Showing posts with label Cibrian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cibrian. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2017

Brandi Glanville to Eddie Cibrian: Happy Father"s Day, You Suck!

Sometimes when you dislike another person very, very strongly, you’re still able to put aside your feelings on occasion to be the bigger person.

If that’s you, then congrats — but Brandi Glanville is not that person.

Which, honestly, is pretty fair: she actually dislikes two people very, very strongly, and she has good reason for it.

Her ex-husband, Eddie Cibrian, cheated on her with multiple women, and he ended up leaving her for one of them.

That woman, LeAnn Rimes, proceeded to rub her relationship with Eddie in her face at each and every turn, and to this day, they still don’t get along.

Hey, you don’t have to like everyone, and it makes sense that Brandi doesn’t like them.

And if her most recent story is true, she has a good reason for not even pretending.

As Brandi tells it, LeAnn has been stalking her and her boyfriend’s social media accounts, and when she saw that they had plans to go to a specific restaurant, she made sure to bring Eddie along.

She also brought Brandi and Eddie’s two sons, because they were celebrating Stepmother’s Day together.

Eddie says that Brandi’s lying, that they had reservations for days and that they only looked at Brandi’s boyfriend’s Snapchat to see if she’d posted anything embarrassing about them.

But Brandi insists that LeAnn is just trying to still her whole entire life.

Like she has been for the past eight years.

So you see where things are bad for them, right? Possibly the worst it’s ever been

And that’s why Brandi thought it was acceptable to tweet the following message on yesterday, Father’s Day:

“Happy Father’s Day @EddieCibrian you may not have been the best husband but you’re much better father enjoy your day.”

Beautiful, right?

Unfortunately, many of Brandi’s followers didn’t think so.

“Luv u Brandi, but seriously??? Was this necessary? Why even bother then?” one person asked.

Another advised her to “Just be civil and make it all about the kids. That little dig about being a bad husband is uncalled for.”

Others applauded Brandi for even wishing him a happy Father’s Day at all, with the way he’s been treating her lately.

As those people pointed out, Eddie didn’t say a word about her on Mother’s Day, so for her to reach out to him, even with this shady remark, is sweet.

But while he may not have gotten too much love from the woman who made him a father, LeAnn still managed to pump him up on social media.

“Happy Father’s Day to my beautiful husband,” she wrote on Twitter. “I am so proud of you and the father you choose to show up as on a daily basis.”

“Watching you mold their world into a safe haven of joy and providing them with a solid foundation of healthy boundaries and deep connections makes my heart flood with great appreciation and true LovE.”

“I LovE you,” she finished, “WE love you so very much.”

A short message about Father’s Day requires talk of “healthy boundaries?”

Yeah, don’t think we don’t see that Brandi shade, LeAnn.

Eddie and LeAnn’s side of the story is that Brandi is a drunken mess who doesn’t understand boundaries and what’s appropriate in co-parenting, so this is a nice little dig.

Looks like the new chapter in this feud isn’t ending anytime soon.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Brandi Glanville: Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes Need to Leave Me Alone!

In news that will surprise literally no one, the feud between Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes just keeps on getting worse.

And, yet again, Eddie Cibrian is stepping into defend his wacky wife.

The issue is the same as it was last week — Brandi got upset that LeAnn viewed her boyfriend’s Snapchat videos and then coincidentally ended up at the same restaurant as her.

LeAnn brought Brandi’s children and Eddie to celebrate Stepmother’s Day, and Brandi perceived the move to be a calculated attempt to upset her.

(Brandi was also upset because LeAnn has allegedly been trying to copy her whole entire life for nearly a decade now, but they all seem to be focused on the Snapchat incident, so we’ll stick to that.)

Eddie responded to Brandi’s claims — or, as he called it, her “foolishness” — in a statement telling the world that “I will not allow false and reverse accusations to go unanswered about my wife.”

He said that LeAnn is “a fantastic stepmom to the boys,” and that she’s “always gracious to their mother,” which is a laugh.

Then, in another statement, he claimed that when everyone was at that same restaurant, “Brandi was very drunk” and kept trying to come to the Cibrians’ table.

“After witnessing Brandi’s behavior at the restaurant,” he said, “I was concerned about what pictures Brandi might post.”

“We looked at their socials after we got home to make sure there was nothing of concern. That’s exactly how it all went down.”

And, well, if Eddie took the time to specifically say that “that’s exactly how it all went down,” looks like we’ve got no choice but to trust him.

