Showing posts with label User. Show all posts
Showing posts with label User. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Prince Philip eBay User Tries Selling Crash Parts ... Gets Yanked $85k Later

A local Brit tried his darndest to hawk debris left behind from Prince Philip‘s car crash last week — and got pretty close to the finish line before eBay pulled the plug.
An eBay user known as morbius777 put the listing up sometime over the weekend and advertised it as “Prince...
Prince Philip eBay User Tries Selling Crash Parts ... Gets Yanked $85k Later

Friday, September 7, 2018

Mel B Is a "Habitual Drug User" According to Court Ruling

Earlier this year, Mel B’s court battle with her ex reached new lows when Stephen Belafonte claimed that Mel B is a drunk who clumsily injured herself while intoxicated.

He made the claim to “explain” how her bruises didn’t come from his abuse, but it sounds like the court is taking the allegations about substance abuse seriously.

In fact, the court determined that Mel B is a “habitual, frequent” drug user.

Us Weekly got their hands on some court documents that show that, as far as the legal system is concerned, Mel B is a habitual drug user.

Judge Mark Juhas is the one who reached this conclusion about the former Spice Girl.

“Based on the evidence presented,” his words read. “The court finds that there is a habitual, frequent, and continuous use of controlled substances/alcohol by the petitioner.”

Mel B is the petitioner. Judge Juhas made the ruling following a hearing over the former couple’s custody battle for 7-year-old Madison.

According to the documents, this order is from Tuesday, September 4.

The court’s ruling will have consequences.

Mel B is required to undergo drug testing over the course of the next four months.

We don’t know exactly how regular the testing will be — and there is a chance that Mel may not, either. Our guess is that the testing will be at deliberately random intervals.

Mel and Stephen are required to each pay fifty percent of the cost of the testing.

The good news for Mel is that this testing can happen at her home, through a federally approved facility. So she won’t have to go to, say, a police station.

The court also mandated some new rules for the couple concerning their 7-year-old daughter, Madison.

Neither of them are permitted to be under the influence of any drugs or alcohol while in Madison’s presence.

That means no drinking during their respective custody periods and no drinking 8 hours before they see her.

The two exes are also ordered to hire a new nanny for their daughter.

As you may recall, Mel B’s last nanny also became the lover of both her and Stephen.

It doesn’t sound like the judge addressed this directly, but we get the impression that neither Mel B nor Belafonte are encouraged to bang this particular nanny.

In a court filing on Friday, August 31, Mel B denied that she abuses drugs or alcohol.

(Keep in mind, of course, that the line between using and abusing substances can appear blurry … especially if you have been drinking)

Later that day, she and Stephen reached a settlement.

However, the details of that settlement have so far remained undisclosed to the public.

Whatever it was, of course, the court must still prioritize the best interests of Madison, even if it means making life a little difficult for Madison’s parents for a few months.

Mel B recently revealed that she is undergoing treatments for PTSD.

Though she also mentions the death of her father, a major source of trauma for her was the alleged physical abuse at the hands of Stephen Belafonte during their 10 years of marriage.

In addition to the alleged violence, which she initially denied even after friends and fans noticed bruising on her body, Stephen is also accused of having siphoned a tremendous amount of her money from her.

We hope that this can all get sorted out for the sake of Madison, Mel B, and Mel’s other children, Phoenix and Angel. (Phoenix is 19 but she’s still his mom, you know?)

Mel may be self-medicating for her PTSD using drugs and alcohol. Trauma is a tremendously common predictor for substance abuse.

One way or the other, four months of drug testing should tell us a lot.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Tinder User Creates Unique Profile, Is Our New Internet Crush

The last time we wrote about someone using a PowerPoint presentation to impress a member of the opposite sex, it didn"t work out very well.

But a 19-year old Canadian named Krista is hoping the second time is a charm.

As you"re about find out, she has scoffed at the notion of creating a simple Tinder profile with just her name and a few basic facts.

She has opted instead for the following – and we really hope it leads to some serious right-swiping for all who come across her impressively-detailed effort.

Talk about a catch!

1. Yes, This is a PowerPoint

Yes this is a powerpoint

As Krista says… enjoy!

2. A Dwight Schrute Reference!

A dwight schrute reference

She just proved she’s a keeper.

3. Here Are My Interests

Here are my interests

Between eating avocados and laughing at Trump, we’re not sure how she has time for anything else.

4. I’m Not Perfect

Im not perfect

I’ll be honest: my beer pong game could use some work. But I’m moderately attractive!

5. I Love Dogs!

I love dogs

Not saying I have one, but I still love hanging out with these animals.

6. But Don’t Take My Word For It!

But dont take my word for it

Look at what these other reliable sources have to say.

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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Did Christmas Abbott User Her Power?

It feels like an eternity ago that Christmas Abbott was gifted with the Ring of Replacement on Big Brother, but things in the house have been a little uncertain of late. 

