Monday, October 23, 2017

Tinder User Creates Unique Profile, Is Our New Internet Crush

The last time we wrote about someone using a PowerPoint presentation to impress a member of the opposite sex, it didn"t work out very well.

But a 19-year old Canadian named Krista is hoping the second time is a charm.

As you"re about find out, she has scoffed at the notion of creating a simple Tinder profile with just her name and a few basic facts.

She has opted instead for the following – and we really hope it leads to some serious right-swiping for all who come across her impressively-detailed effort.

Talk about a catch!

1. Yes, This is a PowerPoint

Yes this is a powerpoint

As Krista says… enjoy!

2. A Dwight Schrute Reference!

A dwight schrute reference

She just proved she’s a keeper.

3. Here Are My Interests

Here are my interests

Between eating avocados and laughing at Trump, we’re not sure how she has time for anything else.

4. I’m Not Perfect

Im not perfect

I’ll be honest: my beer pong game could use some work. But I’m moderately attractive!

5. I Love Dogs!

I love dogs

Not saying I have one, but I still love hanging out with these animals.

6. But Don’t Take My Word For It!

But dont take my word for it

Look at what these other reliable sources have to say.

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