But Brandi’s still not having it.

In a new statement to Us Weekly, Brandi insists that LeAnn viewed her boyfriend’s Snapchats before they went to the restaurant.

“At the moment we saw them at Nobu we questioned the timing and saw they had viewed the Snapchats prior,” she says. “This happened while we were at the restaurant.”

“To justify your wife’s stalking of my boyfriend’s social media as you were ‘concerned’ as to what we might post seems a bit farfetched.”

Well, she’s not wrong.

Brandi adds that “I am not interested in this back-and-forth game. I am asking for them to leave us alone and not monitor our lives through social media and other methods.”

She also tweeted “Why is Eddie speaking out for LeAnn she’s 35 & old enough to defend herself isn’t she? Someone balls have been clipped, her bitch I guess!”

When asked why she was bringing up their personal issues on social media, she wrote “I’d rather not but it’s always been the only way I can curb their behavior at least for a time being.”

“The amount of sh-t I’ve put up with privately is ridiculous. They look like their innocent because they do it to me in private.”

Sadly, she added that “My kids will know how I was treated one day. I’ve never discouraged my boys from loving her. She’s the one wanted to get rid of my title!”

She also advised Eddie to “tell his wife to have some boundaries. 8 years of letting her do crazy sh-t! Enough is enough.”

So it sounds like both Brandi and Eddie have their own version of how things went down, and unless one of them admits they’re lying (or unless Snapchat comes through with some time stamps), we’ll never know the truth.

Can this possibly get any worse?


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Eddie Cibrian: Brandi Glanville is a Liar, LeAnn Rimes is a Saint!

Isn’t it so weird to think about how LeAnn Rimes, Eddie Cibrian, and Brandi Glanville are all grown adults?

Considering all the nonsense drama they consistenly get into with each other, you’d think they were preteens at best.

But LeAnn is 34 years old, and Brandi and Eddie are both in their 40s — and still, the issues persist.

And as Brandi described in an open letter she shared on Thursday, things are no better than they were when this whole mess began eight long years ago.

In the letter, Brandi wrote that she’s tried her best to “take the higher road with Eddie and LeAnn for the sake of my boys,” but they just make it so difficult.

“During these years,” she claimed, “I’ve dealt with her obsession with me in the form of her copying my life from going to my dentist, dermatologist, plastic surgeon to even attempting to see my trainer of 14 years.”

And while that sounds absurd, there’s been receipts over the years — LeAnn definitely seems to have a Single White Female thing going on.

Brandi said that a couple of things have happened recently to push her over the edge — one being that LeAnn and Eddie had her uninvited from a party they’d also been invited to.

Then, a couple of weeks ago, she says that LeAnn watched her boyfriend’s Snapchats, learned their plans for the day, then “just happened to show up where we said we would be to celebrate step mothers day (a day early).”


Brandi wrote that LeAnn and Eddie sat across the room from her with her children “just to hurt and torment me by using my own children as pawns.”

It was a pretty intense accusation to make, but sadly, it’s not unbelievable.

But still, Eddie Cibrian felt the need to make a statement of his own to defend LeAnn’s honor.

“I normally don’t respond to Brandi’s foolishness,” he told E! News, “but I will not allow false and reverse accusations to go unanswered about my wife.”

“LeAnn is a fantastic stepmom to the boys and is always gracious to their mother. Having to put up with Brandi’s made up drama all the time is extremely frustrating.”

… Eddie does realize that we’ve witnessed LeAnn’s bizarre behavior time and time (and time) again, right? No?

He went on to say that “After eight years we should have one priority, making sure two incredible kids are loved and remain happy and healthy.”

“But every couple of months there is another accusation coming from Brandi in an attempt to drum up drama to stay relevant.”

He said that “LeAnn and I did not nor have we ever ‘shown up’ at places where Brandi will be. Why would we do that? Makes no sense.”

He claimed that he and LeAnn had reservations days before Brandi posted anything about going to that restaurant — he even screenshots as “proof” on Twitter.

The proof is a text between LeAnn and her assistant, but as many of his followers pointed out, texts are easily faked.

Brandi, meanwhile, shared her own screenshots — some from Snapchat that showed LeAnn had viewed her boyfriend’s videos.

The whole thing is a mess, and sure, they may have had reservations and they may have just coincidentally ended up at the same place as Brandi.

But isn’t it weird how Eddie focused on the restaurant issue in his statement and nothing else?