With Jessica and Cody emerging as the biggest enemies in the game, they both decided to play in the temptation challenge to secure their safety for the week. 

If you watched the most recent episode of the CBS reality series, you will know that the first part of their plan paid off and Cody secured his safety for the week. 

Jessica was up as the third nominee by default for coming in last place during the competition. That’s what they planned all along to give her a shot to play in the veto competition. 

With Josh opting to put up Mark and Elena on the block, he has been talking about the prospect of getting Elena out this week as opposed to Jessica. 

Christmas, Alex, Jason, and Kevin weighed up their options and thought about it, but Paul made it clear they would be getting rid of Jessica because she’s too big of a threat. 

Paul then remembered that Christmas had the power and told her she would be using it if Cody’s name was drawn for the veto competition. 

As expected, she decided to use it when Cody’s name was drawn to play in the contest. Jessica was still allowed to play, but she was rattled because she thought Cody would be playing with her. 

It was the OTEV competition this week, and Mark emerged with the win. He got wind of Josh talking about sending Elena out of the game and spoke about using his veto on Elena because he felt like nobody would vote him out. 

In the end, he used it on himself and Raven was sent to the block with Jessica and Elena. Despite Josh going back and forth, his group has confirmed Jessica will be going home. 

So, it looks like the vote is locked in, but we still have a few days left, and absolutely anything could happen. 

Who do you want to be evicted? 

Sound off below!


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Rob Kardashian GOES OFF on Blac Chyna: You"re a Cheater! And a Liar! And a Drug User!

Look below.

This is a very cute photo of Rob Kardashian and his daughter, Dream:

We just wanted you to have a pleasant image in your head before we delved into the ugliest feud to date between Dream’s parents, Rob and Blac Chyna.

Which is saying A LOT if you’re even remotely familiar with the history of these controversial reality stars…

The latest, most contentious round of fighting between Rob and Chyna appears to have started on July Fourth.

Instead of grilling some hot dogs with her baby daddy, Chyna apparently sent Kardashian footage of some guy who had just placed his hot dog in her bun (if you know what we mean!), rubbing in her ex-boyfriend’s face that she was getting some at that exact moment.

Wrote Rob as an affiliated message to the video below, which he shared on his Instagram page:

Hahahaha Chyna just sent me this video saying happy 4th of July what a crazy person. Come spend time with your daughter instead of fucking me and then this dude right after.

U need help.

Just two weeks ago, sources claimed that Rob and Chyna were back to having sex… a report that Rob backed up in his many (MANY!) subsequent Instagram photos and captions following his unveiling of this scandalous video.

“That’s crazy u let me cum inside u and then another man do the same in the same bed and the same robe and everything in the house where I pay 16K rent. Sheesh,” Rob wrote on Wednesday morning.

“And so u know she had her butt reduced but I know it still looks wild.”

Kardashian initially included photos of Chyna’s rear end and boobs, along with a picture he claimed to be of her exposed vagina, telling readers that she sent him the latter as a way to entice him into bed.

He later deleted these racy images, but he continued to hammer Chyna for her cheating, lying and many instances of plastic surgery.

The man who is basically eating Chyna’s face in the above video is named Ferrari. (NOTE: Probably not his real name.)

He claims on his Instagram page to be a “Musician/Icon/Brand Ambassador/Entrepreneur” and Rob claims that Ferrari has been texting him with requests for money because Chyna now wants Ferrari to act as her sugar daddy.

He says he can’t afford to foot any of Chyna’s bills, while Rob goes on to say he’s been paying for his ex-girlfriend for several months now.

And supposedly Ferrari wants to team up with Rob to cash in on… how they’ve both slept with Chyna? We guess?

“This is the dude Chyna got caught cheating on me with for a minute now,” Rob wrote alongside texts he swears were sent to him by Chyna’s new play thing.

“Look he texted me asking for help and said he needed money cuz he can’t afford to pay Chyna’s bill so that’s why I pay her bills.

“More receipts are coming. Just yesterday Chyna sent me her pussy and everything and said she gonna come fuck me … wait for it.

“Never once have I cheated on Chyna and I remained loyal to her even after all the cheating she been doing and the multiple men she been fucking including me.”

Rob says he’s probably spent about a million dollars on Chyna since they met. He says he’s paid $ 90,000 for her necklaces and another $ 70,000 for a watch.

Not to mention the $ 100,000 he doled out to help Chyna lose weight after she gave birth to Dream last November.

Late last month, Rob and Chyna took their daughter to Disneyland.

All has seemed relatively calm between the stars for awhile now actually.

We’d typically speculate over the legitimacy of heated words such as the ones Rob has fired off today.

We’d wonder whether this was all scripted and presume it was all a way for Kardashian and Chyna to garner attention and perhaps even tease a new reality series of some kind.

