Monday, February 5, 2018

Jill Duggar: Latest Photos of Baby Samuel Spark Debate

Jill Duggar’s parenting has become a subject of great interest amongst the Duggar faithful in recent months.

Typically, when Jill posts a new photo of her children, the response from fans goes something like this:

The first comments consist mainly of fawning praise for her skills as a mother and compliments about how cute her kids are.

Then the haters and mom-shamers come out in force.

Whether Jill is putting a tortilla on her son’s head as a hat or seeming to favor one child over another, her follwoers are always quick to let her know they disapprove.

Sometimes, their concerns are legitimate (Derick allowing his infant son to play with a plastic water bottle was a recent parenting low-light.), but more often the goal seems to be to shame Jessa into believing she’s an unfit mother.

Fortunately, Jill’s latest pic attracted a far more inocuous form of crticism:

That’s Samuel with his aunt Johannah Duggar.

The pic attracted hundreds of comments within minutes of going live, and for once the debate had nothing to do with Jill’s parenting skills”

“He is too cute!! He looks a lot like Jessa to me!” wrote one fan.

Believe it or not, this comment sparked a heated debate about which Duggar Samuel most closely resembles.

Not only did fans pick apart Samuel’s appearance in an effort to figure out which of his aunts and uncles the baby most closely resembles, they subjected Johannah to the same treatment.

“Johannah is so grown up, I think she looks like a mix of Joy-Anna and Jessa,”

“Wow she looks just like Joy at that age!”

“She looks just like Josh,”

Interestingly, Johnnah is now the second-oldest Duggar girl who still livesathome with her parents – but it’s by a pretty sizable margin.

(Jana Duggar, 28, is the oldest.)

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Duggar social media post if there wasn’t some harsh criticism and pointed questioning, as well.

“Where is Israel? Y’all haven’t posted a picture of him in a while….and y’all didn’t take him to Texas with you last week? Hope he’s ok!”  wrote one fan.

Another seized the opportunity to bring up the Josh Duggar sex scandals, writing:

“Were Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy NOT abused by Josh? YES they were. Multiple times. And religious indoctrination IS abuse. So is blanket training. What you see on tv is all scripted and rehearsed.”

Just another day in the life of reality TV’s most controversial family.

Watch Counting On online to join the debate.
