Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Taylor Swift: Railroading Tom Hiddleston Into Proposing Already?!

Taylor Swift is living her own love story … whether Tom Hiddleston likes it or not. Insiders say she’s excited about the idea of him proposing!

ASAP, no less. OMG!! A Hiddleswift wedding?!

Despite reports that Taylor’s romance with Tom Hiddleston is fake, her camp is spinning nothing but positive, uplifting stories to the media.

“[It’s] been a dream come true,” a Tay source tells Us Weekly. “He’s so romantic, classic and chivalrous, and he’s doing everything right.”

Our Hiddleston source begs to differ.

According to a friend of the actor, he wants to dump Swift but doesn’t know how, given the way he’s been railroaded into this romance.

After a whirlwind month of dating that began as a PR stunt and has since included jaunts to England, Italy and Australia, what’s next?

Either a breakup … or if she has her way, a rock! Us’ insider says the 35-year-old Brit is ready to upgrade the duo’s relationship status.

“Tom is planning to propose very soon,” says the insider, who may or may not be Taylor herself, looking to apply pressure via the media.

We’re kidding. But admit it, you thought about it for a second. Especially since the tabloid’s source notes that she has her answer prepared.

“She would definitely say yes,” says the Swift insider.

Wow. Knock us over with a feather after that one.

While our sources and Us’ disagree on how legitimate the courtship is, the pair’s romance has undeniably gone from 0 to 100, REAL QUICK.

Seriously, it was like 45 minutes after she dumped Calvin Harris over a song (or so the latest theory goes) that she and Tom were a thing.

Their first official date was staged kissing in Rhode Island June 14, and since then, they’ve traveled the globe and met each set of parents. 

Then there was the eye-rollingly over the top “I [Heart] T.S.” tank top, temporary <3 tattoo and water slide shenanigans at her July 4 party.

If he’s looking to high-tail it out, he’s not doing a very good job of showing it … but is that the whole point? Is he being controlled by Swift?

“Taylor’s totally into him,” says the Swift source.

“She is so swept off her feet.”

Stay tuned.