But that is most definitely a video of Chyna macking it big time with some other dude.

And this excerpt from Kardashian’s rant is definitely a reference to Chyna being a drug addict, which is a rather serious accusation to merely toss around because you want E! to give you another show:

“The saddest part is I knew about all this and didn’t say a word or speak on anything because I actually Love Chyna genuinely until she just sent me a video of her and this man kissing in her bed with my daughter and her son in the house,” wrote Rob toward the end of his postings today.

He continued:

“The same day she sent me pic of her pussy and saying i can come fuck her soon. The same exact day I had 250K of jeweler dropped off to the house. I never been so disrespected by a Woman and I support everything she does until this stuff.

“Just sloppy and messy and the disrespect.

“Thank God for my daughter but I will never allow my daughter over to that house that I pay for with all the drugs and alcohol that goes on. I got receipts for days and I’m gonna keep going and I don’t give a fuck.

“The girl told me today she gonna have a third baby daddy and she also told me today she wants to have more kids next year in June. And she sending me videos of her and other man with our babies in the house.

“And then this thirsty ass dude posting selfies in the house I pay for and bed I made my baby in damn shame.”

Whoa there: Did Rob just threaten to take Dream away from her mother?

Like we said: this $ hit is getting serious.

We’re way beyond Blac Chyna simply taking her kids to Legoland without Rob here.

Look for Blac to fire back against Rob at any moment now – and look out for Dream to be just wandering down the street alone one of these days, while her parents continue to blow up at each other over social media.

That poor child.

UPDATE: Chyna responded to Kardashian’s allegations on Snapchat, alleging that he hit her.

“On my kids but I’m supposed to be quiet because you’re a Kardashian,” she wrote in a post that has since been deleted. “The light will come to the light.”


Friday, March 3, 2017

Kathleen Biden: Hunter Biden is a Cheating Drug User Who Steals Money From Me!

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s alleged drug use and infidelity was, in part, what led to the end of his marriage.

That’s according to his estranged wife Kathleen, to whom he is still married … while dating his late brother Beau’s widow Hallie Biden.

Kathleen filed a new motion in D.C. Superior Court on February 23, just one week before Hunter and Hallie’s relationship went public.

Hallie and Hunter confirmed they are dating in a statement.

Not happy about that for a variety of reasons, Kathleen claims that her husband has behaved in a manner unbecoming of him – financially.

Hunter, she says, has “created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests” during their separation.

Those interests include “drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations,” she alleges.

She also claims that the family (the couple share three children) has no funds to pay their bills because of Hunter’s continued spending. 

Kathleen further claims in court papers that Hunter instructed his office to reduce the monthly funds she received by nearly $ 10,000.

That was in October, allegedly, but even after he had curtailed his payments to her, he “secretly continued to spend lavishly.”

All the while, “complaining to Ms. Biden, through counsel, about the financial issues of the family and Ms. Biden’s spending.”

Kathleen goes on to claim in documents that Hunter had $ 122,179 of their marital income transferred into his personal bank account.

The money was gone, she says, in “less than two months.”

She claims that the family has maxed out its credit cards, owes numerous outstanding bills, and has incurred a tax debt of at least $ 313,970. 

She is requesting Hunter be provided only a $ 5,000 a month allowance, and that she be given $ 20,000 a month, according to reports.

Beau Biden

Hunter Biden’s attorney responded, “Hunter and Kathleen have been separated for some time and are in the process of finalizing a divorce.”

“Hunter loves and admires Kathleen as a person, a mother, and a friend. He hopes their privacy can be respected at this time.”

The couple married in July 1993 and separated not long after Beau Biden (above) died in 2015 following a battle with brain cancer.

This week, Hunter announced that he and Beau’s widow, Hallie, have become involved in a romantic relationship of their own.

“Hallie and I are incredibly lucky to have found the love and support we have for each other in such a difficult time,” he said.

“That’s been obvious to the people who love us most. We’ve been so lucky to have family and friends who have supported us every step of the way.”

The former Vice President and wife Dr. Jill Biden also said in a statement that they are aware of the relationship and support it.

“We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness.”

“They have mine and Jill’s full and complete support and we are happy for them,” Joe and Jill said of their son and daughter-in-law.

Beau Biden died of brain cancer in May 2015, a fact that is believed to have led to the decision of Joe Biden not running for President.

Hunter and Kathleen split in October of that year, five months after Beau died. They have three daughters, Naomi, Finnegan and Maisy. 

Beau, the former attorney general of Delaware, and Hallie have two children, a daughter Natalie and, confusingly, a son Hunter.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wendy"s OWNS Twitter Troll, User Deletes Account in Shame

Wendy"s social media manager deserves a raise this week after proving to a troll that if you"re gonna serve beef, at least make it high quality.