No denials about LeAnn seeking out Brandi’s doctors, nothing about the harassment Brandi claims she’s faced from LeAnn and her people for years?

But Eddie did comment on another statement Brandi recently made — the one in which the predicted that Eddie would leave LeAnn after their ten year anniversary, when he’d get half of everything.

He called Brandi “sad” and “sick” to “openly predict and hope for the end of our marriage,” and said that “this is not healthy behavior. I’m very concerned.”

Can someone tell Eddie that if he wants to be concerned about sad, unhealthy behavior, he should also look to his wife?


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Brandi Glanville: Of COURSE Eddie Cibrian is Going to Leave LeAnn Rimes!

This may be hard to believe, but it seems like the relationship between Brandi Glanville and LeAnn Rimes isn’t going so well.

Just kidding, literally nothing in the world is easier to believe.

After all, Brandi and LeAnn really got to know one another after Brandi discovered that LeAnn had been sleeping with her husband, Eddie Cibrian.

After that, Eddie left Brandi, married LeAnn, and then LeAnn immediately began treating herself like (step)mother of the year to the two sons Brandi and Eddie share.

LeAnn shared picture after picture of the boys on social media, even when Brandi begged her not to, and after all that a feud for the ages was inevitable.

Can you really blame Brandi?

Sure, there have been times over the years that Brandi and LeAnn have managed to put aside their differences for the sake of the kids, but those times are few and far between.

And, judging by this new interview Brandi just did, we’d say that right now, we’re pretty darn far between the good times.

In the interview, Brandi confirmed that the relationship she has with the Cibrians is “a little rocky right now.”

“It’s been eight years and you would think that people would mature and be different, but there’s still some craziness happening,” she explained.

“It ebbs and flows. Sometimes it’s great, and right now it’s not.”

However, Brandi does see some good things for the future.

“I think when the 10-year mark comes and he leaves her and takes half her stuff, we’ll all be good together because they won’t even be related,” she theorizes.

She’s talking about their tenth marriage anniversary, which will come up in 2021.

“If she doesn’t have a kid with him,” she added, “then we don’t ever have to see her again.”

To confirm, Brandi predicts that Eddie and LeAnn’s marriage will last about “three more years,” but “Then he hits 10 years, half of everything is his and then he’s gone.”

Way to look at the bright side, huh?

And she may have a point — for pretty much the entirety of Eddie’s relationship with LeAnn, people have theorized that he was just in it for the fame and the money.

After all, way back in 2009 when they first hooked up, LeAnn was still somewhat successful with her country music career, and Brandi was just an aging model who’d birthed his two children.

He had no way of knowing that she’d join Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, or that she’d end up being more famous than LeAnn in just a few short years.

It must be a tough pill to swallow, even for a giant gross douchebag like Eddie Cibrian.

So, according to Brandi, we have just a few more years before a single LeAnn Rimes is unleashed on the world.

Is that enough time to prepare?


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes: Divorce Is Too Expensive!


I hope LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian know that they’re not fooling anyone with their “loved-up” schtick.

We don’t need the tabloids to tell us that the two are constantly headed for a split/Cibrian cheats on Rimes, but it’s fuel for the fire, so here we are.

The latest claim alleges that the couple – who recently celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary on April 22nd – are too broke to consider divorce, even though that’s where their relationship stands.

“With LeAnn’s career in trouble and Eddie’s nonexistent, they probably can’t afford divorce, though it’s likely where there’ll end up soon enough,” a source told OK! Magazine.

“Some close to the couple believe their arrangement is purely financial,” the magazine claimed.

The source went on to call the marriage “phony,” and added that “their happiness is just for show.”

In fact, the magazine claims that Cibrian and Rimes spent their fifth anniversary “together apart,” meaning that though they were physically together, emotionally, they did not connect (this is my life now, explaining such things).

“There is zero passion there.”

Gossip Cop checked in with Cibrian’s rep, who offered more than just the standard “this is false,” response to the stories.

“They are definitely not broke and they are definitely not divorcing,” the rep told the site.

“Gotta love OK! magazine and their fantasies.”


Doing her best to refute any and all rumors, Rimes did what she’s done ever since saying “I Do” to Cibrian.

“Happy 5 year anniversary to my lover, my friend, my heart, my everything!” Rimes wrote on a throwback photo of their wedding day.

“We have walked through hell and back to be together and wouldn’t change a thing.

