Friday, May 20, 2016

Heroic Twitter User Documents Near-Death Experience

The following may be the greatest Internet story ever told.

Yes, it was cool to read about that guy who ordered a pizza to a moving train.

And we"re still not over that other guy"s McDonald"s drive-through experience.

But the man featured below was hooking up with a girl when her boyfriend suddenly came home. He subsequently got shoved into a closet… and live-Tweeted all that happened next.

1. How It All Began…

How it all began

This sucks, but whatever. He’s coolin.

2. She’s a Keeper!

Shes a keeper

She also may be 12. Why does she have Capri Sub at home?!?

3. Time to Eat!

Time to eat

Gotta wash that Capri Sun taste out of your mouth, man.



Like we said before, she’s a total keeper.

5. This is Bigger Than Popeye’s

This is bigger than popeyes

Dammit, Miles! Do as I say!

6. Stay Cool, Miles

Stay cool miles

Just keep going the speed limit. Don’t test your luck.

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