In the literal sense, and the Twitter feud sense.

The company"s official account posted a tweet about how unlike some of its major competitors, the fast food mainstay never freezes burgers.

A moronic Twitter user quickly took exception.

And Wendy"s absolutely owned that user.

Seriously, you wouldn"t think that if you came at Wendy"s, you"d get served faster and more efficiently than a value meal at said restaurant chain.

That"s exactly what happened though, and so badly that the user deleted his or her account in shame. Fortunately, the exchange went viral first.

"If you"re having a bad day, just remember that you didn"t get dragged by a fast food company on twitter," wrote another follower who screen grabbed it.

#Truth. Witness this amazing back and forth …

1. You See This?

You see this

It’s made to order, and Wendy’s is proud of its beef quality and the way it’s served to consumers. Which led to this tweet by the company …

2. 2 Cool 4 Frozen Beef!

2 cool 4 frozen beef

They didn’t style it like the late music icon Prince, but the message was clear: Wendy’s does not serve any frozen beef to its customers. Not now, not ever.

3. Thuggy-D Takes Exception

Thuggy d takes exception

For reasons unknown, Twitter user Thuggy-D, a.k.a. @NHride, took issue with that statement; Wendy’s was polite but firm in its response. Sorry you think that, Thuggy-D, but it’s the truth! Unfortunately for @NHride, he/she did not take the hint …

4. So You Have a Hot Truck?

So you have a hot truck

Obviously, the restaurant’s methodology was lost on this Twitter troll, because even this pop quiz didn’t get the point across.

5. He Had to Bring Up McDonald’s

He had to bring up mcdonalds

Seemingly unaware of the punishment Wendy’s was laying down, the troll then told the chain to just give up, because McDonald’s rules. Wendy’s response? LOL, you don’t know what a refrigerator is!



Wow. Let this be your public service announcement to only serve fresh beef … whether you’re in the food service business or just talking about it.

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Friday, May 20, 2016

Heroic Twitter User Documents Near-Death Experience

The following may be the greatest Internet story ever told.

Yes, it was cool to read about that guy who ordered a pizza to a moving train.

And we"re still not over that other guy"s McDonald"s drive-through experience.

But the man featured below was hooking up with a girl when her boyfriend suddenly came home. He subsequently got shoved into a closet… and live-Tweeted all that happened next.

1. How It All Began…

How it all began

This sucks, but whatever. He’s coolin.

2. She’s a Keeper!

Shes a keeper

She also may be 12. Why does she have Capri Sub at home?!?

3. Time to Eat!

Time to eat

Gotta wash that Capri Sun taste out of your mouth, man.



Like we said before, she’s a total keeper.

5. This is Bigger Than Popeye’s

This is bigger than popeyes

Dammit, Miles! Do as I say!

6. Stay Cool, Miles

Stay cool miles

Just keep going the speed limit. Don’t test your luck.

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

New Kardashian Websites Allegedly Exposed User Information For More Than 800,000 Users! Details HERE!

Talk about a boo-boo.

The new Kardashian and Jenner exclusive websites launched earlier this week — but apparently nothing goes off without a hitch!

Shortly after the sites went live, Alaxic Smith, a 19-year-old developer came across a little problem which he found could be used to gain access to a list of all four website’s — Kim Kardashian West, Khloe Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kylie Jenner — users information.

Related: Kim Kardashian First Heard ‘Rumors’ About Caitlyn Jenner When She Was 11

Smith posted online — before it was removed — the story of how he came across the information saying he discovered a Javascript file that he began to play around with. In the post he said:

“Just for fun, I decided to un-minify this file to see what kind of data they were collecting from users and other metrics they may be tracking. I saw several calls to an API, which of course made sense. I popped one of those endpoints into my browser, and got an error just liked I expected.”

It was at this point that he logged onto Kylie’s website — because duh, of course it would be Kylie’s — with his own username and password and found the “endpoint” took him to a page that listed the first and last names as well as user names, and emails of over 650,000 users! Oh yeah, and he could delete any data any user had decided to share on the site.

Well of course Alaxic then tried this on the other sites and they did the same thing!

If this is true, it means that over 890,000 users were exposed according to Smith’s account.

The company that built the websites, Whalerock Industries, have since said that the issue has been fixed and confirmed that no payment information was compromised. In a statement the company released, they said:

“Shortly after launch we were alerted that there was an open Api. It was promptly closed. Our logs indicate that the author of the blog post was able to access only a limited set of names and email addresses. Our logs further indicate no one else had access and that no passwords nor payment data of any kind was exposed. Our highest priority is the security of our customers’ data.”

We’re not exactly sure how we feel about this. A breach in security is such a major issue, it definitely makes us think twice about trusting the sites.

What about you? Does this turn you off of wanting to subscribe to any of the Kardashian or Jenner sites? Sound off in the comments (below)!