“Our bond is like no other. I cherish you!”

They walked through hell?  More like they put their former spouses through hell.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Eddie Cibrian: Using LeAnn Rimes For Her Money?

Against all odds, Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes are celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary today.

The couple wasn’t expected to last this long because, well…marriages that begin with both parties cheating on their respective spouses generally end badly.

But as far as we know the many, many rumors about Eddie cheating on LeAnn have turned out to be bogus, and the Cibrians are still going strong.

Actually, “strong” might be a, well…strong word, but the important thing is that LeAnn and Eddie are still together – for now.

According to Star magazine, LeAnn’s friends are concerned that Eddie will leave her when her money dries up – which might be happening much sooner than expected.

“They’ve coasted off LeAnn’s savings since they got together five years ago, but they live large with a huge mansion and lots of trips,” says one insider.

“Plus, she helps support his two sons.”

The problem, it seems, is that LeAnn is a singer who hasn’t recorded an album of new material in three years, and Eddie is an actor whose most recent work was a three-episode stint on the Freeform sitcom Baby Daddy.

LeAnn and Eddie’s VH1 reality show only lasted one season, and did very little to line their pockets.

Sources say the couple was so embarrassed by their financial situation that they rented a house for the show in order to appear more affluent.

Now, what little money the couple had saved has been squandered, and LeAnn’s friend fear the worst for her marriage.

“LeAnn knows she’s neglected her career for too long,” says the source. “At this point she’s known more for her affair with Eddie than for being a singer.”

“Eddie married a rich girl on purpose. So what happens when that’s no longer the case?”

Sadly, we think LeAnn knows the answer to that question.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Brandi Glanville Reveals Heartbreaking Email to Eddie Cibrian: Stop Torturing Me!

Earlier this week, Brandi Glanville spoke candidly about the difficulty of not spending Christmas with her kids, who stayed with her ex Edddie Cibrian and his second wife LeAnn Rimes over the holidays.

Yesterday, Cibrian shot back and accused Brandi of lying.

He told People magazine that Brandi gets to spend as much time with the kids as she wants, and he specifically denied her claim that she’s asked Eddie and LeAnn not to post holiday photos with the kids due to the emotional pain that it causes her.

Last night, Brandi claimed that Eddie is the one who’s lying, and moments ago, she proved it by posting a recent email that she sent him:

I have a RHOBH google alert on my phone and to last night see your wifes social media post of her blended family it cut like a knife. It made me realize yet another year has gone by where I have missed half of my children lives.

“Its hard enough not seeing them on the holidays but then for you to pour salt in my wound is just mean and unkind please don’t. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just stop the holiday family posts any other time my children step mom has my blessing to snap their picture I get it I made cute kids they are perfect and they are mine.

“I will forever have trust issues with men thanks to you and I will forever only see my kids grow up half the time thanks again to you but what Im asking is for you to be a better ex-husband.

“If there is a concert and your their first saving your parents front row seats save me one too IM THERE MOTHER and its the nice thing to do.

“If I allow them to spend my Halloweens at your house because their friends all live in your neighborhood possibly invite me to trick or treat with them or Jake.

“Im begging you to be thoughtful and kind to what I go through especially around the holidays that is it- don’t want to fight and I really do hope that one day you and your wife can experience having a baby of your own that you will have full time and never have to share.”

Obviously, Brandi’s sharp-tongued wine-throwing ways have earned her some enemies over the years, but it’s hard not to feel for her after reading an email like that.

Consider us firmly Team Brandi on this one. 

Brandi Glanville SLAMS Eddie Cibrian on Twitter: He"s a Liar!

Earlier this week Brandi Glanville made some comments about LeAnn Rimes during an interview for Nik Richie’s podcast.

If you know anything about the history of Brandi and LeAnn’s relationship, then you know those comments didn’t consist of pleasantries about what LeAnn’s been doing with her hair lately.

It was nothing more than the same sort of gripes that Brandi has shared repeatedly over the years (she complained about not having her kids on Christmas, and LeAnn’s habit of over-sharing on social media), but this time, Eddie Cibrian shot back at Brandi, publicly accusing her of lying about his wife and the custody situation.

Naturally, Brandi fired back, but it’s LeAnn who she’s got in her crosshairs this time:

“Sad that my ex has to go to the press & call me a liar when HIS LIES broke up our family,” Brandi wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted. “He knows I cud just share our emails & be vindicated.”

