Showing posts with label Proposing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proposing. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Prince Harry: Proposing to Meghan Markle With Princess Di"s Jewels?

Pretty much from the day the world learned they were dating, rumors about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle getting engaged have been circulating non-stop.

As far as we know, it hasn’t happened yet, but the royals are a secretive bunch, so it’s possible that these two have been secretly planning a wedding for months.

Maybe Harry proposed in Africa while the couple was celebrating Meghan’s birthday on safari last month.

Maybe he popped the question on her last day of filming Suits last week.

Hell, maybe he slipped the ring in her Bloomin’ Onion during lunch at the Outback in Glendale.

Okay, that last one probably didn’t happen.

Anyway, it’s also possible that Harry has not proposed yet, and there’s been no official announcement for the simple reason that he and Meghan aren’t engaged.

Like we said, there’s like 007-level secrecy surrounding this relationship.

Those Brits know how to keep things on the DL.

So it may be quite some time before we find out whether or not Harry and Meghan are engaged, but there’s little doubt that Meghan will be sporting a ring on her commitment finger sometime in the next few months.

And now, it seems we have an idea of what that ring will look like.

According to UK tabloid The Telegraph, Harry plans to propose using repurposed diamonds and emeralds that belonged to hit mother.

Apparently, Princess Di was particularly fond of a set of jewels that belonged to Queen Mary, and she often wore them as either a necklace or tiara.

Now, those same jewels will enjoy a second life on Meg’s left hand.

Of course, according to London’s leading psychic crackpots, Diana doesn’t approve of Meghan, so running the late princess’ jewels might result a vigorous haunting.

We’re sure Meg will be thrilled when Harry inevitably proposes, but she should definitely keep an eye out for the classic signs of a disgruntled specter.

We’re talking blood running down the walls, getting awakened in the night by ghostly cackling, and of course, the old ring finger turning green and rotting off routine.

And it’s important to bear in mind that Di’s isn’t the only pissed-off apparition Meg might need to contend with.

She’ll be spending a lot of time in creepy castles and the spirits of all those centuries-old Brits are gonna be supes jealous of her impeccable American dental work.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kendall Jenner Gets Restraining Order Against Man Proposing Marriage, Sending Bizarre Letters

Kendall Jenner’s being flooded with letters from a fan who claimed to love her at first, but then turned bitter, angry, and she thinks … dangerous. According to new docs … a California man named Thomas Hummel has been incessantly professing his…


Kendall Jenner Gets Restraining Order Against Man Proposing Marriage, Sending Bizarre Letters

Kendall Jenner’s being flooded with letters from a fan who claimed to love her at first, but then turned bitter, angry, and she thinks … dangerous. According to new docs … a California man named Thomas Hummel has been incessantly professing his…


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Joseph Duggar: SLAMMED for Proposing on Joy-Anna"s Wedding Day!

Joy-Anna Duggar married Austin Forsyth yesterday in, from what we’ve heard so far, was an absolutely lovely ceremony.

So lovely, in fact, that her big brother Joseph was moved to propose to his girlfriend, Kendra Caldwell, right then and there.

What a beautiful turn of events, right?

As they explained in a new interview, “We are super excited. It’s great not to be courting anymore, now we’re engaged!”

Kendra said that she is “so happy and so shocked. There’s so many words I want to say, but just shocked.”

Joseph added that “I was definitely nervous going into it, but I wasn’t afraid that she wasn’t afraid she was going to say no, because she has said, ‘I’m just waiting on you!‘”

And what better time to propose than at your little sister’s wedding?!

Just think: your whole family is already there, everyone’s already dressed up.

There are beautiful decorations just waiting to be taken advantage of, and love is undoubtedly in the air.

But, if you can even believe it, there are some people who think it wasn’t right for Joseph to propose on Joy-Anna’s wedding day.

There are actually many, many people who share that sentiment.

When the Duggars shared the news of the engagement on their official Facebook page, comments flooded in about how rude and disrespectful it is to propose during a wedding.

Even though Joseph reportedly received permission from Joy-Anna and Austin before proposing, fans were still bothered.

