Showing posts with label Hotline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hotline. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Sundance Film Festival Sexual Assault Hotline Returning Deemed Success Amid Weinstein Scandal


Cops in Park City — site of the annual Sundance Film Festival — will be utilizing a hotline to combat sexual assault again this year … after it was established in 2018 in the wake of allegations against Harvey Weinstein.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Park...
Sundance Film Festival Sexual Assault Hotline Returning Deemed Success Amid Weinstein Scandal

Friday, June 8, 2018

Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade Suicides Spark Increased Calls to Suicide Prevention Hotline

The tragic deaths of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade by suicide have sparked a wave of calls to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline … TMZ has learned. The Mental Health Association of New York tells TMZ … the hotline has experienced a 25%…


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Al Jefferson Says NBA Ref Hotline Is Totally Pointless (VIDEO)

Any NBA player sneaking away to call the league’s new hotline for bad officiating is WASTING HIS DAMN TIME … that’s according to NBA veteran Al Jefferson who calls the hotline “pointless.” The hotline was set up as part of the new CBA between the…


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Obama -- Jams Out to "Hotline Bling" -- What Happened to Kendrick?!! (VIDEO)

Prez Obama SAYS Kendrick Lamar would kick Drake’s ass in a rap battle, but our leader showed some serious Canadian love Saturday night at The White House. Obama co-hosted “Love & Happiness:  A Musical Experience”  with BET. A…


Friday, October 21, 2016

Donald Sterling -- Hotline Bling with Mystery Blonde (PHOTOS)

Donald Sterling went looking for stuff older than he is — but he did it with a chick quite a bit younger than him. The 82-year-old ex-Clippers owner was cruising antique shops in Bev Hills Thursday with a hot blonde on his arm and his…


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Drake Mocks "Hotline Bling" in T-Mobile Super Bowl Ad

Drake and his turtleneck will both play a key role at Super Bowl 50.

T-Mobile has given fans an early look at its upcoming commercial for the big game, one that features Drake poking fun at his very own music video.

You know the one; the one for "Hotline Bling" that features Drake dancing around in a decidedly UNcool manner.

In the following footage, Drake is recreating that video, only for a T-Mobile executive to yell "Cut!" and offer up a note:

“When you say ‘call me on my cell phone," just add ‘device eligible for upgrade after 24 months,"” the man in the suit says.

"Genius!" Drake replies.

Another executive then chimes in with: "Also, you need to include that streaming music will include data charges."

“Fantastic idea!” Drake says, with a giant happy smile on his face. “These changes don’t ruin the song at all!”

We then see more of Drake"s awkward old man dancing and, we must say, this is pretty awesome all around.

It"s the perfect mix of product and spokesman, and it gives us a look at a self-deprecating, totally self-aware Drake.

Well done all around.

Allow us to go add this video to our collection of favorite Super Bowl commercials.

Drake super bowl commercial parodies hotline bling

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Coolest Teacher Ever Dresses as Drake, Goes All "Hotline Bling" on Students

A few months ago, we introduced readers to the hottest math teacher on the planet.

Now, it"s time to meet the coolest math teacher on the planet.

We don"t know his name, but we do know his games – and it"s this: dress as Drake for Halloween. But just not any form of Drake.

The really awkward Drake from the music video for "Hotline Bling."

And then, of course, actually dance like Drake from this same weird music video in order to complete the Halloween costume.

“My Pre Calc Teacher Is Drake From Hotline Bling For Halloween,” wrote a student on Twitter, linking to video of her teacher getting down like his (non) badass self.

The footage has been re-Tweeted over 40,000 times in just a few days, and reaction from social media users has included:

  • k but that teacher who was Hotline Bling Drake for Halloween is a) fine af and b) cute af for doing the dance for his students.

  • still not over that teacher doing the "hotline bling" dance though.

  • Believe me when I say that the pre-calc teacher dancing to Drake is my favorite thing on the internet.

Critics have accused Drake of looking like an awkward white dude in the "Hotline Bling" video, but perhaps this was his goal all along:

Give actual awkward white dudes a chance to go viral by dancing just like him for a classroom full of appreciative students.

In that case… goal accomplished! Thanks, Drake! Check out this amazing footage now.

Coolest teacher ever dresses as drake goes all hotline bling on