drug mules/personal assistants.

Lawyers claim the guards “were asked repeatedly to drive vehicles that contained illegal substances” and “open containers” and “were asked to monitor unstable individuals in [Depp’s] life and entourage.”

Their duties were eventually expanded to include serving as the “primary caretakers” of Depp’s children, and occasionally removing the cocaine from his immaculately-manicured mustache.

“Often times Plaintiffs were forced to protect [Depp] from himself and his vices while in public, becoming caretakers for him,” the suit claims.

“A[n] incident at a local nightclub involved Plaintiffs alerting Depp of illegal substances visible on his face and person while preventing onlookers from noticing Depp’s condition.”

The guards go on to claim that Depp created a “toxic and unsafe work environment” that eventually forced them to quit.

As evidence, they cite an incident in which the actor’s head of security shot himself in the leg “while playing with his weapon in a small control room on Johnny Depp’s property.”

Hey, if “playing” with guns while coked out of your guard makes us toxic and unsafe, we don’t want to be whatever the opposite of toxic and unsafe is!

Anyway, you can stop researching that Fear and Loathing role any time now, Johnny.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Ryan Dolph to Jenelle Evans: I Will Wipe My A-- With Your Cease & Desist Letter LOL

Jenelle Evans’ (former) friend has posted a cease and desist letter she sent him online – along with his thoughts on the matter.

Ryan Dolph was one of many people who got Jenelle Evans’ cease and desist letters during her legal rampage last month.

How’s he feeling about it? Nonplussed, you could say.

Like her co-stars, some of whom also got these letters, Dolph doesn’t seem too concerned about the legality of Jenelle’s threats.

Whatsoever. In fact, his response is quite something.

Jenelle and husband David Eason hired an attorney in an effort to silence some of the negativity directed at the couple on social media.

Teen Mom 2 co-stars Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska, Chelsea’s father Dr. Randy Houska, and Jenelle’s mom Barbara Evans got one.

Another recipient of one of the letters was Dolph, a friend of Jenelle’s ex-fiance, Nathan Griffith, and a guy who was once close to her too.

Ryan, who was on the MTV show several times, is laughing it off … and posting photos of it on Twitter so fans can join in the hilarity!

After Chelsea Houska tweeted about receiving her letter late last month, Dolph chimed in that he too apparently crossed Jenelle.

“Don’t feel bad I gotta letter too just haven’t went and picked it up yet from my parents,” Ryan tweeted. “My dad just called me about it.”

“I gotta letter myself stating all types of crazy sh!t my Dads was telling me lol I just ain’t in no rush to go get it lol #f**kem #dudesacontrolfreak.”

More enlightening words have never been tweeted.

Ryan continued on Twitter, “When your a public figure your gonna be talked about and it’s free therefore you can’t sue sh!t.”

Eventually, Dolph did go pick up the legal document, which he found so amusing that he ranted about it once more … with visual aids.


“Damn son you really spent 6.59 on this bs?” Ryan asked, hilariously referring to the postage amount paid to deliver this to him.

He then posted photos of the cease and desist letter itself, along with the obligatory commentary – none of which was pretty.

“Ask me if I give a f–k…” Ryan wrote, adding:

“They all can suck my long d!ck #cantdosh!tifitsthetruth #someonef**kinpayme … I should wipe my ass with this bs and send it back.”

“Couldn’t they of at least hired a better attorney she must of forgot my dad is in with the best attorneys in New Hanover County.”

“I ain’t stressing thanks for the laugh tho.”

Perhaps tellingly, absent from the letter are any examples of Dolph’s comments or actions that allegedly defamed Jenelle or her husband.

Cease Letter 1

It merely stated that Ryan has allegedly made “false and defamatory statements disparaging Mr. and Mrs. Eason’s character” online.

Again, it’s unclear what those statements consisted of, or if the letters received by their Teen Mom 2 co-stars were worded any differently.

Interestingly, Starcasm reports that the attorney who fired off the letter – Christopher E. Faircloth – has a familiar middle name: Eason.

Some observers began wondering the obvious, whether or not he’s related to David Eason, and Ryan weighed in on this topic as well.

“For the last time that lawyer is no ken [sic] to that pu**y … no body in that family is that educated STOP saying that dumb bs not every Eason is ken.”

We assume he means “kin” and not ken.

Cease Letter 2

While no one in David’s family is “that educated,” according to Dolph, his own family is quite connected in the legal world, thankyouvermuch.

For this reason, among others, he’s not losing sleep over anything Jenelle says … she should be the one who’s concerned if anything.

“And if he was I ain’t worried about a rookie lawyer my dad has the connections to the best attorneys in New Hanover county.”

“hell my sister is named after the head judge in New Hanover if that tells ya anything. If she only knew how I could flip this sh!t”

“I [could] actually get something out of this… she should of thought twice because I’m pretty sure I ain’t the only one looking into the bs!

Man. Someone call the New Hanover volunteer fire department, because the third-degree burns just keep on coming.
