Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Did Christmas Abbott User Her Power?

It feels like an eternity ago that Christmas Abbott was gifted with the Ring of Replacement on Big Brother, but things in the house have been a little uncertain of late. 

With Jessica and Cody emerging as the biggest enemies in the game, they both decided to play in the temptation challenge to secure their safety for the week. 

If you watched the most recent episode of the CBS reality series, you will know that the first part of their plan paid off and Cody secured his safety for the week. 

Jessica was up as the third nominee by default for coming in last place during the competition. That’s what they planned all along to give her a shot to play in the veto competition. 

With Josh opting to put up Mark and Elena on the block, he has been talking about the prospect of getting Elena out this week as opposed to Jessica. 

Christmas, Alex, Jason, and Kevin weighed up their options and thought about it, but Paul made it clear they would be getting rid of Jessica because she’s too big of a threat. 

Paul then remembered that Christmas had the power and told her she would be using it if Cody’s name was drawn for the veto competition. 

As expected, she decided to use it when Cody’s name was drawn to play in the contest. Jessica was still allowed to play, but she was rattled because she thought Cody would be playing with her. 

It was the OTEV competition this week, and Mark emerged with the win. He got wind of Josh talking about sending Elena out of the game and spoke about using his veto on Elena because he felt like nobody would vote him out. 

In the end, he used it on himself and Raven was sent to the block with Jessica and Elena. Despite Josh going back and forth, his group has confirmed Jessica will be going home. 

So, it looks like the vote is locked in, but we still have a few days left, and absolutely anything could happen. 

Who do you want to be evicted? 

Sound off below!
