Showing posts with label Ruling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruling. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

Friday, September 7, 2018

Mel B Is a "Habitual Drug User" According to Court Ruling

Earlier this year, Mel B’s court battle with her ex reached new lows when Stephen Belafonte claimed that Mel B is a drunk who clumsily injured herself while intoxicated.

He made the claim to “explain” how her bruises didn’t come from his abuse, but it sounds like the court is taking the allegations about substance abuse seriously.

In fact, the court determined that Mel B is a “habitual, frequent” drug user.

Us Weekly got their hands on some court documents that show that, as far as the legal system is concerned, Mel B is a habitual drug user.

Judge Mark Juhas is the one who reached this conclusion about the former Spice Girl.

“Based on the evidence presented,” his words read. “The court finds that there is a habitual, frequent, and continuous use of controlled substances/alcohol by the petitioner.”

Mel B is the petitioner. Judge Juhas made the ruling following a hearing over the former couple’s custody battle for 7-year-old Madison.

According to the documents, this order is from Tuesday, September 4.

The court’s ruling will have consequences.

Mel B is required to undergo drug testing over the course of the next four months.

We don’t know exactly how regular the testing will be — and there is a chance that Mel may not, either. Our guess is that the testing will be at deliberately random intervals.

Mel and Stephen are required to each pay fifty percent of the cost of the testing.

The good news for Mel is that this testing can happen at her home, through a federally approved facility. So she won’t have to go to, say, a police station.

The court also mandated some new rules for the couple concerning their 7-year-old daughter, Madison.

Neither of them are permitted to be under the influence of any drugs or alcohol while in Madison’s presence.

That means no drinking during their respective custody periods and no drinking 8 hours before they see her.

The two exes are also ordered to hire a new nanny for their daughter.

As you may recall, Mel B’s last nanny also became the lover of both her and Stephen.

It doesn’t sound like the judge addressed this directly, but we get the impression that neither Mel B nor Belafonte are encouraged to bang this particular nanny.

In a court filing on Friday, August 31, Mel B denied that she abuses drugs or alcohol.

(Keep in mind, of course, that the line between using and abusing substances can appear blurry … especially if you have been drinking)

Later that day, she and Stephen reached a settlement.

However, the details of that settlement have so far remained undisclosed to the public.

Whatever it was, of course, the court must still prioritize the best interests of Madison, even if it means making life a little difficult for Madison’s parents for a few months.

Mel B recently revealed that she is undergoing treatments for PTSD.

Though she also mentions the death of her father, a major source of trauma for her was the alleged physical abuse at the hands of Stephen Belafonte during their 10 years of marriage.

In addition to the alleged violence, which she initially denied even after friends and fans noticed bruising on her body, Stephen is also accused of having siphoned a tremendous amount of her money from her.

We hope that this can all get sorted out for the sake of Madison, Mel B, and Mel’s other children, Phoenix and Angel. (Phoenix is 19 but she’s still his mom, you know?)

Mel may be self-medicating for her PTSD using drugs and alcohol. Trauma is a tremendously common predictor for substance abuse.

One way or the other, four months of drug testing should tell us a lot.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tim Tebow Not Ruling Out XFL, But He Won"t Play for Cubs!

Here’s another episode of “Playing It Coy,” starring Tim Tebow … who says he really doesn’t know whether he’d consider signing with the XFL. Tebow was gentlemanly as ever when we got him at LAX on Tuesday — but when the topic of Vince…


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Kurt Warner Future NFL Coach? He Ain"t Ruling It Out

With Jon Gruden signing a $ 100 MILLION contract … we had to ask Kurt Warner — would you ever leave the broadcast booth for an NFL coaching gig?  Guess what … he didn’t say no.  Besides having a Hall of Fame career on the field,…


Sunday, November 26, 2017

UFC"s Cris Cyborg Not Ruling Out Ronda Rousey Superfight

The scariest soap opera in sports ain’t over just yet … ‘cause Cris Cyborg says a superfight between her and Ronda Rousey might still go down one day. We got Cyborg training in L.A. for her fight…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Richard Simmons To Appeal Ruling That Misidentifying Transgender People is NOT Defamation

Richard Simmons will appeal the devastating ruling on his transgender defamation lawsuit, TMZ has learned, and that could establish whether people are allowed to say someone’s gay or transgender without fear of lawsuit. Simmons’ lawyer, Neville…


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Kesha Sobs After Devastating Court Ruling, Stars Tweet Support

Kesha broke down in tears after the courts denied her request to be released from her contract with Sony and Dr. Luke, the music producer who she alleges raped her and emotionally abused her for 10 years.

Kesha filed a suit against Dr. Luke, whose real name is Lukasz Gottwald, in October 2014, claiming he drugged and raped her when she was 18 and continued to physically and emotionally abuse her. 

Dr. Luke denied the charges, claiming Kesha was trying to extort him and filed a countersuit.

“You’re asking the court to decimate a contract that was heavily negotiated and typical for the industry,” said Justice Shirley Kornreich, who presided over the case. “I don’t understand why I have to take the extraordinary measure of granting an injunction.”

Unfortunately, no mention was made of the extraordinary circumstance of the artist being abused by the producer.

The ruling means Kesha is obligated by law to record six more albums with the label, although Dr. Luke did agree to allow the singer to record without his involvement.

Nevertheless, it is understandable that Kesha would want to extricate herself completely from her alleged abuser and block him from any profits she generated with her music.

The court decision prompted outrage from Kesha supporters and the hashtag #FreeKesha began trending.

#FreeKesha tweet

A number of fellow recording artists tweeted their support for the Tik Tok singer as well.

Lada Gaga tweets support to Kesha

Ariana Grande tweets support to Kesha

Lorde tweets support to Kesha

Kelly Clarkson tweets support to Kesha

Sara Bareilles tweets support to Kesha