“They could have literally done it any other day,” one person wrote, “eve”n any other hour of the day. They will stop at nothing to stay relevant. Gross.”

Another person wrote “That is ridiculously rude. Not just to the bride and groom, but to his fiance as well. She should get a super planned day of her own. I mean a marriage, proposal, and all on grandma’s birthday.”

Others commented with things like “Way to take the attention away from the bride and groom” and “Talk about stealing the bride’s moments …”

One particularly sad comment read “With 19 siblings, I’m sure deep down inside Joy wanted one day that was all hers. She probably said that her brother could propose at her reception just to be nice.”

“Joseph should have known better. I hope someone takes the spotlight off him at his wedding.”

So was Joseph in the wrong for using his sister’s special day for his own proposal?

Or do you think Joy-Anna and her brand new husband were happy to share the love?

Or perhaps you’re just overwhelmed by the amount of Duggars currently courting, marrying, and reproducing.

Anything’s possible.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Taylor Swift: Railroading Tom Hiddleston Into Proposing Already?!

Taylor Swift is living her own love story … whether Tom Hiddleston likes it or not. Insiders say she’s excited about the idea of him proposing!

ASAP, no less. OMG!! A Hiddleswift wedding?!

Despite reports that Taylor’s romance with Tom Hiddleston is fake, her camp is spinning nothing but positive, uplifting stories to the media.

“[It’s] been a dream come true,” a Tay source tells Us Weekly. “He’s so romantic, classic and chivalrous, and he’s doing everything right.”

Our Hiddleston source begs to differ.

According to a friend of the actor, he wants to dump Swift but doesn’t know how, given the way he’s been railroaded into this romance.

After a whirlwind month of dating that began as a PR stunt and has since included jaunts to England, Italy and Australia, what’s next?

Either a breakup … or if she has her way, a rock! Us’ insider says the 35-year-old Brit is ready to upgrade the duo’s relationship status.

“Tom is planning to propose very soon,” says the insider, who may or may not be Taylor herself, looking to apply pressure via the media.

We’re kidding. But admit it, you thought about it for a second. Especially since the tabloid’s source notes that she has her answer prepared.

“She would definitely say yes,” says the Swift insider.

Wow. Knock us over with a feather after that one.

While our sources and Us’ disagree on how legitimate the courtship is, the pair’s romance has undeniably gone from 0 to 100, REAL QUICK.

Seriously, it was like 45 minutes after she dumped Calvin Harris over a song (or so the latest theory goes) that she and Tom were a thing.

Their first official date was staged kissing in Rhode Island June 14, and since then, they’ve traveled the globe and met each set of parents. 

Then there was the eye-rollingly over the top “I [Heart] T.S.” tank top, temporary <3 tattoo and water slide shenanigans at her July 4 party.

If he’s looking to high-tail it out, he’s not doing a very good job of showing it … but is that the whole point? Is he being controlled by Swift?

“Taylor’s totally into him,” says the Swift source.

“She is so swept off her feet.”

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Blake Shelton: Proposing To Gwen Stefani on Valentine"s Day???

These two have been pregnant, planned a secret wedding and broke up several times during their three-month courtship, if tabloid reports are anything to go by.

Now, it appears they are getting engaged FOR REALS.

According to Hollywood Life, Blake Shelton is planning “a huge romantic surprise” for Gwen Stefani this Valentine’s Day.

“Blake has something super sweet planned for Gwen on Valentine’s Day,” a source told the site.

“It’s going to be a huge romantic surprise. That’s what he’s been telling his close friends.”

Shelton is currently working on his next album, and he’s been sharing photos from the studio via Twitter.

Shelton’s ex-wife, Miranda Lambert has moved on with fellow singer, Anderson East, but any thought of a future between Shelton and Stefani still stings, sources claim.

“The tears are long gone. Miranda seeing Blake having his relationship with Gwen out in the open has eventually become more of a healing process for her,” the source said.

“At first she thought he was flaunting it, but it has come to a point where she sees he is just moving on and that is exactly what she should be doing herself.

“Admittedly, though, if Blake has a child with Gwen or gets married to Gwen, that will hit a little hard.”