Showing posts with label Di's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Di's. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2018

Princess Di"s Biographer Says Meghan Markle Will Help Royal Family"s Race Relations

Andrew Morton, author of the most famous book on Princess Diana, says Meghan Markle holds a very important key for Royal Family’s image. Morton tells us Meghan becoming a Duchess after marrying Prince Harry is a much-needed step…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Prince Harry: Proposing to Meghan Markle With Princess Di"s Jewels?

Pretty much from the day the world learned they were dating, rumors about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle getting engaged have been circulating non-stop.

As far as we know, it hasn’t happened yet, but the royals are a secretive bunch, so it’s possible that these two have been secretly planning a wedding for months.

Maybe Harry proposed in Africa while the couple was celebrating Meghan’s birthday on safari last month.

Maybe he popped the question on her last day of filming Suits last week.

Hell, maybe he slipped the ring in her Bloomin’ Onion during lunch at the Outback in Glendale.

Okay, that last one probably didn’t happen.

Anyway, it’s also possible that Harry has not proposed yet, and there’s been no official announcement for the simple reason that he and Meghan aren’t engaged.

Like we said, there’s like 007-level secrecy surrounding this relationship.

Those Brits know how to keep things on the DL.

So it may be quite some time before we find out whether or not Harry and Meghan are engaged, but there’s little doubt that Meghan will be sporting a ring on her commitment finger sometime in the next few months.

And now, it seems we have an idea of what that ring will look like.

According to UK tabloid The Telegraph, Harry plans to propose using repurposed diamonds and emeralds that belonged to hit mother.

Apparently, Princess Di was particularly fond of a set of jewels that belonged to Queen Mary, and she often wore them as either a necklace or tiara.

Now, those same jewels will enjoy a second life on Meg’s left hand.

Of course, according to London’s leading psychic crackpots, Diana doesn’t approve of Meghan, so running the late princess’ jewels might result a vigorous haunting.

We’re sure Meg will be thrilled when Harry inevitably proposes, but she should definitely keep an eye out for the classic signs of a disgruntled specter.

We’re talking blood running down the walls, getting awakened in the night by ghostly cackling, and of course, the old ring finger turning green and rotting off routine.

And it’s important to bear in mind that Di’s isn’t the only pissed-off apparition Meg might need to contend with.

She’ll be spending a lot of time in creepy castles and the spirits of all those centuries-old Brits are gonna be supes jealous of her impeccable American dental work.


Monday, March 13, 2017

Meghan Markle: Rocking Engagement Ring Made From Princess Di"s Tiara?

Ever since the world learned that Prince Harry is dating Meghan Markle, the Suits star has faced a torrent of unfounded criticism from royal obsessives who believe they know what’s best for the Ginger Prince.

Harry worshippers have taken issue with everything from Meghan’s American citizenship to her career to the fact that she’s divorced.

The situation has gotten so bad at times that Harry was forced to defend Meghan in a statement addressing the pernicious tabloid press and the online haters.

Fortunately, millions have rushed to embrace Meghan, and by some metrics, she’s even more popular than Kate Middleton.

Of course, the trolls are still out there, and they’ll probably make their voices heard in response to the latest news about Harry and Meghan.

According to Radar Online, the rumors about Harry and Meghan being engaged are true, and in a move befitting a prince, Harry didn’t put just any old rock on Meghan’s finger.

A source tells the site that Harry popped the question with a ring made of diamonds taken from a tiara belonging to his late mother, Princess Diana.

“After Diana died, the boys both chose a keepsake from Kensington Palace when they moved to Charles’ room in St. James’s Palace,” a source close to the royals tells Radar.

“William picked his mom’s Cartier watch, and Harry picked her sapphire and diamond engagement ring.”

The insider adds:

“But they had an agreement that whoever got engaged first would have Diana’s ring — and of course that was William and Kate.”

The source says that the move is Harry’s way of paying tribute to both his mother and his bride-to-be:

“For Harry, like Will before him, using his mother’s gems means the two loves of his life will forever be linked.”

Already, critics of the move have started voicing their displeasure on social media, with some carping that Meghan is unworthy of such an honor, and others accusing Harry of desecrating a priceless artifact.

Of course, no one has seen the ring yet, and the entire story could be fabricated, but that doesn’t seem to be doing much to quell the outrage.

There’s some disagreement among insiders as to whether or not Harry has actually proposed, with some claiming it’s a done deal, and others insisting that he’s waiting for Meghan’s birthday on August 6.

Either way, it seems like Harry and Meghan are definitely headed for the altar.

And sadly, we’ll barely be able to hear their vows over the screams from the haters.