Yup. She took it all the way back to Eddie having an affair with LeAnn while he was still married to Brandi.

That was over six years ago, but we imagine the wound is still pretty fresh if you’re in Brandi’s situation.

Naturally, we’re dying to know what’s in those emails.

Brandi has exposed Eddie as a deadbeat dad in the past, and it seems she’s holding on to more damaging information just to shut him up in this sort of situation.

While some things never change, however, it seems Brandi is turning over a new leaf, as she not only deleted her initial tweets about Eddie, she also said something positive about (while sneaking in a dig at Eddie, of course):

“I deleted a couple tweets,” Brandi wrote last night. “I really don’t want to start this new year feuding with my baby daddy let’s stay positive (me included).

“1last note, what mom wouldn’t want HER kids full time?They have been with me since birth. Im glad they have Leann to support them cuz u cant.”

Sounds like Brandi’s feelings about LeAnn have changed a bit…but we’re guessing they;ll be at each other’s throats again soon enough. We’ll have our popcorn ready.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Eddie Cibrian: Brandi Glanville is LYING About LeAnn Rimes!

We’re guessing that neither Brandi Glanville nor LeAnn Rimes resolved to tone down the drama in 2016, because we’re just one week into the new year, and the two ladies in Eddie Cibrian’s life are very much at each other’s throats.

The last dust-up started earlier this week when Brandi slammed LeAnn for tormenting her with social media photos of her happy family life with Glanville’s kids and ex-husband.

“I have an issue with her posting pictures of my children on holidays,” Brandi said in an interview. “It’s horrible. If my ex-husband, if their dad isn’t posting pictures, why is she?

“Get that vodka out, I’ll grab three bottles of chardonnay, cry myself to sleep and look at what they’re doing for Christmas. It’s hell.”

We’d say Brandi’s just looking for an excuse to get wasted, but we all know she doesn’t need one.

LeAnn has yet to respond to accusations that she’s essentially using Brandi’s kids as props or pawns, but Eddie went to bat for his wife in a recent interview with People:

“Brandi is lying,” Cibrian said. “She lies for the sake of publicity and she has to bring in my wife unfortunately for it to make headlines. It isn’t fair.

“She never asked LeAnn to not post pictures of the kids during the holidays, ever. They don’t even talk!” 

He went on to claim that Brandi is just playing the drunken victim, which is a role she’s definitely perfected over the years:

“She sees the kids as much as I do,” Cibrian says. “She was with them for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. And I miss my kids tremendously when they’re not with me, but I don’t ask her not to post pictures.

“The kids have lived in a household with LeAnn and me longer than they ever lived in a household with me and Brandi. This is normal.” 

Wow. Eddie basically dropped the mic on that one. Somewhere, Brandi just threw a wineglass at her MacBook.

Monday, October 5, 2015

LeAnn Rimes & Scheana Marie: Bonding Over Banging Eddie Cibrian?

Back in 2009, Eddie Cibrian was living the life of a Hollywood playboy and banging anything with a pulse.

That would be all well and good, were it not for the fact that Eddie was married to Brandi Glanville at the time.

Everyone knows that Eddie cheated on Brandi with LeAnn Rimes, but many have forgotten that LeAnn wasn’t Eddie’s only sidepiece.

Because one mistress apparently wasn’t enough, Eddie was also sleeping with Scheana Marie, who’s best known as one of the stars of Bravo’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills spinoff, Vanderpump Rules.

Yes, Scheana works for Brandi’s friend Lisa Vanderpump. Awkward.

Even more awkward? The fact that Scheana and LeAnn are apparently BFFs, despite the fact that Scheana used to bang LeAnn’s husband while LeAnn was dating him

LeAnn and Scheana have even been known to give one another shout-outs on Twitter, such as when the reality star was rocking out to one of Mrs. Cibrian’s forgotten pop jams over the weekend:

“Rocking out on Pop2k with @MusicKillsKate and Can’t Fight the Moonlight comes on! Next karaoke song for me? @leannrimes lol,” Scheana tweeted.

Moments later, LeAnn tweeted back, “@scheanamarie @MusicKillsKate if there’s no video it never happened! #mustfilm.”

So we might soon have video of one of the women Eddie Cibrian cheated on his wife with singing a song by one of the other women Eddie Cibrian cheated on his wife with.

We imagine that’ll be pretty weird for Eddie. 

Hey, maybe this means LeAnn and Brandi can be friends one day, after all!